Handleiding Cuisinart CGG-608 Barbecue

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6. Care And Maintenance
6.1 Care
Regular care of your grill will help keep it operating properly. All maintenance should be done only when the
grill is cool and with the fuel supply turned off. Occasionally inspect and tighten hardware that may become loose.
6.2 Cleaning The Venturi Tube
A spider’s nest or wasp’s mud inside the Venturi Tube can block gas ow and can even cause a re at the gas
control valve. Such a re can cause operator injury and serious damage to your grill.
To prevent insect related problems, inspect the Venturi Tube screen cover regularly and remove any dirt.
Do not disassemble or alter the fuel supply system. Improper assembly can result in a hazardous condition.
Seek qualied professional assistance if repairs are required.
6.3 Cleaning And Maintenance
• WARNING: Do not clean any grill surface while grill is operating.
Let grill cool to a safe temperature prior to cleaning.
• Disconnectthefuelsupplyandremovethefuelsupplycylinderpriortocleaning.
• Cleaningshouldbedonewheredetergentwon’tharmworksurfaceorlawn.
Exterior Cleaning
• Cleangrillexteriorsurfaceswithwarmsoapywater.
• Washdriptrayinwarmsoapywater–donotrunthroughdishwasher.
Interior Cleaning
• Cookinggratecanbecleanedwithagrillbrush.Forbestresults,cookinggrateshouldbewarm
cooking grate can be removed from grill and cleaned with warm soapy water.
• Cookinggrateisalsodishwashersafe.Youcanremovewhencoolandplaceinthedishwashertoclean.
• Shouldyouwishtoremoveaccumulateddebrisfromthebottomoftherebox,proceedasfollows:
– Letgrillcoolcompletely
– Removecookinggrateandsetaside
– Carefullyscrapeandremovedebrisfrombottomofreboxusingcarenottotouchburnerelement,
igniter, or igniter wire.
7. FAQ and Troubleshooting
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use a 20lb LP tank?
“You may use a standard 20 lb. LP tank with your Cuisinart Gas Grill, but you will need a conversion hose, such as the
Cuisinart QG-012B or equivalent. These hoses are widely available online, and at most home centers and hardware
stores. [be sure the 20 lb tank you are planning to use is intended for gas grill use, and has an OPD valve]”
Can I use my Cuisinart Gas Grill with natural gas?
“NO. Your Cuisinart Gas Grill is intended for use only with LP (Liquid Propane) gas. Natural Gas is NOT Liquid Propane.
Never use any other fuel source with your grill, as it will create a dangerous situation.”
“Can I add lava rocks, ceramic tiles, or charcoal briquettes to my Cuisinart Gas Grill?”
“NO. Your grill is not intended to operate with these items, and doing so may create an unsafe situation, and will
void your warranty. You may use wood planks or a wood chip “”smoker box”” on top of the cooking grate surface,
but nothing should go under the cooking grate.”
Where can I buy accessories or replacement parts?
Visit www.cuisinart.com or call 1-800-211-9604.
Burner won’t light (using a 16.4oz or 14.1oz LP bottle)
holes with a small brush.”
“If above do not solve problem, unless LP tank is new, replace with new tank and attempt lighting again.”
Burner won’t light (using 20lb. Tank with conversion hose)
Grill doesn’t reach high enough temperature (using LP bottle)
Grill doesn’t reach high enough temperature (using 20lb LP tank with conversion hose)
it is commonly called “”bypass””. This device can be inadertantly activated by not following proper lighting procedures.
Should you experience low ame, you should do the following:
1) shut off grill
2) close tank valve fully
3) remove conversion hose to relieve pressure, then re-attach
Then, restart the grill (and start the grill each time) using the proper procedure:
1) ensure the grill fuel knob is turned to OFF
2) slowly open the gas tank valve fully
4) follow the grill lighting steps (printed on grill, and in owner’s manual)”
For additional FAQs, please visit www.cuisinartgrilling.com/customerservice
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.87 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Cuisinart
Model CGG-608
Categorie Barbecues
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.87 MB

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Wat is het verschil tussen houtskool en briquetten? Geverifieerd

Briquetten bestaan uit de resten van de houtskoolproductie, waardoor de eigenschappen anders zijn. Houtskool brand sneller en bereikt een hogere temperatuur. Briquetten daarentegen, branden langer en hebben een meer constante temperatuur.

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Handleiding Cuisinart CGG-608 Barbecue

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