Handleiding Secura ASD-500 Zeepdispenser

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Automatic Soap Dispenser
User Manual
Liquid Soap Volume Control
If Dispenser Doesn't Work
Technical Data
1. Spout
2. Infrared sensor sender
3. Battery compartment
4. On/Off Switch & Liquid Soap Volume Control
5. Container lid
1. Insert 4 "AA" batteries into the battery
compartment according to the diagram in the
battery compartment.
2. Open the container lid. (Figure 2)
3. Fill with liquid soap. (Figure 3)
4. Turn the On/Off switch to "On" and adjust the
soap volume control to the middle of its setting.
5. Put your hand under the sensor within 0~2.75 in
to let the dispenser start to work. (For first time
use, repeat this process several times until the
soap begins to dispense). (Figure 4)
1. Place the dispenser on a flat, level surface.
2. If wall mounting, do not install the dispenser
above a mirrored surface or close to running
water, as this might cause it to activate
3. This product is for indoor use. Exposure to
direct sunlight will destroy the sensor system.
4. Use liquid soap with a low concentration of
5. Avoid placing this product in areas where it
could become covered in water.
6. Keep the liquid clean.
7. If you will not be using the dispenser for an
extended period of time, empty the container of
soap, clean the dispenser out and remove the
batteries. Store it in a dry place.
8. Do not subject the On/Off switch to too much
exposure to water.
1. The volume of liquid soap dispensed can be
adjusted from 0.03~0.19 oz. by rotating the On/Off
2. Rotating the On/Off switch towards the bottom
of the dispenser will increase the amount of soap
dispensed. Rotating it in the opposite direction will
decreasee the amount of soap dispensed.
1. Make sure the batteries are placed in the
battery compartment correctly and that they are
2. Check that the On/Off switch has been switched
to the "On" position.
2. The liquid soap could become congealed in
the spout or dispensing tube due to lack of use of
the dispenser or cold/dry weather. If that is the
case, pour out any soap remaining in the
container, fill the container with warm soapy
water and then operate the dispenser several
times until the water begins to dispense from the
spout. Pour out any remaining soapy water and
refill the container with liquid soap.
1. Clean the dispenser's surface with wet towel,
battery compartment with dry towel.
If Soap is not Dispensed
1. If this is the first use of the dispenser, place
your hand under the sensor (within 0~2.75 in)
several times until the soap begins to flow out of
the spout.
Secura Inc.
Tel: 888-792-2360
Brookfi eld, Wisconsin. USA
Model: ASD-500
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.05 MB)
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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Secura ASD-500 Zeepdispenser. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Secura. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Secura ASD-500 Zeepdispenser in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Secura
Model ASD-500
Categorie Zeepdispensers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.05 MB

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Hoe lang moet ik mijn handen wassen? Geverifieerd

Voor een optimaal resultaat is het het beste om je handen ten minste 20 seconden lang te wassen.

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Handleiding Secura ASD-500 Zeepdispenser

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