Handleiding Tanita UM-051 Weegschaal

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Tanita Body Fat Monitor/Scales allow you to determine your body fat
percentage at home as easily as you measure your weight.
What is Body Fat Percentage?
Body fat percentage is the percentage of fat in your body. Too much body
fat has been linked to conditions such as high blood pressure, heart
disease, diabetes, cancer, and other disabling conditions.
With this device, persons 18 and 19 years old should use the evaluation
scale for persons 20 - 39 years old, and persons age 80 and over should
use the evaluation scale for persons age 60 - 79.
The BIA Method
Tanita Body Fat Monitor/Scales use the BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance
Analysis) technique. In this method, a safe, low-level electrical signal is
passed through the body. It is difficult for the signal to flow through fat in
the human body, but easy to flow through moisture in the muscle and other
body tissues. The difficulty with which a signal flows through a substance
is called impedance. So the more resistance, or impedance, the signal
encounters, the higher the body fat reading.
Body Fat Percentage Fluctuations in a Day
Hydration levels in the body may affect body fat readings. Readings are
usually highest in the early waking hours, since the body tends to be
dehydrated after a long night’s sleep. For the most accurate reading, a
person should take a body fat percentage reading at a consistent time of day
under consistent conditions.
Besides this basic cycle of fluctuations in the daily body fat readings,
variations may be caused by hydration changes in the body due to eating,
drinking, menstruation, illness, exercising, and bathing. Daily body fat
readings are unique to each person, and depend upon one’s lifestyle, job
and activities.
Thank you for selecting a Tanita Body Fat Monitor/Scale. This model uses
the BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) technique, a state-of-the-art
technology for body fat assessment.
Safety Precautions
Persons with implanted electronic medical equipment, such
as a pacemaker, should not use the Body Fat Monitor feature
on this Tanita Body Fat Monitor/Scale. This Body Fat
Monitor/Scale passes a low-level electrical signal through
the body, which may interfere with the operation of a
The Tanita Body Fat Monitor/Scales are intended for home use only.
This unit is not intended for professional use in hospitals or other
medical facilities; it is not equipped with the quality standards required
for heavy usage experienced under professional conditions.
•Do not use this unit on slippery surfaces such as wet floors.
Important Notes for Users
This Body fat monitor is intended for adults and children (ages 7-17) with inactive to
moderately active lifestyles.
It is not intended for people with athletic body types. Tanita defines “athlete” as a
person involved in intense physical activity of at least 10 hours per week and who
has a resting heart rate of approximately 60 beats per minute or less.
People with athletic body types should use Tanita Body Fat Monitor/Scales
equipped with Athlete mode.
This scale is not intended for pregnant women, professional athletes or
Recorded data may be lost if the unit is used incorrectly or is exposed to
electrical power surges. Tanita takes no responsibility for any kind of loss
caused by the loss of recorded data.
Tanita takes no responsibility for any kind of damage or loss caused by these
units, or any kind of claim made by a third person.
Note: Read this Instruction Manual carefully and
keep it handy for future reference.
Note: Body fat percentage estimates will vary
with the amount of water in the body, and can be
affected by dehydration or over-hydration due to
such factors as alcohol consumption,
menstruation, illness, intense exercise, etc.
Tanita’s patented “foot-pad”
design sends a safe, low-
level electrical signal
through the body to
determine its composition.
UM051/取説 06.2.22 6:14 PM ページ5
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Merk Tanita
Model UM-051
Categorie Weegschalen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.95 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over Tanita UM-051 Weegschaal

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Mijn weegschaal geeft een onrealistisch laag gewicht aan wanneer ik er op sta, hoe kan dat? Geverifieerd

Voor het beste resultaat dient de weegschaal op een hard en egaal oppervlak te staan. Wanneer de weegschaal bijvoorbeeld op een kleed staat kan dit het meetresultaat beïnvloeden.

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Wat is BMI? Geverifieerd

BMI staat voor Body Mass Index en kan worden berekend door uw gewicht in kilogram te delen door uw lengte in meters in het kwadraat. Zo heeft iemand van 70 kilo en een lengte van 1,75 meter een BMI van 22,86. Een BMI tussen de 18,5 en 25 wordt als gezond beschouwd.

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Er is een batterij in mijn apparaat gaan oxideren, kan ik het nog veilig gebruiken? Geverifieerd

Ja, het apparaat kan nog veilig gebruikt worden. Verwijder eerst de geoxideerde batterij. Doet dit niet met blote handen. Reinig daarna het batterijcompartiment met een wattenstaafje gedipt in azijn of citroensap. Laat het drogen en doe nieuwe batterijen in het apparaat.

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Kan ik de weegschaal gebruiken met natte voeten? Geverifieerd

Dit hangt af van de weegschaal. Bij een diagnostische weegschaal is het nodig dat je voeten droog zijn om de meting goed uit te voeren.

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Handleiding Tanita UM-051 Weegschaal

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