Handleiding Tiger Giga Pets Cabbage Patch Kids

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Your Giga Pets Plus generates sound effects for specific activities in the game. For
example: When disciplining your Cabbage Patch Kid, you will hear a special sound
effect relating to the event happening to your character on the screen.
1)Press MODE to enter CLOCK MODE.
2)Press LEFT to turn the sound off — the SOUND ( ) will disappear.
3)Press LEFT again to turn the sound on — the SOUND ( ) will appear again.
Press MODE again to return to GAME mode.
When you enter GAME MODE for the first time, you will witness
the magical birth of each Cabbage Patch Kid. Bunnybee’s will
fly over the expecting Mother Cabbages and sprinkle magic
crystals onto the Cabbage Patch to pollinate the cabbages so
the babies can be born. After each birth, Colonel Casey,
BabyLand General Hospital’s resident stork, will deliver the
babies to your home.
Once the game begins in GAME MODE, you can return to CLOCK MODE by pressing
1)If you wish to adjust the clock, press ENTER. The clock will start flashing.
2)After you set the time, the name you typed in for yourself will appear. Press ENTER
to adjust the name.
3)To return to GAME MODE, press MODE and your Cabbage Patch Kid will appear
Press the LEFT/RIGHT keys to select the different ICONS around the outside of the
screen. These icons represent all of the different activities that allow you to interact
with your Cabbage Patch Kid.
Your Giga Pet has a night-light feature which allows you to play with and care for your
Cabbage Patch Kid in…dark. Press the center button to turn the night-light on.
Four Cabbage Patch Kids can be “alive” at once in the game but you can only play
with one at a time. The scores and other important information for each of your
kids will remain suspended until they are selected. You begin the game with one
kid. If you are able to keep its’ health above 80% or better for 2 days, you then
activate a second Kid. If you are able to keep the health of both ’Kids’ above 80%
two or more days (which is day four) a third ’Kid will be born. Finally if you keep
all three ’Kids health above 80% for one more day (which is day five) you will activate
the forth and final Cabbage Patch Kid.
Like all Kids no two Cabbage Patch Kids are alike. Each Cabbage Patch Kid is a
unique and lovable individual. When you start the game, the computer will randomly
generate a ’Kid for you to take care of. Once you have more than one Cabbage Patch
Kid “alive”, return to CLOCK MODE by pressing MODE. Press MODE again to see a
profile screen of the current ’Kid you are playing with. Press RIGHT to cycle through
the different ’Kids. To return to GAME MODE, press ENTER and your new Cabbage
Patch Kid will appear.
The bonus Cabbage Patch Kid will be a twin of one of the already active ’Kids you
have in the game. To unlock the bonus Cabbage Patch Kid you must enter a SECRET
password in the NAME MODE screen. The password is “CPK”.
The game screen is your Cabbage Patch Kids “home”. You will see the Kids move
around the screen and go about their daily routine.
The Cabbage Patch Kids have two stages of development!
The first stage is the baby stage, which will last for three
days. In this stage the Cabbage Patch Kids will act just like
a real baby. They will crawl around, eat baby food, cry a lot,
and play baby games.
The second and last stage of development is the kid stage. The
Cabbage Patch Kids will reach this stage at four days old and
will remain at this stage for the duration of the game. The unit
will continue to advance in age but the Cabbage Patch Kids
won’t. The age of the unit can be used as a record, to see how
long you can keep your Cabbage Patch Kids active.
In the Kid stage the Cabbage Patch Kids have different food, play more advanced
games, and can perform more downtime activities than in the baby stage. Also in
this stage the Cabbage Patch Kids will talk to you to let you know if they need or
want something. So be a good parent and tend to their needs!
At various times, your Cabbage Patch Kid will require a certain kind of attention
from you. Your Cabbage Patch Kid will make noise and the ALERT icon ( ) will
light up, when this happens, you need to figure out what your Cabbage Patch Kid
If your Cabbage Patch Kids are hungry, feed them. If they’re bored, play with them.
If they're dirty or need their diaper changed, give them a bath. There are many
different ways for you to interact! The trick is to figure out what your Cabbage
Patch Kid needs from you! Use the LEFT/RIGHT keys to move to the activity you
want, then press ENTER. Here are the activities:
Your unit is equipped with unique voice activation that responds to your voice or
clapping. This feature is can be used with the four main and one bonus character.
If voice activation is turned on, certain activities can be triggered by sound. If one
of your ’Kids is climbing on the furniture, voice activation will DISCIPLINE this behavior.
1)Press MODE to enter CLOCK MODE.
2)Press RIGHT to turn the voice activation off — the VOICE ACTIVATION ICON ( )
will disappear.
3)Press RIGHT again to turn the voice activation on — the VOICE ACTIVATION ICON
( ) will appear again.
Press MODE again to return to GAME MODE.
FEED ( )
When you select this activity, you will be given a choice of foods
for your ’Kid. There is a different food group for each of the two
stages of development in the game. Use the LEFT or RIGHT key
to select either healthy food or treats. The healthy food is shown
on the left side of the screen and the treats are shown on the right
side. Your ’Kid needs Healthy food to stay healthy and treats to
stay happy.
You can check how hungry your ’Kid is by checking its’ HUNGER ( ) on the SCORE
screen ( ). A hunger ( ) 100 means your Cabbage Patch Kid has a full tummy
— and a ( ) 0 means your ’Kid is famished! If your ’Kids have a ( ) 100 they
may refuse to eat. If they have a ( ) 0 they may refuse to do anything else until
you feed them! Try to keep the Hunger score above 80 at all times.
Your Cabbage Patch Kids will always eat treats, even when they’re full! Those treats
taste so good; they’re impossible to resist! But be careful, too many treats will make
your ’Kids sick and unhealthy.
Select this icon to turn out the light when your ’Kids want to
sleep. Your ’Kids may want to take naps during the day. If you
turn out the light for them, they will happily go to sleep. At
night, your ’Kids will be very tired; they might even fall asleep
right on the floor. If you want your ’Kids to have pleasant
dreams, turn out the light at night, as well.
Sometimes it's hard to tell when your Cabbage Patch Kids
need sleep. If you’ve tried everything else — feeding, playing, or cleaning
— and your Cabbage Patch Kids still seems upset, maybe it's time for a little nap!
PLAY ( )
To keep your ’Kids healthy and happy, you should play with them often. When you
select this activity, your ’Kids will play a game with you. There are two different
games for each Cabbage Patch Kid development cycle. Press RIGHT to select which
game you want to play, then press ENTER to start.
You’ve just adopted and become the proud parent of the Cabbage Patch Kids Giga
Pets Plus! Take them with you wherever you go! Care for them, love them, interact
with them, and watch them grow!
To start your game, pull the plastic tab from the back of the unit and throw it away.
Once you turn the unit on, it should stay on. You never need to turn it off!
It is very important that you set the clock for the correct time. Your Cabbage Patch
Kids eat, play, and sleep according to a natural schedule. If you don’t set the time
correctly, they may get confused! You don’t want them to sleep all day and keep
you awake all night! When you first start the game, you will be in CLOCK MODE.
Here’s how to set the clock:
1)The HOUR will be flashing. Press LEFT/RIGHT to adjust the hour. When the correct
hour is set, press ENTER.
2)The MINUTES will be flashing. Press LEFT/RIGHT to adjust the minutes. When the
correct minutes are set, press ENTER.
3)The clock is now set, you will automatically start the intro sequence and the NAME
While in the NAME MODE enter the word “STOP”. This will then “pause” the clock.
Your CPK Giga Pet will still be able to move around the screen but the clock will not
advance. To deactivate the “pause” function, re-enter the NAME MODE and enter
the word “NORMAL”. This will resume the clock to real time. However you must also
reset the clock to the current time since the clock time hasn’t advanced. Please Note:
Not having the clock set properly will throw off the Cabbage Patch Kids schedule.
1)A flashing bar will appear under the space for each letter and numbers.
2)Press LEFT/RIGHT to search through the alphabet and numbers.
3)Press ENTER to select a letter or number and move to the next space in the
Cabbage Patch Kid name. You may use up to 12 letters or numbers.
4)Press ENTER twice to accept the current name and return to GAME MODE.
Your Virtual
Your Virtual
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Merk Tiger
Model Giga Pets Cabbage Patch Kids
Categorie Speelgoed
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.12 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Tiger Speelgoed
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Handleiding Tiger Giga Pets Cabbage Patch Kids

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