Handleiding Philips SQM9222 Muurbeugel

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4 5
1 Important safety instructions
Read these instructions before you begin. If you are unsure of any
part of the process, contact a professional contractor or installer for
assistance. Improper installation can result in injury or damage.
The wall or mounting surface must be capable of supporting the
combined weight of the mount and the display; if not, the structure
must be reinforced.
Locate pipes, wires, or any other hazards in the wall where you wish
to install the mount before drilling.
Safety gear and proper tools must be used. Failure to do so can result
in injury or damage.
Two people are recommended for installation. Do not attempt to lift
a heavy display without assistance.
Follow all instructions and recommendations regarding adequate
ventilation and suitable locations for mounting your display. Consult
the owner‘s manual for your particular display for more information.
This wall mount is intended for use only with the maximum weight of
25 kg (55 lbs). Use with heavier than the maximum weights indicated
may result in instability causing possible injury.
2 Full motion wall mount (for LCD, Plasma, and
LED displays)
What's in the box
Full motion mount (x1)
Adapter (x4)
Plastic cover (x2)
User manual (x1)
Hardware kit (x1)
Hardward kit
Drywall screw (x2)
Washer (x6)
Concrete anchor (x2)
M6 x 12 screw (x8)
M6 lock nut (x4)
S10 wrench (x1)
M4 x 12 screw (x4)
M4 x 20 screw (x4)
M6 x 20 screw (x4)
Spacer (x4)
Tools required
Phillips head screw driver
Electric or portable drill
3 mm (1/8”) drill bit and stud nder for drywall installation
8 mm (5/16”) Masonry bit for concrete installation
3 Installation
Mount to the drywall
For safety reasons, this mount must be secured to a wood stud of supporting
the combined weight of the mount and display. Do not mount to drywall alone.
1 Use a high quality stud nder to locate a stud where you wish
to install your mount. Mark both edges of each stud to help
identify the exact center.
You must use the center of the stud to avoid cracking or splitting the
wood during installation.
2 Place the mount against the wall over the marked stud. Make
sure it is level and right side up.
3 Mark two locations (one top and one bottom) at the center of the
stud for securing the mount to the wall (see Fig. 1) and set it aside.
4 Drill a 3 mm (1/8”) pilot hole at each marked location.
5 Place the mount back against the wall and attach it using the
drywall screws
and two of the washers
provided (see Fig.
2). Do not over-tighten these screws. Ensure that the mount
remains level after all screws are secured.
Mount to the concrete wall
For safety reasons, the concrete wall must be capable of supporting the
combined weight of the mount and the display. The manufacturer takes no
responsibility for failure caused by walls of insufcient strength.
1 Place the mount against the wall in the desired location and
make sure it is level and right side up.
2 Mark two locations (one top and one bottom) for securing the
mount to the wall (see Fig. 3) and set it aside.
3 Drill an 8 mm (5/16”) hole at each marked location. Remove
any excess dust from the holes.
4 Insert a concrete anchor
into each hole so that it is ush
with the concrete surface (see Fig. 4). A hammer can be used
to lightly tap the anchors into place if necessary.
If the concrete wall is covered by a layer of plaster or drywall, the concrete anchor
must pass completely through the layer to rest ush with the concrete surface.
5 Place the mount back against the wall and attach it using the
drywall screws
and two of the washers
provided (see
Fig. 2). Do not over-tighten these screws. Ensure that the
mount remains level after both screws are secured.
Attaching the display plate to the display
Use extra care during this part of the installation. If possible, avoid facing
down your display as it may damage the viewing surface.
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2015 © Gibson Innovations Limited.
All rights reserved.
This product has been manufactured by, and is sold
under the responsibility of Gibson Innovations Ltd., and
Gibson Innovations Ltd. is the warrantor in relation to this
Philips and the Philips Shield Emblem are registered
trademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V. and are used under
license from Koninklijke Philips N.V.
User manual
Manual del usuario
sqm9222_27_2L_um_150731.indd 1-3 31/07/2015 18:27:03
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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Philips SQM9222 Muurbeugel. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Philips. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Philips SQM9222 Muurbeugel in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Philips
Model SQM9222
Categorie Muurbeugels
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.67 MB

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Kan ik mijn muurbeugel ook aan een gipswand bevestigen? Geverifieerd

Ja, maar hiervoor dienen speciale pluggen gebruikt te worden. Voor bevestiging aan een holle gipswand dient de muurbeugel aan het houten frame achter de wand bevestigd te worden.

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Handleiding Philips SQM9222 Muurbeugel

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