Handleiding Wagner 915 Behangafstomer

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General Notes:
Using Steam on Delicate Materials
Always check the suitability of materials before steam
cleaning. Steam is being generated at temperatures in
excess of 212ºF (100ºC). Do not use on any surfaces
that cannot withstand this temperature. Always test
a small area of the material, preferably an area that
is normally out of view. Do not soak materials being
cleaned. Only a light application of steam is required.
See below for more information on steam cleaning.
DO NOT attempt to use the steam plate
included with this unit as a cleaning
device. The steam plate is designed for
wallpaper removal only. This unit is not
recommended to be used on self-adhesive
vinyl tiles.
Pressurized steam may bounce back off
cleaning surface.
Using the cleaning accessories generally require less
water than wallpaper removal. Using less water will
decrease time it takes for the unit to make steam.
Activate the trigger as needed for sufcient steam
supply. Use the soft bristles to brush away dirt,
grease, unwanted dried paint, etc. DO NOT over-
scrub the surface unless you are cleaning tiles or
Use only clean tap water or distilled water when
using the steamer. No detergents or any other
additives are needed.
When cleaning upholstery or clothing, DO NOT soak
the material. Try cleaning an inconspicuous area
that is normally not in view and wait 24 hours before
checking whether the material has been affected.
If material has been adversely affected, DO NOT
Using the Cleaning Accessories:
The accessories are excellent tools for cleaning a
variety of surfaces.
Note: Using the optional accessories for cleaning
generally requires less water than wallpaper
removal. Using less water will decrease
time it takes for the unit to make steam.
The Large Cleaning Brush (a)
The large cleaning brush and
towel can be used to clean
large, solid areas or upholstery.
It can be used on surfaces such
as ceramic, stone, parquet,
marble, linoleum and carpet
(see Steam Cleaning Tips,
right, before cleaning).
Window / Tile squeegee (b)
The squeegee is an excellent
tool for cleaning windows and
also tiles. The rubber blade
can be used to scrape away dirt
and other particles as steam is
The Extensions (c)
The extensions can be used for
oor cleaning and to help you
reach into higher or harder to
reach areas.
The Jet Nozzle with Brush (d)
The jet nozzle is recommended
for steam cleaning smaller, harder to reach areas.
Steam Cleaning Tips - Read before
Flooring and Carpeting:
This unit is not recommended for use on surfaces
that can be damaged by heat or water, such as self-
adhesive vinyl tiling, or wood ooring as the steam
may cause the oor boards to swell. Always check
with oor manufacturer before using steamer.
Some carpets contain stain resistant treatments
which may be affected by steam cleaning. Try
cleaning a small, normally unseen area of carpet,
and allow 24 hours to verify any unusual effects
on the carpet. If this occurs, do not conutinue to
use. Check with your carpet supplier for further
Windows and Tiles:
Be careful not to pick up dirt or grit particles on the
rubber blade as this could scratch the glass.
Antique and stained glass may be brittle and may
crack under extreme temperatures.
Do not use on glass when the temperature is below
32ºF (0ºC). Glass may crack in cold temperatures.
If your window has been treated or coated in any
way, check with manufacturer before using steamer.
Upholstery and Fabrics:
Some upholstery and fabrics contain stain resistant
treatments which may be affected by steam cleaning.
Try cleaning a small, normally unseen area and allow
24 hours to verify any unusual effects. If this occurs,
do not continue to use. Check with material supplier
for further information.
Always check the suitability of materials before
steam cleaning. Do not use on any surfaces that
cannot withstand temperatures in excess of 212ºF
On clothing, always check the garmet label or check
with the clothing retailer before steam cleaning.
When cleaning upholstery or clothing, do not soak
the material. Only a small amount of steam is
sufcient for cleaning. Too much steam can leave
water marks or other damage.
Activate the trigger as needed for sufcient steam
supply. Use the soft bristles on the accessories
to brush away dirt, grease, unwanted dried paint,
etc. Do not over-scrub the surface unless you are
cleaning tiles or stone.
Use only clean tap water or distilled water when
using the steamer. No detergents or any other
additives are needed.
Read this manual for complete instructions. Follow
all warnings.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 4.98 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Wagner
Model 915
Categorie Behangafstomers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 4.98 MB

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Kan ik een behangafstomer gebruiken om behang te verwijderen van gipsplaat? Geverifieerd

Ja, dat kan en zal bij correct gebruik geen schade opleveren aan de muur.

Ik vind dit nuttig (23) Lees meer

Kan ik elektrisch gereedschap in een schuur of garage opbergen? Geverifieerd

Over het algemeen kunt u elektrisch gereedschap in een schuur of garage opbergen, ook als het daar soms vriest. Voor de levensduur van het elektrisch gereedschap is het echter beter om het op een droge plaats zonder grote temperatuurschommelingen op te slaan. In een schuur of garage kunnen door temperatuurverschillen condensvorming ontstaan ​​waardoor roest kan ontstaan. Bovendien gaan gereedschappen die op batterijen werken korter mee en laden ze minder goed op bij zeer lage temperaturen. Om er zeker van te zijn hoe uw elektrisch gereedschap moet worden opgeborgen, leest u altijd aandachtig de gebruikershandleiding.

Ik vind dit nuttig (2) Lees meer
Handleiding Wagner 915 Behangafstomer

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