Handleiding Philips EXP3373 Discman

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Supplied Accessories:
1 x headphones HE225/HE270
1 x EXPANIUM CD-ROM (free musicmatch jukebox software)
1 x AA battery door
2 x Rechargeable ECO-PLUS NiMH batteries AY3363
1 x AY3870 SOUND STATION and 1 x AY3195 (please refer to the SOUND
STATION user manual)
CONTROLS ( see figure 1)
1 .............................display
2 ESP.................... selects between the battery powersave mode and
Electronic Skip Protection (ESP). ESP prevents playback
interruptions caused by shocks.
3 PROG................. programs tracks and reviews the program.
4 DISPLAY ............MP3/WMA- CD only: selects the track/album information.
5 MODE................ selects playback options (e.g. SHUFFLE, REPEAT).
6 OPEN 2...............opens the CD lid.
7 LINE OUT/ p.......3.5mm headphone jack;
jack to connect the player to another audio input of an
additional appliance;
8 SOUND STATION docking jack ....connects to SOUND STATION docking
pins (please refer to the SOUND
STATION user manual )
,.............adjusts the volume.
0 DBB.....................switches the bass enhancement on/off. When pressed for
more than 2 seconds, the button switches audible feedback
(beep) on/off.
! 2; ........................switches the player on, starts playback and pauses playback.
......................MP3/WMA- CD only: selects the next/previous album or
skips forward/backward tracks.
/§ .................skips and searches tracks backward/forward.
9 ..........................stops playback/clears programmed tracks/ switches off the
@ 4.5V DC...............jack for external power supply.
# OFF.......................switches RESUME and HOLD off.
RESUME.............saves the last position played.
HOLD...................locks all buttons (on the set only)
$ .............................typeplate
% .............................AA battery door
This set complies with the radio interference requirements of the
European Union.
You can use 2 battery sizes with this set:
alkaline batteries type AAA (LR03, UM4) or AA (LR6, UM3).
Helpful Hints:
Use AA batteries to enjoy longer playback time.
Old and new or different types of batteries should not be combined.
Remove batteries if they are empty or if the player is not going to be used for a
long time.
Batteries contain chemical substances, so they should be disposed of properly.
Inserting AAA (LR03, UM4) or AY 3363 batteries
1 Open the battery compartment.
2 Insert AAA batteries as shown onto the back of the
AAA battery door.
3 Fit the AAA battery-loaded door onto the battery
Inserting AA (LR6, UM3) batteries
1 Open the battery compartment.
2 Insert AA batteries as shown into the battery com-
3 Close the battery compartment with the AA marked
Battery indication
The battery level is shown in the display screen as follows:
Battery full
Battery two-thirds full
Battery one-third full
Battery dead or empty. When the batteries are dead, flashes,
Pls replace batteries is displayed and you
will hear beep sounds.
BATTERIES (not included) / ECO-PLUS NIMH
Average playing time of batteries under normal conditions
Battery type Power Save
Alkaline AA 10 hours 20 hours
Alkaline AAA 5 hours 10 hours
Rechargeable 4 hours 6 hours
ECO-PLUS NiMH battery
ECO-PLUS NiMH batteries information (for versions supplied with the
rechargeable ECO-PLUS NiMH batteries AY 3363)
Recharging works only on players supplied with the rechargeable ECO-PLUS
NiMH batteries AY 3363.
Recharging the ECO-PLUS NiMH battery on board
1 Insert the rechargeable ECO-PLUS NiMH battery AY3363 into the CD player.
2 Connect the AY3195 power adapter to the DC
8V jack of the SOUND STATION and to the
wall outlet.
3 Check that the player is switched off.
4 Hold the player with the display facing for-
wards, and carefully slot the player onto the
SOUND STATION (please refer to
is pulsing and CHARGING is displayed.
Recharging stops after a maximum of 7 hours, or when you start playback.
5 When the battery is fully recharged, Batt. full appears in the display.
Helpful Hints:
– During recharging, batteries may get warm.
LR6 / UM3
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.61 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Philips EXP3373 Discman. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Philips. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Philips EXP3373 Discman in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Philips
Model EXP3373
Categorie Discmans
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.61 MB

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Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Kan ik krassen op een CD zelf repareren? Geverifieerd

Krassen zorgen ervoor dat de laser de schijf niet goed meer kan lezen. Als de krassen niet te erg zijn, kunnen deze soms zelf gerepareerd worden door de schijf te poetsen met een licht schurend middel. Idealiter wordt een professioneel schurend poetsmiddel gebruikt, maar het is ook mogelijk om gewone tandpasta te gebruiken. Na het poetsen moet de schijf goed worden afgespoeld en drogen. Er zijn ook gespecialiseerde zaken die dit kunnen doen.

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Handleiding Philips EXP3373 Discman

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