Handleiding SuperFish X-Pro 1500 Aquariumfilter

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GB - SuperFish X-Pro 1000 - 1500 - 2000 External Filter
1 Read carefully before usage.
2 The X-Pro may only be used indoor in upright position.
3 Ensure voltage shown on the label match to the mains supply voltage.
4 Use only with aquarium water, not with other liquids, maximum liquid temperature 40⁰C.
5 Never let the lter run dry, make sure it has water inside the pump during running.
6 Never close taps when the lter is running as this will cause the pump to overheat
7 Unplug or switch o all appliances in the aquarium before carrying out maintenance.
8 Make a drip loop in the power cable to avoid water getting into the power socket.
9 The power cord cannot replaced in case of damage, the whole unit needs to be recycled.
10 This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of
experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instructions concerning the use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the
hazards involved. Children may not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be done by children without supervision.
Installation (For the correct installation diagram see page 2)
1 Rinse lter and all parts with clean tap water to remove any dirt and residues.
2 Cut outlet U-bar (blue) to desired length (A1), be sure to leave space for three O-rings (A2). Install the three O-rings.
3 Install outlet U-bar, choose from two option for the water return; install either the spray bar (B1) or the jet spray (B2).
4 Secure the spray bar to your aquarium with the suction cups.
5 Connect the telescopic inlet tube on to the inlet U-bar (C1). Adjust the Inlet tube to the desired height.
6 Connect the hoses; rst turn the nut on the connector to open, insert the hose and turn back to lock (D1), be sure to tighten the water hoses securely!
7 Surface skimmer; if you do NOT wish to use the optional surface skimmer, plug the supplied cover over the skimmer attachment (E1). For maximum
skimmer eect keep aquarium waterline at the same level as the surface skimmer collection cup (E2).
8 To open the lter, lift the handles out and up (F1) over the hinges and let the handles fall to the outward position (F2). Use the carrying handle to
lift the lter head up (F3). Make sure that all four handles are in the outward position and free from the hinges.
9 The X-Pro is supplied with lter media, however you can add or change media as you like. Replacement foam, carbon and other media is available
from you Supersh dealer (G1).
10 The aquarium water travels through the lter media from the bottom moving to the top. Make sure that the media baskets and the media cover are
in the right position with the opening under the water outlet of the pump. Then place the lter cover (H1).
11 Close lter, make sure the rubber seal is in the right position, place handles on the hinges, press the bottom of the handles inward towards the body
of the lter. Make sure all four handles are secure and locked.
12 Install the Shut-O valve, make sure that the lever is in the up position and that all O-rings are present and installed correctly (I1). Put the valve in
place and press down rmly, now press the lever to the down position to secure and open the valve (I2).
13 The Shut-o valve is labelled IN (red hose connector) and OUT (blue hose connector) for the corresponding water ow direction. Connect the hoses,
rst turn the nut on the connector to open, insert the hose and turn back to lock, be sure to tighten the water hoses securely (J1)!
14 Now prime the lter. If you have installed the optional skimmer, make sure to lower the skimmer inlet below the water surface, before using the
prime pump. This prevents air to come into the system. Make sure the prime button is in the down position. Pull out on the prime button until you
reach the top position (K1). Firmly push down on the prime button to the down position (K2). The aquarium water will start to ll the lter. Now
insert the plug into the socket so that the lter will work. If the aquarium water does not start owing into the lter, check all the tube and hose
connections to make sure that they are securely fastened.
1 Clean lter 1 x per month or as soon as there is a signicant ow decrease indicating that the lter needs cleaning.
2 Turn of the lter by unplugging it from the power socket.
3 Close the Shut-o valve by pulling the lever to the upwards position.
4 Now you can remove the lter and take it to kitchen or washing area for cleaning. When carrying the lter, always support it with your other hand
underneath the canister.
5 Never use chemicals for cleaning, make sure buckets, tools and sponges are free of chemicals.
6 Open the lter and clean foam sponges, replace sponges every 2-3 months.
7 Only rinse lter media when needed, because cleaning will destroy the bacteria life. Cleaning or changing media should be done in stages, every
month 1 basket.
8 Activated carbon has a limited lifetime as it absorbs chemicals and coloration and needs to be replaced every 1-3 months depending the level of
pollution. Remove the Activated Carbon when administering medicines or chemicals, otherwise they will be absorbed by the carbon.
9 Inspect the rotor, turn the rotor cover counter-clockwise to remove it (L1), lift the rotor out of the house for cleaning (L2). If you hear excessive noise,
the rotor is wearing and needs replacement. This is normal and is not covered by warranty. Spare rotors are available from your SuperFish dealer.
10 When cleaning the lter inspect the rubber seal ring and clean it. Use a silicone based lubricant on rubber seal ring before re-installation. Make sure
that the top rim of the canister is clean and free of any debris before re-installing the lter cover.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.59 MB)
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Laat hier weten wat jij vindt van de SuperFish X-Pro 1500 Aquariumfilter. Als je een vraag hebt, lees dan eerst zorgvuldig de handleiding door. Een handleiding aanvragen kan via ons contactformulier.

Frank Hilbich 08-05-2023
Ik heb de superdisco x pro 1500 gekocht en aangesloten volgens de gebruiksaanwijzing. Er komt onregelmatig lucht uit de ventilatieopening. Alle filterinzetstukken zitten goed. Wat kan de reden zijn? Ik heb de slangen niet ingekort. Hartelijke groeten Frank Hilbich

beantwoord | Ik vind dit nuttig (1) (Vertaald door Google)
Chrichri 22-03-2022
Ik heb een xpro 1500 rotor HS pomp, wat zijn de afmetingen? Ja kan ik het vinden?

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Katy avet 27-07-2023
Beste, wat moet er eigenlijk eerst in de filter? En welke lagen boven elkaar,zwart, of wit? Of maakt dit niet veel uit ?

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ADRIAAN 25-04-2024

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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je SuperFish X-Pro 1500 Aquariumfilter. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met SuperFish. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van SuperFish X-Pro 1500 Aquariumfilter in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk SuperFish
Model X-Pro 1500
Categorie Aquariumfilters
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.59 MB

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Ik heb een aquariumfilter met sponzen. Hoe vaak moet ik deze vervangen? Geverifieerd

Sponzen dienen enkele keren per jaar vervangen te worden. Na verloop van tijd slijten sponzen en kunnen ze het water niet meer optimaal filteren.

Ik vind dit nuttig (90) Lees meer

Ik heb een aquariumfilter met actieve kool. Hoe vaak moet ik deze vervangen? Geverifieerd

Actieve kool verliest na ongeveer twee weken zijn functie en moet dan vervangen worden om het water goed te blijven filteren.

Ik vind dit nuttig (42) Lees meer

Wat is het verschil tussen een binnen- en buitenfilter? Geverifieerd

Binnenfilters bevinden zich in het aquarium en worden doorgaans voor kleinere aquaria gebruikt. Buitenfilters bevinden zich buiten het aquarium en worden voor grotere aquaria gebruikt. Buitenfilters hebben vaak een grote capaciteit en kunnen lang zonder onderhoud.

Ik vind dit nuttig (40) Lees meer
Handleiding SuperFish X-Pro 1500 Aquariumfilter

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