Handleiding Worx WG500.2 Bladblazer

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12 AMP All-in-One blower/vac/mulcher EN
TUBE (See Fig. A, B, C)
Before assembling the Blower/Vacuum Tube,
be sure the on/off switch (2) is in position ‘’O’
and the tool is unplugged.
First align the upper and lower tubes as
shown in Fig A. Make sure the notches engage
the holes on both sides.
Then fit the Blower/Vacuum Tube to the motor
housing as shown in Fig. B and C. Position the
bottom of tube on the motor housing near the
switch lever. (See Fig B). Then as seen in Fig C,
swing the top of the Tube upward and lock into
place. Check the Blower/Vacuum Tube is firmly
WARNING! Do not attempt to
operate or disable the on/off
NOTE: After attaching the Blower/Vacuum
Tube to the motor housing(11), you may later
remove it by moving the On/Off switch to the
off position. Then press the Release Button
(3),in order to release the tube. Do not try to
separate the tubes by force or by using tools,
unplug the tool before separating the tube.
BAG (See Fig. D1-D3)
The TRIVAC is equipped with a Debris
Collection Bag (6), which is designed for
collecting leaves and debris. Attach the Debris
Collection Bag as shown in Fig D1 –To install
the Debris Collection Bag, just align Quick
Release Bag Collar slots with the locking pins
on the motor housing and push the collar
up into position. To release, just depress the
Quick Release Button (a) and pull the Debris
Collection Bag down.
Use only a polarized (i.e., one blade is wider
Canada) extension cord recommended for
outdoor use. A polarized plug will fit in a
polarized cord only one way. If the plug does
not fit fully in the cord, reverse the cord and
try again. If it still does not fit then you are not
using a proper extension cord and you should
purchase a polarized extension cord. Never
attempt to force fit an extension cord or change
the cords design to make it fit better.
Extension Cord
Minimum Wire
Gage (A.W.G.)
100 ft. 14
150 ft 12
NOTE: Do not use an extension cord over
150 feet.
If you do not fully seat the extension
cord on the inlet plug, the loose plug
could lead to overheating and cause a
fire, possibly burning you or others.
Ensure that you fully seat the cord on
the plug and use the cord lock feature to
secure the cord.
IMPORTANT: Check the power cord
frequently during use for holes in the
insulation. Do not use a damaged cord. Do not
run the cord through standing water or wet
IMPORTANT: The TRIVAC will not run
unless the Blower/Vacuum Tube is
attached to the Motor Housing (11).
Connect the plug to the power outlet and
switch ON. Move the On/Off switch (2) to
position “I”.
Move the On/Off switch (2) to position O”.
WARNING! The tool runs for a few
seconds after it has been switched off.
before setting the tool down or removing the
debris collection bag.
VACUUM (See Fig. F)
For selection of the operating mode, rotate
the Blower/vacuum selector lever (9) to the
required symbol (See Fig. F).
Blowing operating mode
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 4.57 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Worx WG500.2 Bladblazer. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Worx. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Worx WG500.2 Bladblazer in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Worx
Model WG500.2
Categorie Bladblazers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 4.57 MB

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Handleiding Worx WG500.2 Bladblazer

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