Handleiding Tefal GC715D40 OptiGrill+ Contactgrill

Handleiding voor je Tefal GC715D40 OptiGrill+ Contactgrill nodig? Hieronder kun je de handleiding gratis bekijken en downloaden als PDF in het Nederlands en/of Engels. Dit product heeft 0 veelgestelde vragen, 0 comments en heeft 0 stemmen. Is dit niet de handleiding die je zoekt, neem dan contact met ons op.

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Do not
Do not use the appliance outside.
Never leave the appliance unattended when plugged in or in use.
To prevent the appliance from overheating, do not place it in a corner or below a wall cupboard.
Never place the appliance directly on a fragile surface (glass table, tablecloth, varnished furniture,
etc.) or on a soft surface such as a tea-towel.
Never place the appliance under a cupboard attached to a wall or a shelf or next to inflammable
materials such as blinds, curtains or wall hangings.
Never place the appliance on or near hot or slippery surfaces; the power cord must never be close
to or in contact with hot parts of the appliance, close to a source of heat or resting on sharp edges.
Do not place cooking utensils on the cooking surfaces of the appliance.
Never cut food directly on the plates,
Do not use metal scouring pads, abrasive wire wool or harsh scouring powder as this may damage
the nonstick coating.
Do not move the appliance when in use.
Do not carry the appliance by the handle or metallic wires.
Never run the appliance empty.
Do not use aluminium foil or other objects between the plate and the food being cooked.
Do not remove the grease collection tray while cooking. If the grease collection tray becomes full
when cooking: let the appliance cool down before emptying.
Do not place the hot plate on a fragile surface or under water.
To preserve the non-stick properties of the coating, avoid excessive pre-heating with the appliance
The plates should never be handled when hot.
Do not cook food in aluminium foil.
To avoid spoiling your appliance, do not use flambé recipes in connection with it at any time.
Do not place a sheet of aluminum or any other object between the plates and the heating element.
Never heat or cook whilst the grill is open.
Never heat up the appliance without the cooking plates.
Thank you for buying this appliance, which is intended for domestic use only.
For your safety, this appliance complies with the applicable standards and regulations - Low voltage
directive - Electromagnetic compatibility - The environment - Materials in contact with food.
On first use, there may be a slight odour and a little smoke during the first few minutes.
Our company has an ongoing policy of research and development and may modify these products
without prior notice.
Do not consume foodstuff that comes into contact with the parts marked with logo .
If the food is too thick, the safety system will stop the appliance from working.
Environment protection first!
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled.
Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 4.56 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Laat hier weten wat jij vindt van de Tefal GC715D40 OptiGrill+ Contactgrill. Als je een vraag hebt, lees dan eerst zorgvuldig de handleiding door. Een handleiding aanvragen kan via ons contactformulier.

Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Tefal GC715D40 OptiGrill+ Contactgrill. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Tefal. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Tefal GC715D40 OptiGrill+ Contactgrill in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Tefal
Model GC715D40 OptiGrill+
Categorie Contactgrillen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 4.56 MB

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Handleiding Tefal GC715D40 OptiGrill+ Contactgrill

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