Handleiding PC Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 - Wacky Worlds

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Japanese Coastal Reclaim
An existing park has run out of space. Your only option is
to build out into the sea, and so you have taken out a loan.
Height restrictions on your building are enforced due to
foundations/earthquake risk.
Great Wall of China Tourism Enhancement
The authorities have decided to enhance tourism around the
Great Wall by building a theme park on the adjacent land.
Money is no object!
Maharaja Palace
You have been commissioned by the Maharaja to bring enter-
tainment to the large local population. Build a park inspired
by the Maharaja’s Palace.
Ayers Rock
You are helping the Aboriginal people build a park as part of
a cultural awareness program. You need to attract a large
number of guests and educate them in the unique heritage of
the Aboriginal people.
Fun at the Beach
A local entrepreneur’s sealife park has gone bust. You already
operate a small park and need to raise the money to buy the
bankrupt park from the construction company. Do this by
developing your own park into a big combination park.
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Wacky Worlds contains 17 new sce-
narios on seven continents that you can explore at your own
pace. It also includes new rides and scenery themesbut
we’ll let you find those on your own! Here are brief descrip-
tions of the continental challenges that await you in Wacky
Victoria Falls
A dam has been built offering abundant, cheap hydroelectric
power with which to run a park. You need to reach a high
park value to help repay the loan for the dam.
Diamond Mine
You have inherited an abandoned diamond mine, and find a
valuable diamond. You decide to invest that money to build a
world-famous theme park.
A desert oasis has been discovered and would provide a
beautiful location for a park. Transport to the oasis has been
The environment agency has turned to you to transform an old
oil refineryecological eyesoreinto a top tourist attraction.
Land is cheap but loan interest is high. You can sell the old
buildings for salvage.
2681 RCT2 Manual Int 3/20/03 10:14 AM Page 6
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Merk PC
Model Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 - Wacky Worlds
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.28 MB

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