Handleiding SilverCrest IAN 103107 Walkie-talkie

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SilverCrest SPMR 8000 A1
4 - English
Thank you for choosing a SilverCrest product.
Your SilverCrest SPMR 8000 A1 consists of two portable handheld radio transceivers with a maximum
range of 8 km. Using this PMR set is free of charge, so there is no need to pay any licence fees, etc. You
can choose from eight channels for communicating between the two stations. The handheld transceivers
are protected against light rain.
You can use your PMR set anywhere you need to communicate with other people. For instance, you can
keep in touch with your children while they are playing in the garden. Once you have found an
interference-free channel, communication will be limited only by obstacles and the maximum range.
Intended use
This handheld radio transceiver set is a consumer electronics device. The SilverCrest SPMR 8000 A1
handheld radio transceiver set has been designed for communicating with other people. The handheld
radio transceiver set may be used only for private purposes, and not for industrial or commercial
purposes. It may not be used in tropical climates. Only cables and external devices that comply with
safety standards and the electromagnetic compatibility and shielding quality of this device may be used.
This handheld radio transceiver set fulfils all relevant norms and standards associated with CE Conformity.
Any modifications to the handheld radio transceiver set may mean that these norms cease to be met. The
manufacturer is not liable for any damage or interference resulting therefrom. Only use the accessories
recommended by the manufacturer. Any use other than that mentioned above does not correspond to the
intended use.
Observe the regulations and laws in the country of use.
Power your PMR off when on an aircraft and the cabin attendants instruct you to do
so. You must follow the airline flight and cabin crew instructions when using the
Power the product off wherever you encounter any signs indicating you must do so.
Hospitals and medical facilities may use devices that are sensitive to RF fields.
In some countries it is forbidden to use your PMR while driving a vehicle, in which
case stop your vehicle beside the road before using it.
Do not touch the antenna while transmitting, as this may result in decreased range.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.61 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je SilverCrest IAN 103107 Walkie-talkie. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met SilverCrest. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van SilverCrest IAN 103107 Walkie-talkie in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk SilverCrest
Model IAN 103107
Categorie Walkie-talkies
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.61 MB

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Handleiding SilverCrest IAN 103107 Walkie-talkie

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