Handleiding Aquatic Nature Cocoon 6 Aquarium

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Important : the advices and precautions of the place-
ment, installation and function, should be respect to
assure optimum results with the Cocoon.
Install the Cocoon on a place avoiding the direct sunlight,
this prevents algea.
The Cocoon should be placed on a fl at and horizontal
surface, uneven surfaces may not be used, glass bursting
could appear. No warranty wil be given on broken glass.
Never place the Cocoon on electronical equipments such as
TV, stereo, Hifi or moisture sensible furnitures.
The cabinet or furniture should be able to support at least
the weight of the here under given list of weights from the
lled Cocoons.
- Aquarium 5 mm with polished glass and bended front
- Hang on fi lter type FLOW 60/ 200.
- Light system Spectra 9/ 11or 18 watt.
- Polished cover glass 3mm.
- 2 Transparent glass holders with breaking slides.
- Tropical excel, the ultimate fi shfood in the Dosys, a
refi llable and adjustable 2 steps dosing system: „The
original Black Box“ (See Warranty-page).
- Security underlayer as protection.
1. Remove all the equipments from the Cocoon and lift the
aquarium from his bottom packaging.
Important: in the bottom packaging you fi nd the security
underlayer in foam.
2. Put the security underlayer on the place of installation of
the Cocoon.
This place should be even and fl at and should be able
to carry the weight of the chosen Cocoon. Water and
Dekoline included.
Cocoon 1 ca. 16 kg
Cocoon 2 ca. 30 kg
Cocoon 3 ca. 50 kg
3. Before installing the Cocoon, rinse the aquarium with
clear water, do not use detergents while they could cause
dammage to plant and fi sh.
4. Place the Cocoon and bring the needed quantity of
Dekoline in the aquarium. The quantity of Dekoline
will depend on the size of your Cocoon and the depth
you want to create.
The Dekoline is existing in over 40 colors, see the
inside front page or visit www.aquatic-nature.com,
this choise permits you to create your own design and
personal taste. Remember color brings life...
The Dekoline is completely safe for plant and fi sh and
due to its macro-porous structure, it is off ering a good
support for the plant roots, stimulating their growth.
We advise a layer of 3 cm in the front and up backwords
to 6 cm.
5. The Cocoon may be fi lled with water up to 3⁄4 .
In order to avoid a perturbation of the Dekoline, put a
plate in the aquarium and let the waterfl ow run on it (
see picture 3).
Decorate and plant the Cocoon with care
As decoration, the FOREST COLLECTION is most attrac-
tive and safe (CO
resistant), see pictures on the outside
cover of this manual and our website.
All decoration has to be rinsed.
6. As bottom fertilizer use the Ferti-Stick from Aquatic-
Put the Ferti-Sticks 2,5 until 5 cm in the bottom close
to the waterplants. Ferti-Sticks are off ering a perfect
nutrition for the plantroots and the plants.
7. Carefully fi ll up the rest of the water.
Add now the water conditioner Aqua-San with the
anti stress formula, thus preparing a fi sh adapted water
(picture 5).
8. Lighting system
Install the light system and losen the three plastic screws
on the outside of the lamp holder, put it on the aquarium
and turn on the screws under low hand pressure until
they are fi xed on the aquarium.
Cocoon 4 ca. 32 kg
Cocoon 5 ca. 45 kg
Cocoon 6 ca. 60 kg
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Merk Aquatic Nature
Model Cocoon 6
Categorie Aquaria
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.11 MB

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Hoeveel vissen mogen er in mijn aquarium? Geverifieerd

Als vuistregel voor zoetwatervissen geldt één centimeter vis per liter water en voor zoutwatervissen een halve centimeter vis per liter water. Daarbij dient rekening gehouden te worden met de capaciteit van het filter en de decoratieve elementen in het aquarium.

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Hoe vaak moet ik een aquarium schoonmaken? Geverifieerd

Er is speciale apparatuur om de waarden in het water te meten en zo te bepalen wanneer schoonmaken noodzakelijk is. Wanneer deze apparatuur niet beschikbaar is dan is het goed om het aquarium in ieder geval eens per week schoon maken.

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Handleiding Aquatic Nature Cocoon 6 Aquarium

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