Handleiding Philips AE5000 Radio

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Changing the DAB station
In DAB broadcasting, on the display, the first
line shows a station name, and the second
line shows the service information for the
current station.You are offered with 7 types
of information.
Press DISPLAY repeatedly to cycle through
the display information in the sequency as fol-
low (See 7, take "BBC Radio 5 Live" as an
example of a station name):
1: Dynamic Label Segment (DLS):This
is scrolling text information supplied by the
DAB station, such as music titles or details of
the programme.
2: Program Type (PTY):This is a descrip-
tion of the type of programme, provided by
the DAB station and the broadcaster.
3: Multiplex Name:This will show the
multiplex that is broadcasting the programme
you are listening to.
4: Time and Date:This displays the time
and date, provided by the broadcaster.
5: Channel and Frequency:This displays
the channel number and the transmission fre-
6: Signal information:This shows the digi-
tal bit-rate and the signal mode.
7: Signal Error Rate: If the transmisstion
signal contains errors, the system can apply
correction.The amount of signal correction
can be displayed as a numerical value
between 0 and 99. As the value increases, the
signal will be degraded.To improve reception,
try adjusting the position of the antenna.
Using the MENU control
The menu control lets you access the DAB
radio setup options.
1 In DAB mode, press MENU to enter the
menu options.
The first setup option "Manual tune" is
2 Press
1 / 2 to scroll up and down the menu
Manual tune - > Autoscan local - >
Autoscan full - > DRC value ->
Sw version
3 To select an option, press SELECT.
4 Repeat steps 2-3 if sub-option is available
under one option.
Manual tune
By using this feature, it is possible to manually
tune to a specific channel/frequency. In addi-
tion to antenna orienting for better radio
reception, the optimum reception can also be
obtained by using this feature.
1 In DAB mode, press MENU to display
"Manual tune" option.
2 Press SELECT to make a selection.
Display shows a channel and its frequen-
3 Press 1 / 2 repeatedly until desired
channel/frequency appears.
4 Press SELECT to confirm the selection.
The second line of the display shows the
selected channel and its frequency.The
first line of the display shows a rectangle.
The position of the rectangle indicates
the degree of signal strength (The further
towards the right, the greater the signal
. See
5 Adjust the position of the antenna to obtain
the optimum signal strength.
6 Press SELECT to return to normal display.
You may press DISPLAY to change the
service information on the display.
DAB Radio
AE5000_05_CCR_Eng/Nor/Dan 2007.9.19 16:28 Page 8
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Merk Philips
Model AE5000
Categorie Radio's
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.92 MB

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Wat is DAB+? Geverifieerd

DAB+ is de opvolger van het FM signaal en staat voor Digital Audio Broadcasting. Het is een digitaal signaal dat meer zenders mogelijk maakt op dezelfde golflengte en het makkelijker maakt van zender te wisselen.

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Wat is het verschil tussen FM en AM? Geverifieerd

FM en AM zijn beide vormen van modulatie waarmee een signaal kan worden verzonden. FM staat daarbij voor Frequency Modulation en AM staat voor Amplitude Modulation. AM is de oudste vorm van modulatie. Het grootste verschil is dat het FM signaal vele malen beter is dan het AM signaal.

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Handleiding Philips AE5000 Radio

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