Handleiding Philips AE5000 Radio

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Power Supply General Information
Do not mix battery types: e.g. alkaline with car-
bon zinc. Only use batteries of the same type
for the set.
When inserting new batteries, do not try to mix
old batteries with the new ones.
Remove the batteries if the set is not to be used
for a long time.
Batteries contain chemical substances, so
they should be disposed of properly.
Using AC power
1 Check if the power voltage, as shown on
the type plate located on the rear of
the set, corresponds to your local power
supply. If it does not, consult your dealer or
service center.
2 Connect the supplied power cord to the AC
MAINS (located on the rear panel) and the
wall socket.The set is now connected and
ready for use.
3 To switch the set off completely, withdraw the
power cord from the wall socket.
Install the unit near the AC outlet and where
the power plug can be easily reached.
Disconnect the power cord from the wall
socket to protect your set during heavy thun-
•AC power cord is used as the disconnect
device. It shall remain readily operable and
should not be obstructed during intended
use.To be completely disconnected the appa-
ratus from supply mains, the power cord of
the apparatus shall be disconnected from the
mains socket outlet completely.
The type plate is located on the
rear of the set.
General information
About Digital Audio Broadcasting
DAB digital radio is a new way of broadcast-
ing radio via a network of terrestrial transmit-
ters. It provides listeners with more choice
and information delivered in crystal clear,
crackle-free sound quality.
- The technology allows the receiver to lock
on to the strongest signal it can find.
- With DAB digital stations, there are no fre-
quencies to remember, and sets are tuned by
station name, so there is no re-tuning on the
What is a multiplex?
Digital radio operation is made up of a single
block of frequencies called a multiplex. Each
multiplex works within a frequency spec-
trum, such as Band III for DAB broadcasts.
Helpful hints:
–You will receive DAB stations only within your
DAB transmission area.
DAB Broadcasters and DLS
Each DAB broadcaster (or multiplex opera-
tor) also provides text and audio data servic-
es. Some programmes are supported by
Dynamic Label Segments (DLS).This is data
which you can read as scrolling text on your
DAB radio display. Some stations transmit the
latest news, travel, and weather, what's on
now and next, website addresses and phone
For more information on digital radio cover-
age and services, please visit www.drdb.org
AE5000_05_CCR_Eng/Nor/Dan 2007.9.19 16:28 Page 5
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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Philips AE5000 Radio. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Philips. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Philips AE5000 Radio in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Philips
Model AE5000
Categorie Radio's
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.92 MB

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Wat is DAB+? Geverifieerd

DAB+ is de opvolger van het FM signaal en staat voor Digital Audio Broadcasting. Het is een digitaal signaal dat meer zenders mogelijk maakt op dezelfde golflengte en het makkelijker maakt van zender te wisselen.

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Wat is het verschil tussen FM en AM? Geverifieerd

FM en AM zijn beide vormen van modulatie waarmee een signaal kan worden verzonden. FM staat daarbij voor Frequency Modulation en AM staat voor Amplitude Modulation. AM is de oudste vorm van modulatie. Het grootste verschil is dat het FM signaal vele malen beter is dan het AM signaal.

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Handleiding Philips AE5000 Radio

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