Handleiding Exibel L402-A Lamineermachine

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GREAT BRITAIN - CUSTOMER SERVICE contact number: 08545 300 9799 e-mail: customerservice@clasohlson.co.uk internet: www.clasohlson.com/uk
Ver. 20130806
A4 Laminator
Art.no 18-4534 Model L402-A-UK
34-1401 L402-A
Please read theentire instruction manual before using and save it
for future use. We apologise for any text or photo errors and any
changes of technical data. If you have any questions concerning
technical problems please contact our Customer Service Department.
1. Safety
• Unplug thelead before cleaning.
• The laminator may not be used by children without
thesupervision of anadult.
• Do not insert any metal objects like paperclips, coins, etc.
• Do not insert anything other than lamination film into themachine.
• Do not disassemble thelaminator or attempt to repair it
yourself. Thelaminator must not be modified in anyway.
• The laminator may produce aburnt odour when first used.
Thisis completely normal.
• Do not touch any of themachine’s hot surfaces. Burninjuries
may result.
• Never use thelaminator in humid environments or near
sources of water, such as sinks, taps, etc.
• The mains lead should be checked regularly. Neveruse
theproduct if themains lead or its plug is damaged or if
theproduct is not functioning properly.
• If themains lead is damaged, it must only be replaced by
aqualified service technician in order to prevent any risk of fire
or electric shock.
• Never lay themains lead over hot surfaces or pull it round
sharp edges or corners. Position themains lead in such away
that it will not be trodden on or tripped over.
2. Product description
• Two rollers
• Capacity: 250 mm/min 80–100 µm, maxA4
• 3-min warm-uptime
• Max. paper thickness: 0.5mm
• Reverse feature for correcting misfeeds
• Power output: 210W
1. Film feedslot
2. [ 0/1 ] Power switch
3. POWER Red LED indicator
4. READY Green LED indicator
5. [ ABS ] Reverse function
6. Output chute
3. Operation
Make sure thepower switch (2) is set to 0 before plugging it into
awall socket.
1. Plugit into awall socket and set thepower switch (2) to
theIposition. Thered LED (3) will light to indicate that
thewarm-up phase hasbegun.
2. Thegreen LED will light after about three minutes indicating
that thelaminator is ready for use. Makesure that there is
sufficient room behind themachine to allow thelamination to
exit themachine freely.
3. Flipopen thelamination film and insert thepaper to be
laminated. Allowat least 3–10 mm clearance at thesealed
edge when inserting. Makesure thepaper is not crooked.
4. Feedthesealed end of thelamination film into thefeed
slotfirst. Note: Thisis very important; otherwise,
thelamination film can become caught in therollers.
5. Lettheentire lamination exit freely. Donot pull it out with force.
Letit cool before handling it. Placeaflat heavy object, like
abook over thelaminate while cooling if you want your results
to be extra smooth andflat.
6. Setthepower switch to 0 and unplug thelaminator when you
have finished usingit.
• Selectthecorrect size of lamination film so that it fits
theobject to be laminated.
• Avoidplacing several small pieces of paper into asingle
lamination sheet.
• Remember that thelaminate’s total thickness may not
• Donot feed in empty lamination film.
• Donot cut thelamination film into smaller pieces before
feeding it through themachine.
• Donot feed thefilm into themachine at anangle.
Itcanbecome caught in themachine during
• Useonly lamination film. Nevertry to feed in any other
• Ifyou intend to laminate in series, remember themachine
needs to rest at least 15 seconds between every lamination.
• Donot feed in any material that is sensitive toheat.
The laminator is intended for personal use only and should not be
used continuously. Werecommend that you turn off themachine
and let it cool down for approximately 30 minutes after two
minutes ofuse.
Reverse feature for correcting misfeeds
The machine has a feature which allows the laminate to be pulled
out from the front. If the lamination film misfeeds or jams:
1. Turn off the laminator immediately by turning the power switch
to the 0 position and then unplug it.
2. Hold in the [ABS] button and extract the laminate.
4. Care and maintenance
Unplug thelaminator from thewall socket and wipe it with
asoft,damp cloth when needed. Neveruse strong detergents
5. Disposal
This product should be disposed of in accordance with local
regulations. Ifyou are unsure how to proceed, contact your
6. Specifications
Rated voltage 220–240 V AC, 50Hz
Power 210 W, 1.2A
Max lamination width 230mm
Speed 250 mm/minute
lamination film thickness 80–100 microns
Dimensions 320×86×86mm
1 2 3 4 5 6
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.63 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Exibel L402-A Lamineermachine. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Exibel. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Exibel L402-A Lamineermachine in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Exibel
Model L402-A
Categorie Lamineermachines
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.63 MB

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Handleiding Exibel L402-A Lamineermachine

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