Handleiding Aqua One Aquience 850 Bow Aquarium

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Important Safeguards
This appliance is not intended for use by
children or infirm persons without supervi-
sion. Young children should be supervised
to ensure that they do not play with the appli-
Warning: To guard against injury, basic
safety precautions should be observed,
including the following:
1. Read and follow all safety instructions before
using this appliance.
2. Danger: To avoid possible electric shocks, spe-
cial care should be taken since water is employed
in the use of aquarium equipment. For each of the
following situations do not attempt repairs yourself.
Return the appliance to an authorised service facil-
ity for service or discard the appliance.
a) If the light falls into water, do not reach for it,
unplug it and then retrieve it. If the electrical com-
ponents of the appliance get wet, unplug the appli-
ance immediately (non immersible equipment
b) If the aquarium shows any sign of abnormal
water leakage, immediately unplug it from the
power source.
c) Carefully examine the aquarium after installa-
tion. It should not be plugged in when there is water
on parts which are not intended to be wet.
d) Do not operate any aquarium component if it has
a damaged cord or plug, or if it is malfunctioning, or
dropped or damaged in any manner.
A “drip loop” (See the diagram) should be arranged
by the user for each cord connecting an aquarium
component to a receptacle. The drip loop is the part
of the cord below the level of the receptacle or the
connector if an extension cord is used. It is used to
prevent water traveling along the cord and coming
in contact with the receptacle.
If the plug or receptacle does get wet, do not
unplug the appliance. Disconnect the fuse or circuit
breaker that supplies the power to the appliance,
then unplug and examine for presence of water in
the receptacle.
3. Close supervision is necessary when the appli-
ance is used by or near children.
4. Always unplug the aquarium from the electri-
cal outlet, when not in use, before putting on or
taking off parts, before any type of mainte-
or cleaning. Never yank the cord to pull it from
the outlet. Grasp the plug and unplug to discon-
5. Do not use the aquarium for reasons other
than the intended use. The use of attachments
that are not recommended or sold by the
aquarium manufacturer may cause the product
to be unsafe. This is not recommended.
6. Do not install or store the aquarium where it
will be exposed to weather or temperatures
below freezing.
7. Make sure any component mounted on a
tank is securely installed before operating it.
8. Read and observe all the important notices
on the aquarium and all components.
9. Ensure input voltage is the same voltage as
your local power supply.
10. If an extension cord is necessary, a cord
with a proper rating should be used. Care
should be taken to arrange the cord so that it
will not be tripped or pulled.
11. A G.F.C.I (Ground fault circuit interrupter) &
surge protector is recommended for all electri-
cal appliances.
12. Ensure your hand is dry when turning the
power switch on/off and when
inserting/removing the power cord from the
13. If you are in any doubt about the electrical
installation or safety of this product you must
consult a qualified electrician.
For Guarantee Conditions, please refer to
the Guarantee form that is enclosed with
this product.
Drip loop
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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Aqua One Aquience 850 Bow Aquarium. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Aqua One. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Aqua One Aquience 850 Bow Aquarium in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Aqua One
Model Aquience 850 Bow
Categorie Aquaria
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.7 MB

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Hoeveel vissen mogen er in mijn aquarium? Geverifieerd

Als vuistregel voor zoetwatervissen geldt één centimeter vis per liter water en voor zoutwatervissen een halve centimeter vis per liter water. Daarbij dient rekening gehouden te worden met de capaciteit van het filter en de decoratieve elementen in het aquarium.

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Hoe vaak moet ik een aquarium schoonmaken? Geverifieerd

Er is speciale apparatuur om de waarden in het water te meten en zo te bepalen wanneer schoonmaken noodzakelijk is. Wanneer deze apparatuur niet beschikbaar is dan is het goed om het aquarium in ieder geval eens per week schoon maken.

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Handleiding Aqua One Aquience 850 Bow Aquarium

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