Handleiding PC Risk II

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Simply click on the chosen
game type on the Select Game
Type screen. Click on the Play
button to continue to the next
An Overview of Classic RISK
RISK II is the all-time classic game of strategy and world domination. You
can play RISK either as a single-player game against computer opponents,
as a Hot-Seat game for up to 8 players around one computer, or over a
LAN (local area network).
You can win in Classic RISK in
three different ways: dominate
a percentage of the world,
capture enemy capitals, or
complete a secret mission.
Play takes place on a global
map divided into six continents
and 42 territories (48 if you
switch on the new additions).
The defense of these territories
must be planned carefully, or
certain victory may easily
become defeat. Heavy casualties
may result with the unexpected
loss of a key territory
or continent.
Same Time RISK Tutorials
1. Overview
2. What game options can I choose from in Same Time RISK?
3. How do I bring more troops in to play?
4. What is Restricted Reinforcement?
5. How do I use my RISK Cards?
6. How do I attack another player?
7. What is a Surge Attack?
8. Resolving battles — Dice
9. Resolving battles — Dice Comparisons
10. What is a Tactical Move?
11. Missions
12. Capital RISK
13. World Domination
Though there are many gameplay options within RISK II, there are two
basic game types:
Classic Classic is the world-renowned classic game with all of
the features and elements of the classic board game.
Fans of the board game will not be disappointed, as
the Classic game has never looked this good and is
presented with a variety of options.
Same Time RISK If you are looking for a fresh challenge, you will be
thrilled to discover the delights of Same Time RISK,
in which each player carries out all of the game tasks
at the same time. Same Time RISK takes the classic
game to the next level of strategy gaming.
RiskII_JC_ManInt 6/18/03 5:09 PM Page 8
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Merk PC
Model Risk II
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 2.12 MB

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