Handleiding Whirlpool WHVS 90F LT C K Afzuigkap

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The hood will automatically set an extraction speed of 1, and then
increase it if necessary (according to the ambient conditions detected
by the hood sensor).
If the hood is using extraction speed 1 and there is no change in the
ambient conditions, it will switch o after 5 minutes.
NB: to make sure this function is used correctly, please congure the
parameters for automatic mode rst as described in the relevant section.
NB: if you change any other speed control functions while automatic
mode is active, the auto ventilation function will switch o.
At regular intervals, the hood signals the need to perform lter
Please note: The indicators will only work when the hood is on.
T9 button lit: carry out maintenance on the grease lter.
T9 button ashing: carry out maintenance on the carbon lter.
Resetting the lter saturation indicators:
Please note: This must be done with the hood switched on.
Press and hold the T9 button. The light will switch o to conrm the
Activating the carbon lter saturation indicator.
Please note: This must be done with the extraction motor switched o.
This indicator is normally deactivated. It should be activated if the
hood is installed in the ltering version (i.e. with carbon lters).
Press and hold buttons T1 and T10 simultaneously to activate the
function. The buttons will light up to indicate activation.
To deactivate the function, press and hold the same buttons (T1 and
T10) again. The buttons will ash briey and then switch o to indicate
The hood will automatically set an extraction speed of 1, and then
increase it if necessary (according to the ambient conditions detected
by the hood sensor).
If the extraction speed does not change owing to the ambient
conditions detected, the hood will switch o after two hours.
The hood will switch o in any case after ve hours in use, regardless of
the operating mode.
Please note: to make sure this function is used correctly, please congure
the parameters for automatic mode rst as described in the relevant
The hood will automatically set an extraction speed of 5, and then
increase it if necessary (according to the ambient conditions detected
by the hood sensor).
If the extraction speed does not change owing to the ambient
conditions detected, the hood will switch o after two hours.
The hood will switch o in any case after ve hours in use, regardless of
the operating mode.
Please note: to make sure this function is used correctly, please congure
the parameters for automatic mode rst as described in the relevant
The indicator comes on when the hood is controlled from a distance
via the app.
Press to activate/deactivate the WI-FI functions.
This function allows the hood to be connected to the Internet so you
can monitor/control it from a distance via a smartphone or tablet.
To use the WI-FI function, connect the appliance to the domestic
wireless network (Internet) following the conguration procedure
explained in the “WI-FI MANUAL.
To make sure that automatic mode is used correctly, you will need to
calibrate the hood and select the hob type.
Calibrating the hood
NB: this must be done with the appliance on standby - i.e. one minute after
switching o the motor.
Press and hold the T4 button for ve seconds.
Extraction speed 1 will be activated and the T4 button will ash to
indicate that hood calibration has started (this will take approx. 5
Please note: To stop the calibration process, press and hold the T4 button
for ve seconds. Calibration will then be invalidated and will therefore
need to be repeated.
Please note: Calibration will be carried out automatically when the power
supply to the product is switched on for the rst time. T4 will ash. Wait 5
minutes for the calibration to be completed.
Selecting the hob type
NB: this must be done with the appliance on standby - i.e. one minute after
switching o the motor.
Press and hold the T10 and T11 buttons for ve seconds.
The T10 and T11 buttons will light up.
If using gas to power the hob, press the T10 button – the button will
ash to indicate that this has been selected.
If using electricity to power the hob, press the T11 button – the button
will ash to indicate that this has been selected.
Once pressed, the button will ash for three seconds to indicate that
your selection has been saved.
Height (cm) Width (cm) Depth (cm) Ø of exhaust tube (cm)
105 -148.6 89.8 36.9 15 - 12.5 - 12
Do not use steam-cleaning equipment.
Disconnect the appliance from the mains.
Important: do not use corrosive or abrasive detergents. If any such
products unintentionally come into contact with the appliance, clean
the appliance immediately with a damp cloth. Do not use alcohol.
Clean the surfaces with a damp cloth. If it is very dirty, add a few
drops of washing-up detergent to the water. Finish o with a dry
Important: do not use abrasive sponges or metallic scrapers or
scourers. Over time, these can ruin the enamel surfaces.
Use detergents specically designed for cleaning the appliance
and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Important: clean the lters at least once a month to remove oil and
grease residue.
This must be cleaned once a month (or when the lter saturation
indication system - if envisaged on the model in possession - indicates
this necessity) using non aggressive detergents, either by hand or in the
dishwasher, which must be set to a low temperature and a short cycle.
When washed in a dishwasher, the grease lter may discolour slightly,
but this does not aect its ltering capacity.
Open the extractor panel (turn upwards).
Please note: It is not necessary to remove the panel.
Pull out the handle to remove the lter.
Once the lter has been washed and left to dry, proceed in reverse
order to ret the lter.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.74 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Whirlpool WHVS 90F LT C K Afzuigkap. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Whirlpool. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Whirlpool WHVS 90F LT C K Afzuigkap in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Whirlpool
Model WHVS 90F LT C K
Categorie Afzuigkappen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.74 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Whirlpool Afzuigkappen
Meer handleidingen voor Afzuigkappen

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Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Hoe hoog moet een afzuigkap minimaal boven een kookplaat hangen? Geverifieerd

Dit kan licht verschillen per merk, maar over het algemeen kunt u 65 centimeter aanhouden voor afzuigkappen boven een gaskookplaat en 50 centimeter boven een elektrische of inductiekookplaat. Deze afstanden zijn er ter bevordering van de brandveiligheid.

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Wat houdt '6th Sense' in? Geverifieerd

Apparaten van Whirlpool die zijn uitgerust met de 6th Sense technologie beschikken over sensoren die zorgen voor een optimale werking van het apparaat. Bij wasdrogers wordt bijvoorbeeld het vochtgehalte in de was gemeten en stopt de machine pas wanneer de was helemaal droog is.

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Heb ik een afzuigkap met of zonder motor nodig? Geverifieerd

Afzuigkappen met motor zijn bedoeld voor wanneer er een directe luchtafvoer naar buiten beschikbaar is. Een afzuigkap zonder motor is bedoeld om aan te sluiten wanneer er een centraal afzuigsysteem is. Sluit nooit een afzuigkap met motor aan op een centraal afzuigsysteem!

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Handleiding Whirlpool WHVS 90F LT C K Afzuigkap

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