Handleiding REV RWM-20 Rookmelder

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Instruction manual Mini Smoke Alarm
Type: RWM-20
Thank you for purchasing this Mini Smoke Alarm. Please read the instructions for use and installation carefully and be sure to follow them!
Pass these instructions on to the person or company that installs the smoke alarm!
The Mini Smoke Alarm is also suitable for use in caravans, boats etc.
Home smoke alarm for private use.
One smoke alarm is required per 60m² of floor area per storey.
Install a smoke alarm in every bedroom and corridor.
The smoke alarm must be placed in the centre of the room.
Affix a smoke alarm to the ceiling of the uppermost floor in each staircase.
Corners and walls: Leave a gap of at least 50cm between the smoke alarm and any corners or walls.
Steam: Avoid installing the smoke alarm in close proximity to sources of steam, as these could cause false alarms (e.g. cooking vapours, showers)
Fans/ventilation systems: Avoid installing the smoke alarm close to ventilation devices. These could prevent smoke from entering the smoke alarm’s detection
chamber, thereby preventing the alarm from functioning properly. The maximum permitted air speed where the alarm is installed is 1.5m/s.
Dead air spaces with no air movement:
Avoid installing the smoke alarm on sloping roofs. Ensure a minimum distance of 10cm from the roof ridge.
Lights: Do not affix the smoke alarm directly next to a light source (minimum distance 30cm).
Alarm: The red warning light flashes every 344 seconds (5:44 minutes) when the alarm is in standby mode. As soon as the smoke alarm detects smoke, it switches
into alarm mode.
It triggers the alarm signal and the red warning light flashes continually.
Functional test: On the bottom surface is the button that carries out a functional test. When this is held down for more than one second, the smoke alarm will be
triggered and the LED will flash continually. Once the test button is released, the alarm will cease a few seconds later and the smoke alarm will go into alarm switch-off
Switching off/muting the alarm: When the device triggers the alarm signal, the alarm can be switched off manually by pressing the test button for one second. The
switch-off is reversed automatically after 9 minutes, which is indicated by the LED flashing every 10 seconds. As soon as a critical level of smoke is detected, or the
test button is held down for longer than 1 second, the alarm signal will be triggered again.
Error mode: If the smoke alarm emits a short beep three times every 43 seconds, the device is in error mode. Clean the surface of dust using a dry, lint-free cloth. If
error mode is still indicated, the smoke alarm is no longer operational and must be replaced.
Battery warning: Once the battery has reached the end of its usable life, a short tone will sound every 43 seconds. Holding the test button down for three seconds
will switch off the battery warning for 8 hours. Replace the smoke alarm immediately once the battery warning has sounded more than four times.
Alarm memory: An alarm event is saved for 24 hours and is indicated by the LED flashing green three times.
End of life indicator: After 10 years of operation, the smoke alarm will switch into error mode and must be replaced promptly.
Battery: The device contains a 3V lithium battery. The battery has a service life of approx. 10 years and cannot be replaced. The whole smoke alarm must be
replaced once the battery has been drained.
Warning: Lithium batteries can explode or cause fires if they are handled improperly!
Cleaning: Remove the device from the mounting plate and clean the outer surface regularly with a dry, lint-free cloth. Vacuum all visible openings with a vacuum
cleaner (recommended every 3 months). Carry out a functional test after cleaning the appliance.
Do not paint or stick anything to the smoke alarm, as this can impair its ability to function!
Type: RWM-20
Principle: Photoelectric smoke detection
Voltage: 3V lithium battery
Quiescent current consumption: < 3μA
Current consumption during alarm: < 200mA
Ambient temperature: 0 - 45°C
Volume: 85 dB at a distance of 3m
Dimensions: 42,5 × Ø50,8mm
Weight: 54g
Maximum air humidity: 93%
Mandatory standard: EN 14604:2005/AC:2008
Installing in the wrong place reduces the effectiveness
of the smoke alarm!
Fix the smoke alarm to the ceiling with
a gap of at least 50cm to the wall or corner!
Living room Kitchen
Compulsory locations for installation Recommended locations for installation
Staircase Bedroom
ANL_RWM-20.indd 3 09.01.2018 11:46:00
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 4.55 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk REV
Model RWM-20
Categorie Rookmelders
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 4.55 MB

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Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Waar moet ik mijn rookmelder ophangen? Geverifieerd

Dit verschilt per situatie, maar in een woning is het aan te raden op elke verdieping ten minste 1 rookmelder te plaatsen. Doe dit het liefst op gangen waar kamers op uit komen en niet direct naast een keuken of badkamer. Houd ook altijd tenminste 30 centimeter ruimte tussen een rookmelder en een lamp.

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Kan ik kaarsen gebruiken als ik een rookmelder heb? Geverifieerd

Dit hangt voor een deel af van de gevoeligheid van de rookmelder. In veel gevallen kan een kaars gebruikt worden zolang deze niet in directe nabijheid van een rookmelder staan. Bij het uitblazen van de kaarsen kan wel rook vrijkomen die de rookmelder kunnen laten afgaan.

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Is een rookmelder hetzelfde als een koolmonoxidemelder? Geverifieerd

Nee! Een rookmelder kan niet fungeren als koolmonoxidemelder en vice versa.

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Handleiding REV RWM-20 Rookmelder

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