Handleiding PC Splinter Cell

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Alarms: Note that if an enemy detects Sam, or even suspects the presence of an intruder, they have been specifically
trained to alert nearby comrades or trigger an alarm, rather than engage Sam by themselves. Because of the extremely
covert nature of Splinter Cell operations, indiscretion with alarms can lead Third Echelon to abort a mission.
Sam Fisher Profile
Fisher has been on the front lines of espionage in several defining conflicts throughout the
past decades. He has not only survived, but also excelled in the field of covert operations
through hard work, insatiable curiosity, and brutal honesty. He has little time for polite
niceties and even less for lies.
Though fully aware and confident of his abilities, Fisher understands that his survival has
often been a gift of chance. He knows he is human and fallible and does not want to
die. He has a strange and slightly dark sense of humor.
He is quiet, instinctive, and observant: somebody who watches from the outside.
Combat, espionage, and constant training have defined his adult life; his tactical
experience has become part of his instinct. Now, even outside of work he is most
comfortable on the fringes of society, keenly observant but still removed.
Fisher has acquired an admirable collection of scars and secured his place in Valhalla; he
has little left to prove to the world. Now older and wiser, he has no interest in glory. If
he fights, it is because he believes the cause is necessary and he is capable.
It Is the Year 2003
In response to the growing use of sophisticated digital encryption to conceal potential threats to the national security of
the United States, the NSA (National Security Agency) has ushered forth a new dawn of intelligence-gathering tech-
niques. This top-secret initiative, dubbed Third Echelon, marks a return to classical methods of espionage, enhanced with
leading-edge surveillance and combat technology for the aggressive collection of stored data in hostile territories. When
intelligence deemed critical to national security cannot be obtained by traditional means, Third Echelon is granted clear-
ance to conduct physical operations.
Its existence denied by the U.S. government, Third Echelon deploys units known as Splinter Cells
: elite intelligence-gath-
ering forces consisting of a lone field operative supported by a remote team. Like a sliver of glass, a Splinter Cellis
small, sharp, and nearly invisible.
March 10, 2004: The CIA contacted NSA officials regarding the loss of contact with Agent Alison Madison, a CIA opera-
tive monitoring widespread communication shortages plaguing the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. A second opera-
tive, Agent Blaustein, was inserted into the Georgian capital T’bilisi to locate Agent Madison, only to drop from contact
seven days later. Fearing for the lives of American agents compromised at the hands of a suspected terrorist effort,
Third Echelon has activated Splinter Cell operative Sam Fisher to locate the missing agents and evaluate the situation.
You are Sam Fisher. You must leave no trace on the physical or political map. Remember: Although killing may com-
promise secrecy, the choice between leaving a witness or a corpse is no choice at all. You do not exist. You are a
Splinter Cell.
About Stealth Action
Sam’s ability to operate covertly is his most valuable asset against overwhelming enemy forces. The visibility meter on
Sam’s OPSAT is an important indicator of stealth. If it is completely to the left, Sam is invisible to enemy surveillance. If
it is completely to the right…Sam is in critical danger of being detected and/or intercepted. Remaining under the cover
of shadows is an important stealth technique, but crouching, moving slowly, and keeping your back to the wall also con-
tribute to Sam’s invisibility.
A Splinter Cell operative must not only defy enemy eyes, but also enemy ears. Consider that while running and jumping
are sometimes necessary movements, they also generate sound – a golden invitation for an enemy patrol to investigate
your position. Moving slowly while crouched is much more likely to avoid enemy investigation.
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Merk PC
Model Splinter Cell
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.09 MB

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