Handleiding Roving Networks RN-BT-SRL-UM Bluetooth adapter

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Turning the Adapter On & Off
To turn the adapter on, press the red button for 1 second until the green and blue LEDS begin flashing and then release it.
After a moment, the blue LED goes off and the green LED remain flashing to indicate the device is turned on and not
To turn the adapter off, press the red button for 1 second until the green and blue LEDs begin flashing and then release it.
All the LEDs turn off.
By default, the adapter automatically turns off if it is not connected over Bluetooth for more than 3 minutes (i.e., 180
seconds). You can control the sleep timer duration using the S+ command. For example, S+,600 sets the timer to 10
Use the O command to display the sleep timer’s current settings.
Batteries & Charging
Only use NiMH rechargeable batteries when externally powering the adapter. Applying power with alkaline batteries
installed causes battery acid to leak and destroys the adapter (and surrounding environment).
The red LED turns on solid when external power is present. When the adapter is on, a blinking blue LED indicates low
battery. The battery life between charges depends on use. With typical usage the adapter should operate for at least 10
continuous hours between charges. Enabling sniff mode can extend the battery life (see Table 2).
You can apply external power from either the 5-V DC plug or pin 9 on the DB9 connector. The power plug is center pin
positive, outer cylinder ground. The input MUST be 5-V DC for proper battery charging. Higher voltages can permanently
damage the charger and battery.
Table 2. RN-270 Battery Life Table (Note 1)
Sniff Mode
Sniff Time (ms)
Battery Life
(with Status LEDs)
Battery Life
(without Status LEDs)
8 hrs, 20 mins
10 hrs
17 hrs
19 hrs, 30 mins
17 hrs, 30 mins
20 hrs
18 hrs
20 hrs, 30 mins
1. The times shown are approximate and should be used as a reference only. Battery life varies depending on the type of batteries
used. New rechargeable batteries tend to have a longer battery life than older rechargeable batteries. Alkaline batteries, Energizer
batteries in particular, tend to last twice as long as rechargeable batteries.
Reducing Power when Connected
You can adjust the power used while connected by setting the sniff mode. By default, sniff mode is disabled and the radio
is active continuously when connected (using about 25 30 mA). With sniff mode enabled, the radio sleeps in very low
power mode (around 2 mA) and wakes up at specific intervals. Using sniff mode, the power savings can be quite dramatic.
To enable this mode, use the SW,<hex word> command. Refer to the Bluetooth Advanced User Manual on the Support
page of the Roving Networks website at http://www.rovingnetworks.com/Support_Overview for more information on using
sniff mode.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.72 MB)
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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Roving Networks RN-BT-SRL-UM Bluetooth adapter. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Roving Networks. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Roving Networks RN-BT-SRL-UM Bluetooth adapter in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Roving Networks
Categorie Bluetooth adapters
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.72 MB

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Werkt bluetooth door muren en plafonds heen? Geverifieerd

Een bluetooth signaal kan door muren en plafonds heen, tenzij deze van metaal zijn. Afhankelijk van de dikte en het materiaal van de muur zal het signaal wel in sterkte afnemen.

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Handleiding Roving Networks RN-BT-SRL-UM Bluetooth adapter

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