Handleiding VonHaus 2500870 Luchtontvochtiger

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A5P | 01
Always locate your appliance away from the edge of
any worktop, on a rm, at, heat-resistant surface with
sucient space around all sides.
Ensure that the appliance is at room temperature before
The appliance is not intended to be operated by means
of an external timer or separate remote-control system.
When using for the rst time, your appliance may give
o a ‘new’ smell and/or smoke. This will dissipate after
a few uses.
Keep hair, loose clothing, ngers, and all parts of body
away from openings and moving parts.
Do not insert any object into openings or cover the
Do not obstruct the air inlets/outlets of the appliance.
Do not use in the following locations:-
- Next to a source of re
- An area where oil is likely to splash
- An area exposed to direct sunlight
- An area where water is likely to splash
- Laundry or wet rooms where the humidity is higher
than 85% RH.
- Near a bath, shower or a swimming pool
- In a greenhouse
- An area where ammable gases or liquids are present
Do not dry laundry above the unit to prevent water
entering the Dehumidier.
Do not use in laundry rooms.
Position the unit so the plug is easily accessible.
Do not lift or move the appliance whilst in use.
Do not sit or stand on the unit.
Do not leave the appliance unattended when
plugged in. Unplug from outlet when not in use, and
before performing user maintenance, connecting or
disconnecting attachments or changing accessories.
Do not use means to accelerate the defrosting process.
Do not operate continuously for periods longer than
those marked on the product or indicated in the
Do not lubricate any parts, or carry out any maintenance
or repair work other than that shown in this manual, or
as advised by the DOMU Brands Customer Services.
Use only as described in this manual and do not exceed
maximum capacity (1000ml).
The appliance shall be stored in a room without
continuously operating ignition sources (for example,
open ames, gas appliances and electric heaters).
Store so as to prevent mechanical damage from
Do not pierce or burn.
Be aware that refrigerants may not contain an odour.
The appliance should be installed, operated and stored
in a room with a oor area lager than 4m
The appliance shall be compliant with the national gas
Servicing shall be performed only as recommended by
the manufacturer.
Any person who is involved with working on or breaking
into a refrigerant circuit should hold a current, valid
certicate from an industry-accredited assessment
authority which authorises their competence to handle
refrigerants safely in a accordance with an industry
recognised assessment specication.
Servicing shall only be performed as recommended by
the equipment manufacturer. Maintenance and repair
requiring the assistance of other skilled personnel,
shall be carried out under the supervision of the person
competent in the use of ammable refrigerants.
Use only DOMU Brands recommended attachments.
The appliance is lled with ammable gas R290.
Any repairs that are needed, please contact the
nearest authorized service centre and strictly follow
manufacturer’s instructions only.
Failure to follow these instructions will invalidate any
Energy/Safety protection
Do not cover or restrict the air ow of the inlet/outlet
For maximum performance ensure the minimum
distance from walls or objects is be 20cm to
ensure air circulation.
Keep lters and grills clean.
When in use do not open windows or doors.
Place the unit of a hard/at
It is prohibited to dispose of this appliance in
domestic household waste. For disposal there
are several possibilities
Do not dispose this product as unsorted
municipal waste. Collection of such waste
separately for special treatment is necessary.
The municipality has established collection
systems,where electronic waste can be
disposed of at least free of charge to the user.
The manufacturer will take back the old
appliance for disposal at least free of charge to
the user.
As old products contain valuable resources.
They can be sold to scrap metal dealers..
Wild disposal of waste in forests and
landscapes end angers your health when
hazardous substances leak into the ground-
water and nd their way into the food chain.
Meaning of crossed out wheeled dustbin.
Do not dispose of electrical appliances as
unsorted municipal waste,use separate
collection facilities contact you local
government for information regarding the
collection systems available If electrical
appliances are disposed of in landlls of
dumps. Hazardous substances can leak into
the groundwater and get into the food-
chain,damaging your health and well-being.
The dehumidication capacity is rated at a
room temperature of 30℃ with a MAX relative
humidity of 80%.
If specications are improved after this pointing,
the product nameplate will reect the new
The operational temperature is in the range of
15℃ to 50℃.
If the room temperature is outside of this range,
the unit will not operate normally.
Input: DC9V 2.5A
Rated Power: 23W
Working Capacity: 300ml/D (30ºC,RH80%)
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(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je VonHaus 2500870 Luchtontvochtiger. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met VonHaus. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van VonHaus 2500870 Luchtontvochtiger in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk VonHaus
Model 2500870
Categorie Luchtontvochtigers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.41 MB

Alle handleidingen voor VonHaus Luchtontvochtigers
Meer handleidingen voor Luchtontvochtigers

Veelgestelde vragen over VonHaus 2500870 Luchtontvochtiger

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Kan ik mijn luchtontvochtiger na aankoop meteen aanzetten? Geverifieerd

Nee, net als bij een koelkast of vriezer moet het apparaat eerst minimaal 2 uur, maar liefst 24 uur rechtop staan alvorens de luchtontvochtiger voor de eerste keer aan te zetten.

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Wat is de ideale vochtigheid voor een leefruimte? Geverifieerd

De ideale luchtvochtigheid in huis ligt tussen de 40-60%. Bij een hogere of lagere luchtvochtigheid krijgen schimmels, bacteriën en virussen meer kans om zich te ontwikkelen en kun je er persoonlijke hinder van ondervinden.

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Hoe kan ik mijn luchtontvochtiger op een goede manier transporteren? Geverifieerd

Luchtontvochtigers dienen altijd rechtop en goed verpakt vervoerd te worden. Elke andere manier kan schade opleveren aan het apparaat.

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Handleiding VonHaus 2500870 Luchtontvochtiger

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