Handleiding Tesco KS14021 American Charcoal Barbecue

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American Charcoal Grill
Assembly instructions
Produced in China for TESCO Stores Ltd.
Tesco 2017
Before you start
Great care has been taken during production to remove sharp
edges but you should handle all components with care to
avoid possible injury.
• Keep a fire extinguisher handy.
• Hot fat may drip at the bottom of the firebowl so keep your
feet clear.
• If fire flares up due to dripping fat, douse flames with fine
water spray.
DO NOT touch metal parts of the BBQ until it has
completely cooled to avoid burns. BBQ handles will be hot
and unsafe to touch during use, unless you are wearing
protective gear (pot holders, gloves, BBQ mittens,
hot pad etc).
• Never handle charcoal after lighting.
• Ensure coals have completely burnt before removing
the ash.
• Not to be installed in or on recreational vehicles and/or
• Store away ONLY when barbecue is completely
extinguished and cool.
• In construction of this BBQ use all and only the
components provided.
Caution! Do not use spirit or petrol for lighting or
relighting.Use only firelighters complying with EN1860-3.
Caution! Keep well away from heat sensitive materials
and objects.
After use, extinguish and allow cooling.
• Only store away when thoroughly cool and extinguished.
Caution! To avoid damage to property, ALWAYS place this
appliance on a surface which is suitably heat resistant as
this appliance will get extremely hot during operation.
Caution! To avoid injury, be aware that the resting
surface directly beneath this appliance will get very hot
during operation and will remain very hot sometime after
afterwards-keep feet, other limbs and all property/item
well away from this area.
Attention! This barbecue will become very hot. Do not
move it during operation.
Warning: Keep children and pets away.
• Important! Please retain this manual for future reference.
• Unwrap all packaging materials and place components on
top of carton box or on a clean floor to prevent it from
Keep small parts out of reach of children.
Stand your barbecue on a safe, level surface, well away from
flammable items such as wooden fences or over-hanging
tree branches.
Keep children and pets away.
An adult should always be in charge of the BBQ. Never leave a
hot barbecue unattended.
Be careful of sharp edges during assembly.
When you are ready to start, make sure you have the
right tools, plenty of space and a clean, dry area for
Check the pack and make sure you have all the parts listed.
During assembly,children should be kept away from the product
due to possible risk of injury.
Ensure this product is fully assembled as illustrated before use.
To clean, wipe with a sponge and soapy water. Do not use
solvent based cleaners or detergents as they can bleach or
damage this product.
Tools not included.
Do not use spirit or petrol for lighting or re-lighting!
Use only firelighters complying to EN1860-3!
ATTENTION! Once lit, DO NOT move your BBQ or leave
it unattended!
Always make sure the barbecue is fully extinguished and
completely cool before applying any covers OR
storing away-remember coals can remain hot for sometime and
could re-ignite under certain conditions UNLESS fully damped
down and/ or extinguished.
CAUTION! NEVER STORE a barbecue indoors unless ALL coals
and ash have been thoroughly removed and thrown away
outdoors and
all barbecue
surfaces have
been cleaned
and are
cool, as otherwise this could lead to fire and/or emissions of
poisonous gases which could cause death.
DO NOT use power tools to construct this product.
DO NOT over tighten screws or bolts.
DO NOT tighten screws until fully assembled.
DO NOT sit or stand on the product.
DO NOT use the product if parts are missing, damaged or worn.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 3.52 MB)
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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Tesco KS14021 American Charcoal Barbecue. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Tesco. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Tesco KS14021 American Charcoal Barbecue in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Tesco
Model KS14021 American Charcoal
Categorie Barbecues
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 3.52 MB

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Wat is het verschil tussen houtskool en briquetten? Geverifieerd

Briquetten bestaan uit de resten van de houtskoolproductie, waardoor de eigenschappen anders zijn. Houtskool brand sneller en bereikt een hogere temperatuur. Briquetten daarentegen, branden langer en hebben een meer constante temperatuur.

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Laat hier weten wat jij vindt van de Tesco KS14021 American Charcoal Barbecue. Als je een vraag hebt, lees dan eerst zorgvuldig de handleiding door. Een handleiding aanvragen kan via ons contactformulier.

Fay 22-05-2020
Ik heb de handleiding gelezen en kan geen informatie vinden over wanneer het deksel wel of niet moet worden gesloten?

beantwoord | Ik vind dit nuttig (2) (Vertaald door Google)
Jujo 31-05-2020
Hallo hoe kan ik de instructies voor deze bbq downloaden bedankt

beantwoord | Ik vind dit nuttig (1) (Vertaald door Google)
Darren simpkin 23-03-2021
Hallo, ik heb net deze bbq voor me laten brengen en ik heb hem bij elke stap ingesteld, maar ik krijg het deksel niet rechtop als het open is. Kan iemand mij helpen dit op te lossen?

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Handleiding Tesco KS14021 American Charcoal Barbecue

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