Handleiding Philips MCD988 Stereoset

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Important notes for users in the
Mains plug
This apparatus is fitted with an approved 13
Amp plug. To change a fuse in this type of plug
proceed as follows:
1 Remove fuse cover and fuse.
2 Fix new fuse which should be a BS1362 3 Amp,
A.S.T.A. or BSI approved type.
3 Refit the fuse cover.
If the fitted plug is not suitable for your socket
outlets, it should be cut off and an appropriate
plug fitted in its place.
If the mains plug contains a fuse, this should
have a value of 3 Amp. If a plug without a fuse
is used, the fuse at the distribution board
should not be greater than 3 Amp.
Note: The severed plug must be disposed of to
avoid a possible shock hazard should it be
inserted into a 13 Amp socket elsewhere.
How to connect a plug
The wires in the mains lead are coloured with
the following code: blue = neutral (N),
brown = live (L).
As these colours may not correspond with the
colour markings identifying the terminals in
your plug, proceed as follows:
Connect the blue wire to the terminal
marked N or coloured black.
Connect the brown wire to the terminal
marked L or coloured red.
Do not connect either wire to the earth
terminal in the plug, marked E (or e) or
coloured green (or green and yellow).
Before replacing the plug cover, make certain
that the cord grip is clamped over the sheath
of the lead - not simply over the two wires.
Copyright in the U.K.
Recording and playback of material may
require consent. See Copyright Act 1956 and
The Performer’s Protection Acts 1958 to 1972.
Typeskilt finnes på apparatens underside.
Observer: Nettbryteren er sekundert
innkoplet. Den innebygde netdelen er
derfor ikke frakoplet nettet så lenge
apparatet er tilsluttet nettkontakten.
For å redusere faren for brann eller elektrisk
støt, skal apparatet ikke utsettes for regn eller
Si dichiara che l’apparecchio MCD988 Philips
risponde alle prescrizioni dell’art. 2 comma 1
del D.M. 28 Agosto 1995 n. 548.
Fatto a Eindhoven
Philips Consumer Electronics
Philips, Glaslaan 2
5616 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Use of controls or adjustments or
performance of procedures other than
herein may result in hazardous
radiation exposure or other unsafe
Muiden kuin tässä esitettyjen
toimintojen säädön tai asetusten
muutto saattaa altistaa vaaralliselle
säteilylle tai muille vaarallisille
pg 001-024_MCD988_Eng-12 2007.9.7, 14:002
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Merk Philips
Model MCD988
Categorie Stereosets
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.87 MB

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