Handleiding Traxxas Electric Ken Block Gymkhana Fiesta Radiobestuurbare auto

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NiMH - Abbreviation for nickel-metal hydride. Rechargeable
NiMH batteries offer high current handling, and much greater
resistance to the “memory” effect. NiMH batteries generally
allow higher capacity than NiCad batteries. They can last up to
500 charge cycles. A peak charger designed for NiMH batteries is
required for optimal performance.
Receiver - The radio unit inside your model that receives signals
from the transmitter and relays them to the servos.
Resistance - In an electrical sense, resistance is a measure of how
an object resists or obstructs the flow of current through it.
When flow is constricted, energy is converted to heat and is
lost. Traxxas power systems are optimized to reduce electrical
resistance and the resulting power-robbing heat.
Rotor - The rotor is the main shaft of the brushless motor.
In a brushless motor, the magnets are mounted to the
rotor, and the electromagnetic windings are built into the
motor housing.
Sensored - Sensored refers to a type of brushless motor that
uses an internal sensor in the motor to communicate rotor
position information back to the electronic speed control.
Sensorless - Sensorless refers to a brushless motor that uses
advanced instructions from an electronic speed control to
provide smooth operation. Additional motor sensors and wiring
are not required.
Servo - Small motor unit in your model that operates the
steering mechanism.
Solder Tabs - Accessible, external contacts on the motor that
allows for easy wire replacement.
Transmitter - The hand-held radio unit that sends throttle and
steering instructions to your model.
Trim - The fine-tuning adjustment of the neutral position of the
servos, made by adjusting the throttle and steering trim sliders
on the face of the transmitter.
Thermal Shutdown Protection - Temperature sensing electronics
used in the electronic speed control detect overloading and
overheating of the transistor circuitry. If excessive temperature is
detected, the unit automatically shuts down to prevent damage
to the electronics.
2-channel radio system - The TQ radio system, consisting of
the receiver, the transmitter, and the servos. The system uses two
channels: one to operate the throttle and one to operate
the steering.
Voltage - Voltage is a measure of the electrical potential
difference between two points, such as between the positive
battery terminal and ground. Using the analogy of the garden
hose, while current is the quantity of water flow in the hose,
voltage corresponds to the pressure that is forcing the water
through the hose.
For maximum range, always hold the transmitter so the antenna
is in a vertical position (pointing straight up). The transmitter’s
antenna can be swiveled and angled to allow for a vertical position
if necessary.
Do not kink the receiver’s antenna wire. Kinks in the antenna
wire will reduce range.
DO NOT CUT any part of the receiver’s antenna wire. Cutting the
antenna will reduce range.
Extend the antenna wire in the model as far as possible for
maximum range. It is not necessary to extend the antenna
wire out of the body, but wrapping or coiling the antenna wire
should be avoided.
Do not allow the antenna wire to extend outside the body
without the protection of an antenna tube, or the antenna wire
may get cut or damaged, reducing range. It is recommended to
keep the wire inside the body (in the antenna tube) to prevent
the chance of damage.
To prevent loss of radio range
do not kink or cut the black wire,
do not bend or cut the metal tip,
and do not cut the white wire at
the end of the metal tip.
Correct NoNo
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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Traxxas Electric Ken Block Gymkhana Fiesta Radiobestuurbare auto. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Traxxas. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Traxxas Electric Ken Block Gymkhana Fiesta Radiobestuurbare auto in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Traxxas
Model Electric Ken Block Gymkhana Fiesta
Categorie Radiobestuurbare auto's
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 16.29 MB

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