Handleiding Cotech GS506G Rookmelder

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GREAT BRITAIN • CUSTOMER SERVICE contact number: 020 8247 9300 e-mail: [email protected] internet: www.clasohlson.co.uk
500 mm
Ver. 20191227
Optical Smoke Alarm
Art.no 36-6213 Model GS506G
Please read theentire instruction manual before using theproduct and then
save it for future reference. Wereserve theright for any errors in text or images
and any necessary changes made to technicaldata. Ifyou have any questions
concerning technical problems please contact our Customer Services.
Fire safety
Preventative measures:
Store any matches and lighters in alocked room out of children’sreach.
Never empty theashes from ash trays, stoves and grills into waste bins
until theashes have completely cooled. Itis advisable to let them cool
overnight before disposing ofthem. Sootand ashes from stoves and
fireplaces should be collected in metal buckets fitted withlids. Always
place receptacles holding hot ashes on afireproof surface.
Never leave naked flames such as candles unattended. Onlyuse non-
flammable candle holders and candlesticks.
Make sure that no sparks can escape from your wood-burning stove or
fireplace and ensure that thefire has died before going tobed.
Do not store or handle combustible liquids/substances close to sources
Replace any faulty electrical plug or wiring. Makesure that thecorrect
type of fuses and circuit breakers are used in your consumerunit.
Remember to switch off your TV, computer and other appliances using
thepower switch. Remote controls don’t switch appliances off completely.
Do not place combustible materials and objects next to electrical heating
appliances. Avoidcontrolling electrical heaters with timers or any kind of
remote control device. Bearin mind that acombustible material might
have been placed on or next to anelectrical heating appliance while it
was switched off without your knowledge.
It is important that chimneys and flues are cleaned regularly to prevent
Further information about fire safety in thehome can be obtained from
theDepartment for Communities and Local Governmenthttps://www.
and-local-government if you should need tips and advice about how to
protect your home and family fromfire.
Fire safety checks:
Check thecondition of your fire extinguishers and make sure that
everyone in your household knows how to usethem.
Draw up asafe plan of escape from your premises in case of emergency.
Makesure that there are alternative escape routes, such as windows. Make
sure that there is aladder or rope as analternative in case stairs are blocked.
Practise your escape plan to make sure that itworks. Decide upon
anassembly point to gather in anemergency.
Keep bedroom doors closed during thenight. Aclosed door can keep
thefire at bay long enough for you to make your escape through awindow.
If afire breaksout:
If afire alarm goes off, keep calm but act quickly.
Wake everyone up and make sure that they leave thebuilding according
to your escapeplan. Follow your escapeplan.
Carefully feel doors with theback of your hand before opening them – if
they are hot, don’t openthem. Tryto find analternative escaperoute.
Ifyou have to escape through smoke, crawl on your hands and knees
under thesmoke. Don’t waste time rescuing valuables.
If possible, close doors and windows to contain theblaze.
If thefire is small try to extinguish/contain it with awater hose, fire
extinguisher or fire blanket. Firstmake sure that you have ameans of
escape before tackling thefire. Getout as quickly as possible if you realise
that you can’t extinguish thefire.
Call 999 as soon as you are free of thebuilding, call from aneighbour’s
house if you don’t have aphone.
Make sure that no-one re-enters thebuilding, wait for thefire brigade.
Positioning the smoke alarm
Smoke alarms should be positioned in themiddle of theceiling of aroom
at thehighest point, or at thehighest point of thehallway, staircase or
landing. Smokeand fumes will rise, accumulate on theceiling and enter
thesmoke alarm from thetop.
All bedrooms, corridors/escape routes should be equipped with smoke
alarms. Other rooms should also be equipped for comprehensive
Corridors up to 3 m wide: The first smoke alarm should be place at a max
distance of 7.5 m from the end of the corridor. The max distance between
two smoke alarms should be 15 m.
Corridors less than 1 m wide: The first smoke alarm should be placed at
a max distance of 7.5 m from the end of the corridor. The smoke alarm
should be mounted in the middle of the ceiling. In these cases, the rule of
keeping a 0.5 m distance to a wall cannot be met.
Exterior corridors and similar: If the total length and width exceed 16 m²,
an extra smoke alarm should be mounted in the highest-lying area.
1. Remove thebaseplate by turning it anti-
2. Markout theposition of themounting holes
on thewall using thebaseplate as atemplate.
Screwthebaseplate into place using
theincluded screws. Forconcrete ceilings it
might be necessary to drill Ø 5 mm holes and
insert theincluded wall plugs before screwing
on thealarm.
3. Insert thebattery and connect theterminals.
Pushing in thetest button will test all theessential functions of thesmoke
alarm and check that thebatteryworks.
Thetest button simulates smoke entering thesmoke alarm,i.e. thetest
button has thesame effect as realsmoke.
It is crucial that thesmoke be tested regularly and often, at least once
amonth. Forexample in conjunction with house cleaning, or after along
holiday away fromhome.
Thesmoke alarm will only alert you when thebattery islow. Ifthere is any
other technical fault with thesmoke alarm it will not alert you to thisfact.
Thetest button on theother hand tests thebattery and all theessential
The smoke alarm must be replaced if it does not emit 3 short audible
signals when the test button is pressed in for 5 sec.
Warning: Donot test thealarm close to naked flames, these can damaged
thealarm and are dangerous. Wedo not recommend that you test thealarm
using smoke as results can be misleading if thecorrect test equipment is
The smoke alarm shall be replaced after 10 years
Smoke alarms shall be replaced after 10 years of service. Theexpiry date
should be printed on theratinglabel.
Care and maintenance
Asmoke alarm which is dirty on theinside is more sensitive and often
goes off without reason.
Theoutside of thesmoke alarm should be wiped clean with adamp cloth
and vacuumed carefully with asoft brush nozzle.
Clean the smoke alarm by vacuuming it at least once a year. Test the
smoke alarm according to the instructions in the owner’s manual. Check
that all the inlets are unblocked and that the smoke alarm is not damaged
in any way. A damaged smoke alarm must be replaced.
Responsible disposal
This symbol indicates that this product should not be disposed of with
general householdwaste. Thisapplies throughout theentire EU. Inorder
to prevent any harm to theenvironment or health hazards caused
by incorrect waste disposal, theproduct must be handed in for
recycling so that thematerial can be disposed of in aresponsible
manner. Whenrecycling your product, take it to your local collection
facility or contact theplace of purchase. Theywill ensure that
theproduct is disposed of in anenvironmentally soundmanner.
Power supply 9 V Alkaline battery* (lifespan 1 year)
Currentdraw Standby <10 µA, alarm <30 mA
Loudness >85 dB at adistance of 3 m
Maximum humidity 90 % RH
Temperaturerange 0–45 °C
Alarm sensitivity 0.10–0.16 dB/m
Servicelife Thesmoke alarm shall be replaced after 10years.
Theexpiry date should be printed on theratinglabel.
* Replace using the following batteries only: Zinc-carbon: Gold Peak 1604S (1-year
estimated lifetime). Alkaline: Gold Peak 1604A, Raymax 6LR61, Duracell MN1604
(5-year estimated lifetime). Lithium: EVE CR9-V (10-year estimated lifetime). (Using
unsuitable battery types and incorrect battery insertion pose an explosion risk. Only use
a battery of the same or equivalent type when replacing.)
Place at least 0.5 m from
a wall or other obstacle. If
partition walls, furniture or
similar objects reach up to
ceiling level, then each of
these divided areas must
have their own separate
smoke alarm.
Sloped ceiling placement, 50–
100cm from thepeak.
Several smoke alarms must be
mounted at various heights for
ceilings exceeding 6 m in height.
If ceiling beams or similar protrude
more than 0.2 m from the ceiling
and the area between the beams
is greater than 36 m², then the
smoke alarm should be mounted
in this area between the beams. If
beams protrude less than 0.2 m,
then the smoke alarm can either
be mounted on the ceiling or the
beam itself.
Thegrey zone is deadair. Donot
install thesmoke alarm in thisarea.
Do NOT place thesmoke alarm in thefollowing places:
Do not place thesmoke alarm in thekitchen, where theventilation ispoor.
Smokeand vapours from cooking and baking could set thealarmoff.
Do not place thesmoke alarm close to extractor fans or airvents.
Smokecan be drawn to these places instead of to thesmokealarm.
Do not place asmoke alarm in agarage. Fumesfrom thecar exhaust
could set thealarmoff.
Do not place thesmoke alarm in areas with high humidity or areas that
experience large changes in temperature. Thesmoke alarm should not be
placed in areas with temperatures below +5 °C or above +40 °C.
Note: Thesmoke alarm must not be paintedover.
4. Twistthesmoke alarm back onto thebaseplate.
5. Holdin thetest button to test thesmokealarm. Referto thesection
Testing thesmokealarm.
Changing the battery
The included battery has an approximate 1-year lifespan. Roughly amonth
before thebattery dies, thealarm will emit short audible signals and thered
LED will flash approximately every 30 seconds. Should this occur, it is time to
change thebattery.
1. Remove thealarm from thebaseplate by turning it clockwise.
2. Remove theold battery and connect theterminal leads to thenew battery*.
3. Insert thenew battery into thebattery holder.
4. Holdin thetest button for at least 5 seconds to make sure that thesmoke
alarmworks. Referto thesection Testing thesmoke alarm.
Safety information
If thebedrooms are located in different parts of thehouse, asmoke alarm
should be placed in each bedroom.
If thehouse has several floors, asmoke alarm should be placed on
Thesooner your family is warned of afire, themore chance you have of
saving yourselves and your property.
Smoke alarms should be positioned in themiddle of theceiling of aroom
at thehighest point, or at thehighest point of thehallway, staircase or landing.
Themore smoke alarms you have – thesafer you’llbe. Makesure that
you can hear thesmoke alarms from your bedroom.
Smoke alarms should normally not be more than 10–12 mapart.
Themaximum floor space area that one smoke alarm can protect is 60 m².
Don’t put alarms in or near kitchens or garages where smoke or exhaust
fumes can set them off by accident. Neither is it advisable to fit smoke
alarms in humid rooms or close tofans. Notin agricultural buildings either.
Themajority of household fires start in thekitchen. Asmoke alarm should
therefore be placed in theroom next to thekitchen to provide as early as
warning as possible.
Factors which can increase theneed for having asmoke alarmare:
Closed doors, different ceiling heights, long distances or other obstacles
that might prevent or delay smoke from reaching thesmokealarm.
The smoke alarm must be mounted in a safe manner to ensure that it
does not fall and cause injury to someone. It may be difficult to mount
the smoke alarm to plasterboard ceilings or similar types of ceilings.
The battery must not be subjected to fire, direct sunlight or high
Note: Thesmoke alarm must not be paintedover.
Testing the smoke alarm
Test thesmoke alarm as follows: Pressand hold in thetest button for at
least 5 seconds. Thealarm will emit 3 short beeps followed by apause
of 1.5seconds in acontinuous cycle for as long as thebutton is heldin.
Thered LED will flash acouple of times aminute.
For declaration of performance
visit www.clasohlson.com
Horizontal/slanted ceilings: Smoke alarms should be placed at least 0.5
and a maximum of 1 m away from the ceiling’s highest point on ceilings
which have a horizontal portion and a slanted portion with a slant of over
20º. The smoke alarm should be mounted on the slanted portion of the
ceiling if the horizontal portion is less than 1 m wide. The smoke alarm
should be mounted in the middle of the horizontal portion if this portion is
more than 1 m wide.
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Merk Cotech
Model GS506G
Categorie Rookmelders
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.84 MB

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Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Waar moet ik mijn rookmelder ophangen? Geverifieerd

Dit verschilt per situatie, maar in een woning is het aan te raden op elke verdieping ten minste 1 rookmelder te plaatsen. Doe dit het liefst op gangen waar kamers op uit komen en niet direct naast een keuken of badkamer. Houd ook altijd tenminste 30 centimeter ruimte tussen een rookmelder en een lamp.

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Kan ik kaarsen gebruiken als ik een rookmelder heb? Geverifieerd

Dit hangt voor een deel af van de gevoeligheid van de rookmelder. In veel gevallen kan een kaars gebruikt worden zolang deze niet in directe nabijheid van een rookmelder staan. Bij het uitblazen van de kaarsen kan wel rook vrijkomen die de rookmelder kunnen laten afgaan.

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Is een rookmelder hetzelfde als een koolmonoxidemelder? Geverifieerd

Nee! Een rookmelder kan niet fungeren als koolmonoxidemelder en vice versa.

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