Handleiding Technika THM2070NG Geiser

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Water temperatures above 50 can cause severe burns or death from scalding.
Children, the disabled and the elderly are at a high risk of being injured. Feel the water
temperature before bathing or showering. Do not leave children, disabled persons, or the
elderly unsupervised. The Australian Standards AS 3498 gives full details of the
requirements for supply of controlled temperatures to ablution outlets (bathrooms) and is
required to conform to all plumbing codes within Australia.
Ensure the following warnings and instructions are read and understood before commencing
Carefully plan where you intend to install the water heater.
Please ensure: The water heater has adequate space for natural ventilation
Is located where water leakage will not damage surrounding areas
Has all transit protection/packaging removed.
Check the name plate and gas type label for the correct GAS TYPE, GAS PRESSURE, WATER
PRESSURE and ELECTRIC RATING; If this unit does not match operating condition, do not
install and consult with your supplier.
If any problem should occur, turn off the gas, all hot water taps and call a licensed professional
Installation and service must be performed by a licensed professional (for example, a licensed
plumber or gas fitter).
The licensed professional is responsible for the correct installation of the water heater and for
compliance with all relevant national, state and local regulations.
The water heater must be installed OUTDOORS ONLY. DO NOT install water heater indoors.
Not to be used as a pool heater.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammables, vapors, or liquids in the vicinity of this
appliance. Vapors from flammable liquids will explode and catch fire causing death or severe
Do not reverse the water and/or gas connections as this will damage the gas valves and can
cause severe injury or death. Follow the diagram on p. 6 & 7 when installing your water
Do not use this appliance if any part has been in contact with or been immersed in water.
Immediately call a licensed professional to inspect and/or service the unit if necessary.
Do not disconnect the electrical supply if the ambient temperature will drop below freezing.
The Freeze Prevention System only works if the unit has electrical power. The warranty will
not be covered if the heat exchanger is damaged due to freezing. Refer to the section on
the Freeze Prevention System on p. 19 for more information.
The water heater requires careful and correct installation to ensure safe and efficient operation.
This manual must be followed. Please read the “SAFETY GUIDELINES” and the “IMPORTANT
NOTES” sections at the beginning of this manual.
Check the gas type label and the name plate for the correct gas type, gas pressure, water pressure
and electrical rating for your application. Do not install the unit if these requirements are not met.
Gas Type Label
Position on Unit
Rating Label
Position on Unit
This equipment is not suitable for pool or spa heating.
Water hardness may affect the water heater performance. It is important that the water
heater is installed in water conditions that are suitable for long term operation.
This is a water heating apparatus only and the delivered water quality is dependent upon the
quality of water supplied to this system.
The connection, attachment, integration or general association of other equipment or parts
not specified by the water heater which either directly or indirectly affect the operation or
performance of this equipment could void the warranty.
The manifold pressure is preset at the factory. It is computer controlled and should not need
Please follow the electrical earthing procedure outlined in AS/NZS3000 & AS/NZS3500
before cutting or uncoupling existing metallic pipework.
It should be as close as practical to the hot water outlets to minimise heat loss and cost.
The water heater does not require a fireproof back plate if installed on a timber wall.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.99 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Technika
Model THM2070NG
Categorie Geisers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.99 MB

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Er komt water uit het overdrukventiel, is dat normaal? Geverifieerd

Ja, een boiler is een drukvat. Als de druk te hoog wordt dan zal de boiler dit verlagen door water af te voeren via het overdrukventiel. Degene die de boiler heeft geïnstalleerd zou goede afvoer moeten hebben aangelegd.

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Wat is het verschil tussen een boiler en een geiser? Geverifieerd

Een boiler verwarmt het water voordat je het wilt gebruiken in de boiler. Bij een geiser wordt het water slechts verwarmt dat er doorheen stroomt wanneer je de kraan opendraait. Hierdoor kan het warme water bij een boiler op zijn wanneer alle voorraad is verbruikt. Daarnaast is het water dat uit een boiler komt direct warm, waarbij het water uit een geiser eerst koud is.

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Handleiding Technika THM2070NG Geiser

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