Handleiding WMF CeraDur Profi Pan

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stick coating by hand.
Only frying pans without a non-stick coating can
be washed in the dishwasher. Bear the following
in mind:
Only use well-known brands of dishwasher
detergent. Always fill the salt and rinse aid
dispensers promptly. No salt should come into
contact with the inside of the dishwasher. A
concentration of salt can cause corrosion. Af-
ter filling the salt container, we therefore rec-
ommend that you run an intermediate rinse
cycle while the machine is empty.
Rust can be transferred to the cookware from
other objects in the dishwasher. This can
cause corrosive damage if it is not removed
Open the dishwasher as soon as possible after
the end of the rinse cycle to allow for venti-
Remove the frying pan from the machine as
soon as possible and do not allow to stand
for long periods in damp air, otherwise marks
may appear on the surface. Dry the frying pan
thoroughly before storing it.
Information for preparation
After heating up the frying pan up, set the
temperature no higher than medium-high or
medium. Reduce the heat if the fat begins to
smoke slightly. Then place the food to be fried
into the frying pan. This prevents the non-
stick coating from overheating.
When flash-frying at high temperatures we
recommend using heat-resistant oils such as
groundnut oil.
Be careful with hot fat.
Do not leave hot frying pans unattended. Do
not extinguish burning fat with water. Use a
blanket or a fire extinguisher.
When dry-frying, the absence of cooking oil
means it is difficult to tell how hot the pan
is. Therefore, only heat the frying pan at a
medium temperature and ensure that it does
not overheat, as this could damage the non-
stick coating.
Information for all kinds of hob
WMF manufacture frying pans for all kinds of
hob and in sizes that are suitable for domestic
Information for electric hobs
For more efficient energy use, the hotplate diam-
eter on electric hobs must match with the diam-
eter of the pot or pan:
Hotplate Frying pan
small ø 14.5 cm ø 20 cm
medium ø 18 cm ø 24 cm
large ø 22 cm ø 28 cm
Information for induction hobs
If your frying pan is suitable for induction hobs,
there is an induction hob symbol on the packag-
ing or on the base of the frying pan.
Please note the following. Induction is a very
rapid heat source. Never heat an empty frying
pan, as overheating the cookware can damage
it. When cooking on a high heat there may be a
humming noise. This noise occurs for technical
reasons and does not indicate that your hob or
cookware is faulty.
The frying pan base diameter and the hob size
must match, as otherwise, especially for smaller
base diameters, it is possible that the hob (mag-
netic field) will not react to the frying pan base.
Information for glass ceramic hobs
Do not pull or push the cookware across the hot-
plate, as this may scratch the glass ceramic hob.
For glass ceramic hobs with raised patterns, the
use of aluminium frying pans can cause streaks
and lines on the hob in the form of metal abra-
sions. These can be removed easily as follows.
Spray your hob with oven cleaner and leave it for
a while to take effect. Then rub your hob using
firm pressure until the streaks have disappeared.
This will not damage your glass ceramic hob.
WMF Group GmbH
Eberhardstrasse 35
73312 Geislingen/Steige
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Meer over deze handleiding

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Merk WMF
Model CeraDur Profi
Categorie Pannen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 2.24 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over WMF CeraDur Profi Pan

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Welke pannen kan ik gebruiken op een inductie kookplaat? Geverifieerd

In de regel zijn alle pannen die magnetisch zijn te gebruiken op een inductie kookplaat. Bijna alle nieuwe pannen zijn geschikt voor inductie.

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Kan ik pannen met Teflon in de vaatwasser doen? Geverifieerd

Ja, dat kan. Echterm, de pan zal wel sneller slijten dan wanneer hij met de hand wordt schoongemaakt. Als een pan met Telfon met de hand wordt schoongemaakt, gebruik dan geen schuurspons maar een zachte spons of doek.

Ik vind dit nuttig (4) Lees meer
Handleiding WMF CeraDur Profi Pan

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