Handleiding Baby Born Ethnic Pop

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Drinking and soiling her nappy
BABY born® can really drink. Fill the included bottle with fresh tap water. When feeding, you should hold her
upright so that she will not soil her nappy immediately. Only use water. All other liquids may block the tubes and
tanks inside the doll. Afterwards, screw the nipple on tightly. For drinking, put the tip of the bottle deep into her
mouth and press on the sides of the bottle. BABY born® can drink about 1/3 of the bottle before soiling her nappy.
As soon as you lay BABY born® down, she will soil her nappy. The wet nappy can then be changed. One nappy is
dressed to the doll. The second nappy is included in package; BABY born®-tted nappies can be obtained from
your toy store. (When you feed her with the bottle, the water may pour into the nappy before you lay down BABY
If you squeeze BABY born®’s right arm several times, she can cry real tears.
(Feed water to BABY born® before she can cry)
BABY born® can have a bath in the bathtub or be taken to the swimming pool. However, she should not be
immersed. Do not leave Baby born unattended in direct sunlight for an extended period of time (max. 1 hour).
Please make sure before bathing that the screw cap on BABY born®’s back is closed (slot of the screw cap is in
vertical position). For bathing, you should only use cold or tepid water, and only utilize common bath additives
suitable for children. BABY born® should not be left in bath, chlorine or salt water for more than 3 hours as
otherwise chemical reactions and bleaching may occur. After bathing please clean your BABY born® with tap
If water gets into the doll during bathing, you can dry BABY born® as follows: Use a screw driver or a coin to
carefully unscrew the screw cap (counter clockwise) on BABY born®’s back, and then pull it out a bit. It cannot be
removed completely! The water can be removed by carefully shaking the doll back and forth (with its back facing
down). Repeat several times. If necessary, vent the doll with screw cap open for 2-3 hours to get the residual
moisture out of the doll. After drying, close the screw cap clockwise.
1. When playing in the bath tub, water may get into the tubes or tanks. BABY born®’s internal tube system must
therefore be cleaned immediately after bathing. Please see also “Cleaning BABY born®”.
2. BABY born® is not suitable for use as a oatation device.
3. Do not use any cosmetics or skin care products on BABY born®.
4. If water gets into your BABY born® doll, please drain out the water from the doll before playing the interactive
Sleeping eyes
BABY born® has beautiful sleeping eyes. As soon as you lay BABY born® down, she will close her eyes and go to
Cleaning BABY born®
If BABY born® gets dirty, she can be cleaned externally using a damp cloth. It is absolutely necessary to clean BABY
born®’s internal tube system right after bathing her. If you do not clean her, the remnants from the bathwater,
chlorine water or salt water may block the tubing and tanks inside the doll. If the doll is used over an extended
period of time without cleaning, there is a danger of mould forming. To properly clean BABY born®, ll the bottle
up with warm water and mild dish detergent and insert the tip halfway into the doll’s mouth, pointing downwards
(if you were to push the bottle straight back, the rinse water would go into the wrong tank). As soon as the bottle
is empty, you should shake BABY born® hard enough to loosen the remnants inside. Afterwards, place BABY
born® on the potty in sitting position, press the belly button so that everything inside can empty out. Repeat this
procedure multiple times, followed by at least two rinses with clear water. Upon the nal rinse, there should not be
anything in the rinse water. Following the cleaning, leave BABY born® on the potty for about another 15 minutes
to make sure that she is completely empty.
BABY born® interactive
Your new BABY born® is now interactive with certain accessories. Those react to the doll with sounds, lights or
movements. Detailed further information you will receive on the packaging information of the accessories or at
www.baby-born.com .
Birth Certicate
Together with your BABY born® and the 10 accessories, you will receive a birth certicate in credit card shape. On
this birth certicate you can write down the name of your BABY born®, the weight, the birth date and the height.
Furthermore you can nd a 8 digit code on the front side of the card. With this exclusive code you can sign in to
the new BABY born® website www.baby-born.com . (Internet connection required) Register your doll, play funny
games and become part of the worldwide BABY born® community. More details you will nd on the website.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 2.03 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Baby Born Ethnic Pop. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Baby Born. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Baby Born Ethnic Pop in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Baby Born
Model Ethnic
Categorie Poppen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 2.03 MB

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Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Kan ik mijn Baby Born pop in de wasmachine doen? Geverifieerd

Nee, je kunt de pop het beste schoonmaken met een vochtige doek en mild schoonmaakmiddel. In de wasmachine kan de pop beschadigen

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Handleiding Baby Born Ethnic Pop

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