Handleiding Remington MB70 Titanium Baardtrimmer

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A 9-position Zoom Wheel pro-
vides the greatest choice of
cutting lengths for a consistent
trim every time. Adjust the
trimming length by rotating
the Zoom Wheel to the desired
position number. Refer to the
chart at right for the position
number of your desired
beard length.
Dual-blade system enables
you to quickly change from a
standard-width blade for full
grooming to a narrow-width
blade for detail trimming
around a mustache or goatee,
defining the beard line and
clipping any stray single
whiskers that may have been
missed. With the trimming
guide attachment removed, depress the head rotation but-
ton to rotate and position the desired blade over vacuum
intake port. Be sure the head is locked into position before
9-position Zoom Wheel
Dual-blade system
(MB-70, MB-100)
To recharge these models, use only the charging adapter provided.
Turn the trimmer OFF. Insert the adapter plug into the bottom
of the trimmer, then plug the adapter into an electrical outlet.
The charging indicator will glow green, indicating the unit is
charging. A full charge will take approx. 14-16 hours.
Your trimmer cannot be overcharged. You may leave it
plugged in between uses. However, if the trimmer is not going to
be used for an extended period (2 weeks), unplug the unit and
recharge when resuming use.
Corded Rechargeable Operation
(MB-100 only)
The MB-100 may be used with the cord plugged in or
(MB-70 only)
The MB-70 is designed for cordless operation only.
Plugging in the adapter cord will not provide power to the
trimmer, but only recharge the batteries.
Hair Length Selector and Removable
Trimmer Guard Attachment
NOTE: Trimmer guard must be attached to the trimmer
in order to use the hair length selector.
The hair length
selector and trimmer guard attachment ensures precise
trimming and has nine adjustable positions:
Setting Beard Style Length
1 Stubble look 1.5 mm - 0.06"
2 2.5 mm - 0.1"
3 Short 4 mm - 0.16"
4 5.5 mm - 0.22"
5 Medium 7 mm - 0.28"
6 9 mm - 0.35"
7 11 mm - 0.43"
8 Long 14 mm - 0.55"
9 18 mm - 0.71"
Operating Your Trimmer
Roll the Zoom Wheeltoward the top of the trimmer to
adjust for longer length, and toward the bottom of the trimmer
for shorter length. The wheel will click into one of nine positions.
Begin trimming at one of the longest settings (#8 or #9) to
avoid accidentally trimming hair too short. As you become
familiar with the settings, you can then select your desired length setting.
Trimmer Guard Attachment
Remove trimmer guard attachment if you are defining hairline edges such as
sideburns, trimming the nape of your neck, trimming your beard line on front of
neck, or if you want to clean the cutter assembly.
To remove:
Be sure the trimmer is in the OFF position.
While holding trimmer in one hand and holding the
Zoom Wheel to prevent it from turning, gently pull the trim-
mer guard attachment away from the trimmer. The guard
can be removed and replaced on any setting.
To replace:
Be certain trimmer is in OFF position.
While holding the trimmer in one hand, and holding the Zoom Wheel
to prevent it from turning, slide the guard over the top of the trimmer until
it clicks into position.
NOTE: The trimmer guard attachment can only be placed on the trimmer
one way; if it does not fit properly, remove and reverse it.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.64 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Remington
Model MB70 Titanium
Categorie Baardtrimmers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.64 MB

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Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Kan ik een baardtrimmer ook voor hoofdhaar gebruiken? Geverifieerd

Baardtrimmers hebben dunnere bladen dan tondeuses, en zijn hierdoor beter geschikt voor korte haren. Tondeuses zijn specifiek ontworpen om hoofdhaar bij te werken.

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Handleiding Remington MB70 Titanium Baardtrimmer

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