Handleiding Siemens LU16150GB Afzuigkap

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Some installation systems require the opening and removal of the metal grille panel.
2.1 - Instructions for opening and removing the metal grille panel
To open the grille panel, press inwardly on the two slider catches at each side of the grille panel and the
grille will pivot down.
To remove the metal grille, pull forward on the right hand side so that the hinge pin on the back of the
grille will be released from the slot in the side of the casing.
2.2 - Wall cabinet fixing
a - Predrilled wall cabinet: fix the hood onto the wall cabinet base panel using the four screws 4.2 x 45 mm
(supplied with the fixing kit).
It is not necessary to open the metal grille.
b - No predrilled wall cabinet:
b.1 - If the hood is provided with a paper fixing template, follow the instructions.
b.2 - If the hood is not provided with a paper fixing template, position the hood on the wall cabinet base
panel and pilot drill the 3.5 x 16 mm screws (not supplied with the fixing kit) from the inside onto the
2.3 - Wall mounting
a - Drill two Ø 8 mm holes on the wall using the paper template, insert two rawl plugs and two 4.2 x 44,4
mm screws leaving 5 mm untightened. Open the metal grille panel, hook the hood on and fully tighten
the screws.
b - If the hood is not provided with a paper fixing template, drill two Ø 8 mm holes (see draw.), insert the
plugs and screws, proceeding as directed under paragraph a.
c - For wall mounting using wallbrackets (optional), follow the instructions of the fixing template.
d - Pay attention to the safety regulation of point 1.6.
2.4 - Choice of operating mode
a - Evacuation mode
To check that the hood is set up for evacuation, open the grille panel and make sure that the conversion
lever or the change-over knob on the centrifugal unit is in the DUCTING position. The charcoal filter is
not required.
For ducting to the outside, the hood is supplied with a rear and top outlet. A flange spigot of 100 mm di-
ameter (120 mm in certain models) is usually fitted on the top outlet and a blanking plug on the rear out-
let. If you choose to duct the hood from the rear of the casing, you should invert the position of the flan-
ge and of the blanking plug. Pay attention to the safety regulation 1.1.
b - Internal recirculation mode
To check that the hood is set up for recycling, open the grille panel and make sure that the conversion
lever or the change-over knob on the centrifugal unit is in the RECYCLING position.
The charcoal filter is to be fitted. To fit the charcoal filter, support the filter with one hand and turn the
thumb screw through the centre of the charcoal filter. If the filter is of the interlocking type, turn the filter
clockwise. The hood can remain connected to the outside.
2.5 - Electrical connection and working test
1 - The safety measures 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 of paragraph 1 are to be strictly observed.
2 - Once the electrical connection has been completed, check that the worktop illumination, motor and
speeds work properly.
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Merk Siemens
Model LU16150GB
Categorie Afzuigkappen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.36 MB

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Hoe hoog moet een afzuigkap minimaal boven een kookplaat hangen? Geverifieerd

Dit kan licht verschillen per merk, maar over het algemeen kunt u 65 centimeter aanhouden voor afzuigkappen boven een gaskookplaat en 50 centimeter boven een elektrische of inductiekookplaat. Deze afstanden zijn er ter bevordering van de brandveiligheid.

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Heb ik een afzuigkap met of zonder motor nodig? Geverifieerd

Afzuigkappen met motor zijn bedoeld voor wanneer er een directe luchtafvoer naar buiten beschikbaar is. Een afzuigkap zonder motor is bedoeld om aan te sluiten wanneer er een centraal afzuigsysteem is. Sluit nooit een afzuigkap met motor aan op een centraal afzuigsysteem!

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Handleiding Siemens LU16150GB Afzuigkap

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