Handleiding Tesco MM1715C Magnetron

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Microwave Oven
Tesco Stores Ltd, Delamare Road,
Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 9SL
Item Weight Cooking Time StandingTime
Cod fillets 450g 3-4 minutes 4-10 minutes
Cod steaks 225g 3-4 minutes 4-10 minutes
Haddock fillets 225g 3-4 minutes 4-10 minutes
Kipper fillets 450g 3.4 minutes 4-6 minutes
Plaice fillets 225g 3-4 minutes 6-8 minutes
Trout (2 fish, gutted but whole) turn fish over half way through 4-6 minutes
The times given above are approximate and should be adjusted to suit portion sizes and individual taste. The
average cooking time for fish is around 4 minutes per 450 g (1 lb). The fish should be lightly covered during the
standing period.
Is it cooked? Temperature should reach 70º C for fish. Fish should be opaque and flake easily.
Defrosting by Weight
Most frozen foods can easily be
defrosted by weight.
$ Determine the weight of the food.
$ Place the food in the oven.
$ Set the Power Selector to M.Low
‘Defrost’ .
$ Turn the Timer to the appropriate
weight setting on the outer ring.
$ The oven will now defrost the food.
In the example, the weight is 200
grams and the food will take three
minutes to defrost.
$ Please read all the defrosting hints
in the section below.
$Tips for good cooking
$Please read this section together with the Safety Guide
on Page 2.
$IMPORTANT NOTE: Raw meat should never be fully cooked in a
microwave oven. You may partially cook raw meat in a microwave
provided you complete the cooking process by conventional
methods - i.e grilling, roasting etc.
$ Stir liquids and purees before during and after cooking to
distribute the heat evenly. Mashed potato will cook more
evenly and more thoroughly if lightly covered.
$ Never tightly cover food. Always cover it loosely.
$ Do not allow plastic film to touch food as it may chemically
break down or melt or even catch fire and contaminate the
$ Arrange food in the dish so that the thicker part is on the
outside and the thinner part inside for more even cooking. Fold
under the thin edges of fish fillets and tapered foods. Control
the shape to get more uniform results.
$ 6-7 minutes per 500 gr. will cook most fruit and vegetables.
Seafood takes less time.
$ Different foods require different temperatures to cook. Add
more minutes as you drop the power.
$ Up to 20% of the cooking takes place after the oven turns off so
always remember that your food will continue cooking after
you've removed it.
$ Food that takes an hour in to cook in a regular oven should take
around 15 minutes in the microwave.
$ Foods with baking powder should stand a few minutes before
cooking to allow the leavening agents to work.
$ If a recipe calls for milk and water, reduce the water.
$ Rotate large items of food occasionally during cooking to
encourage even heat distribution.
$ Food cooks best and reheats better in a round dish or a dish
with curved sides.
$ Salt attracts microwaves. Don't just sprinkle it on food before
cooking, stir it in or add it later.
$ Fats and sugars attract microwaves - thoroughly mix sugar
with other ingredients. Care should be taken when cooking
foods with high sugar or fat contents as they can reach very
high temperatures.
$ Handle pastry-wrapped foods like mince pies carefully as the
filling gets hotter than the pastry.
$ Hints for reheating food
$ Heat leftovers and pre-cooked food to at least 70°C. Food
should be hot and steaming before it is served.
$ When re-heating liquids such as meat stews see that the liquid
boils for around 3-5 minutes to ensure the pieces of meat are
completely heated through.
$ Hints for defrosting
$ Only defrost food in the microwave if you plan to cook the food
immediately after it has thawed. Some areas of the food may
begin to cook during defrosting, which can allow bacteria can
flourish. Any raw meat must be fully defrosted and then
cooked by normal cooking processes, i.e grilled, roasted, etc.
Do not cook defrosted raw meat in a microwave oven.
$ When defrosting, remove the food from the wrapping, place it
on a microwave safe dish. Rotate and re-arrange food during
defrosting. Where appropriate, stir the food and if possible,
separate the food items and remove those which have already
$ Steam and Smoke
$ Steam is a natural product of microwave cooking. It escapes
from the vents in the top and rear of the appliance. These vents
should never be blocked.
$ Steam may condense in and around the oven during cooking
and should be dried off after use.
$ If during cooking, smoke starts to come from the oven do NOT
open the oven door! Immediately switch off at the mains,
unplug the oven and wait for the smoke to completely subside
and the oven to fully cool down before removing the food.
$ Before you use your microwave oven again, consult a service
technician and have the oven tested .
$ Testing Your Oven
$ Place a cup of water in the oven and heat it on full power for 2
minutes. If the water gets hot the oven is working.
$ If the oven fails to work or will not respond to
$ Check that the oven is plugged in securely. If it is not, unplug
from the outlet, wait 10 seconds and plug it in again securely.
$ Unplug the oven and inspect the plug fuse. If this is intact, leave
the oven for 30 minutes and then plug the oven in again. The
oven should now work normally.
$ Check for a blown mains fuse or a tripped circuit breaker. If
these are intact, test the outlet with another appliance.
$ Make sure that the oven door closes fully and securely.
$ If none of the above rectifies the situation, contact the Tesco
$ Do not try to adjust or repair the oven yourself.
Page 5
Cleaning and Care
These steps should be taken after every use.
$ Disconnect the power supply and wait for the
appliance to completely cool down.
$ Remove the turntable support ring and the turntable
and wash then in warm soapy water.
$ Clean the oven cavity, the outer edge of the cavity,
and the oven door with water and a mild detergent. A
special microwave oven cleaner is not necessary. Do
not use scouring pads, or other abrasives.
$ Wipe the outer surfaces and control panel with a
damp soft cloth.
$ If liquids have been splashed on the wall of the oven
cavity, they must be fully removed otherwise smoke
may occur when the appliance is next used.
$ If the cavity emits odours, boil a cup of water with a
squeeze of lemon juice for 5-7 min. to remove them.
$ Dry all parts thoroughly and replace them.
Your Tesco appliance is covered by a warranty for 12
months from the date of purchase. If a fault develops
during this period, please contact the Tesco help line on
0800 323 4060 (free from BT landlines) or 0330 123 4060
(from mobiles). Please have your original purchase receipt
with you when you call. This warranty in no way affects
your consumer rights.
Mains Voltage 230V-240V AC, 50 Hz
Mains Power 1100-1150W
Oven Capacity 17 Litres
Microwave Output 650-700 Watts
Microwave Frequency: 2450 MHz
Net Weight 11 kg approx.
UK: Waste electrical products should not be
disposed of with household waste. Separate
disposal facilities exist, for your nearest facilities.
See www.recycle-more.co.uk or in-store for
ROI: Produced after 13th August 2005. Waste
electrical products should not be disposed of
with household waste. Please recycle where
facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority
or retailer for recycling advice
Item Weight Added water Cooking Time
Aubergines (peeled and diced) 450g 30-40 ml 5-6 minutes
Broccoli (trimmed and sliced into spears) 225g 50 ml 4-5 minutes
Brussels Sprouts(peeled) 225g 50 ml 6-8 minutes
Carrots (diced) 225g 30 ml 6-8 minutes
Cauliflower (in florets) 450g 50-60 ml 8-10 minutes
Courgettes (diced or sliced) 450g 10 ml 6-8 minutes
Peas (removed from pods) 225g 40-50 ml 5-6 minutes
Potatoes, jacket ( 2, scrubbed and pierced all round) 225g None 8-9 minutes
Potatoes, (in 40mm pieces) 450 g 40-50 ml 7-8 minutes
Spinach (shredded) 225g None 4-5 minutes
The times given above are approximate and should be adjusted to suit quantities, portion sizes and individual taste. The average
cooking time for vegetables is around 6 minutes per 450 g (1 lb). When adding salt, mix it with the water or add it after cooking.
To cook vegetables: Mix them with the water in a ceramic curved bottomed bowl and cover lightly. After cooking leave the
vegetables to stand for 2-3 minutes before straining (if necessary) and serving.
MMRC 1715 Microwave Oven User Guide
Page 6
MM 1715C
MM 1715S
MM 1715R
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Merk Tesco
Model MM1715C
Categorie Magnetrons
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.61 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over Tesco MM1715C Magnetron

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Mijn magnetron gaat niet aan wanneer ik op de start-knop druk, wat kan ik doen? Geverifieerd

In veel gevallen is dit omdat de deur van de magnetron niet goed gesloten is. Doe de deur open en weer dicht en probeer het nog een keer.

Ik vind dit nuttig (3303) Lees meer

Kan ik mijn magnetron nog gebruiken als het draaiplateau niet meer werkt? Geverifieerd

Het draaiplateau zorgt ervoor dat de warmte evenredig wordt verdeeld. Als dit plateau niet draait kunt u de magnetron dus niet goed gebruiken. Laat deze repareren.

Ik vind dit nuttig (1965) Lees meer

De magnetron staat wel aan, maar werkt niet. Hoe komt dit? Geverifieerd

Het is mogelijk dat de deur niet goed sluit. Om de veiligheid te garanderen zal een magetron niet werken als de deur niet volledig gesloten is. Soms kan dit verholpen worden door het deurscharnier te stellen.

Ik vind dit nuttig (1389) Lees meer

Het mica/kartonnen plaatje in de magnetron is losgeraakt. Kan ik de magnetron blijven gebruiken? Geverifieerd

Nee, absoluut niet. Het mica/kartonnen plaatje verdeeld de microgolven in de magnetron. Plaats het plaatje terug of zorg voor een vervanger.

Ik vind dit nuttig (1237) Lees meer

Mijn magnetron blijft geluid maken, ook nadat hij klaar is. Is dit normaal? Geverifieerd

Ja, dit is een normaal geluid. De ventilator laat de magnetron afkoelen na gebruik. Hoe lang dit duurt hangt af van hoe lang de magnetron heeft gewerkt.

Ik vind dit nuttig (1039) Lees meer

Waarom mag er geen metaal in een magnetron? Geverifieerd

Metaal laat de microgolven van het apparaat niet door, maar kaatst deze juist terug. Wanneer er veel van deze golven terug worden gekaatst naar één punt kunnen er vonken ontstaan.

Ik vind dit nuttig (769) Lees meer

Kan ik water koken in de magnetron? Geverifieerd

Nee, absoluut niet. Het water kan oververhit raken. Dit houdt in dat het water een temperatuur van meer dan 100℃ bereiken zonder te koken. Wanneer het water daarna in aanraking komt met een object kan het ineens gaan koken en opspatten wat brandwonden kan verzoorzaken.

Ik vind dit nuttig (769) Lees meer


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Handleiding Tesco MM1715C Magnetron

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