Handleiding Shure IntelliMix Room 7.0

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Shure Incorporated
Table of Contents
IntelliMix Room Audio Processing Software 4
What is IntelliMix® Room? 4
What Do I Need to Use IntelliMix Room? 4
Choosing a Channel Count 5
How to Purchase IntelliMix Room 5
IntelliMix Room Free Trial 5
System Requirements 5
Optimizing Windows for Conference Room Audio Pro
cessing 6
Installation Guide 6
Installing IntelliMix Room 6
Installing with Mass Deployment Tools 7
IntelliMix Room Firewall Changes 8
Basics of Shure Designer Software 8
Discovering IntelliMix Room in Designer 9
Uninstalling IntelliMix Room 9
Updating IntelliMix Room 9
How IntelliMix Room Licenses Work 9
Activating IntelliMix Room 10
Renewing a License 12
Deactivating Licenses 12
Moving or Reassigning Licenses 12
License Server Details 12
Using Videoconferencing Software with IntelliMix Room 1
Routing Microphone Signals to the DSP 13
Routing Far-End Audio to IntelliMix Room 15
Sending Far-End Audio to Loudspeakers and Other
Sources 16
Use Cases 16
Overview of Shure Conferencing Devices 16
Use Case: IntelliMix Room, 2 MXA310s, and Display with
Built-In Speakers 18
Use Case: IntelliMix Room, 2 MXA910s, and Loudspeak
ers 19
Applying DSP Blocks 20
Using Designer's Optimize Workflow 20
Schematic View 21
Parametric Equalizer 22
EQ Contours for IntelliMix Room 24
Acoustic Echo Cancellation 24
Noise Reduction 25
Compressor 25
Delay 26
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) 26
Mute and Fader Groups 26
Adjusting Input levels 27
Pre- and Post-Gain Metering 27
When to Use the Input and Automixer Gain Faders 27
Matrix Mixer 27
Crosspoint Gain 28
Routing Channels 28
Automix Modes 28
Gating 28
Gain Sharing 28
Manual 28
Automix Settings 28
Automixer Direct Out Tap Points 29
Network Setup Examples 30
Choosing Networks for Shure Control and Dante Audio 32
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 3.85 MB)
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Merk Shure
Model IntelliMix Room 7.0
Categorie Software
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 3.85 MB

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Handleiding Shure IntelliMix Room 7.0

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