Handleiding PC Tactical Ops - Assault on Terror

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Tactical Ops – Assault on Terror is an action-oriented semi-realistic first-person
Tactical Ops Assault on Terror pits two teams, the elite Special Forces
and the Terrorists, against each other in a battle to the death in different loca-
tions around the world. There are a variety of different scenarios available to
play including the basic hostage rescue scenario, right through to C4 bomb-
ing missions and the theft of a prototype weapon. The locations where the sce-
narios are fought vary, from the towering dam of “Verdon,” to the snows of the
Antarctic in “IcyBreeze,” or the remote church of “Monastery.” Money is
rewarded for successfully winning a round. However, the losers will get a little
bit to keep them healthy. This cash can be used to purchase weapons, items,
and body protection to help your team in their struggle. Money can also be
saved to buy bigger and better weapons to out-smart the opposing forces.
System Requirements
CPU Intel Pentium
200 MHz, AMD K6 200 MHz
or better processor
Memory 64 MB RAM
Available HD Space 120 MB
CD-ROM Drive 4x or faster CD-ROM or 4X or faster DVD-
ROM drive
Audio System DirectX
8.0a compatible sound card
Video System 8MB 3D video card
Operating System Windows
NT 4.0
Network and Internet Play via TCP/IP (56 K minimum speed)
CPU Intel Pentium
II 450 MHz or more
Memory 128 MB RAM or more
Available HD Space 650 MB
CD-ROM Drive 4x or faster CD-ROM or 4X or faster DVD-
ROM drive
Audio System DirectX
8.0a compatible sound card
Video System 16MB 3D video card or better
Operating System Windows
Network and Internet Play via TCP/IP (56 K or faster)
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Merk PC
Model Tactical Ops - Assault on Terror
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.73 MB

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