Handleiding Flymo Visimo Grasmaaier

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dren, or pets are nearby.
4. Only use the product in the manner and for the func-
tions described in these instructions.
5. Never operate the product when you are tired, ill or
under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medicine.
6. The operator or user is responsible for accidents or
hazards occurring to other people or their property.
7. Read the user instructions carefully to make sure you
understand all the controls and what they do.
1. We recommend the use of a Residual Current Circuit De-
vice (R.C.D.) with a tripping current of not more than 30mA.
Even with a R.C.D. installed 100% safety cannot be guaran-
teed and safe working practice must be followed at all times.
Check your R.C.D. every time you use it.
2. Before use, examine cable for damage, replace it if
there are signs of damage or ageing.
3. Do not use the product if the electric cables are dam-
aged or worn
4. Immediately disconnect from the mains electricity supply if
the cable is cut, or the insulation is damaged. Do not
touch the electric cable until the electrical supply has
been disconnected. Do not repair a cut or damaged
cable. Replace it with a new one.
5. Your extension cable must be uncoiled, coiled cables
can overheat and reduce the efficiency of your product.
6. Keep cable away from product, always work away from
the power point mowing up and down, never in circles.
7. Do not pull cable around sharp objects.
8. Always switch off at the mains before disconnecting any
plug, cable connector or extension cable.
9. Switch off, remove plug from mains and examine electric
supply cable for damage or ageing before
winding cable
for storage. Do not repair a damaged cable, replace it
with a new one. Use only Flymo replacement cable.
10. Always wind cable carefully, avoiding kinking.
11. Never carry the product by the cable.
12. Never pull on the cable to disconnect any of the plugs.
13. Use only on AC mains supply voltage shown on the
product rating label.
14. Flymo Products are double insulated to EN60335.
Under no circumstance should an earth be connected
to any part of the product.
1. While using your product always wear substantial
footwear and long trousers.Do not operate the equip-
ment when barefoot or wearing open toe sandals.
2. Make sure the lawn is clear of sticks, stones, bones,
wire and debris; they could be thrown by the blade.
3. Before using the machine and after any impact, check
for signs of wear or damage and repair as necessary.
4. Replace worn or damaged blades together with their
fixings in sets to preserve balance.
1. Use the product only in daylight or good artificial light.
2. Avoid operating your product in wet grass, where feasible.
3. On slopes, be extra careful of your footing and wear
non-slip footwear.
4. Mow across the face of slopes, never up and down.
5. Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on
slopes. Walk never run.
6. Do not mow excessively steep slopes.
7. Do not walk backwards when mowing, you could trip.
8. Never cut grass by pulling the product towards you.
9. Switch off before pushing the product over surfaces
other than grass.
10. Never operate the product with damaged guards or
without guards in place.
11. Switch on the motor according to instructions and with
feet well away from the blade(s)
12. Do not tilt lawnmower when the motor is running, except
when starting and stopping. In this case, do not tilt more than
absolutely necessary and lift only the part which is away from
the operator. Always ensure that both hands are in the operating
position before returning the appliance to the ground.
13. Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating parts.
14. Never pick up or carry a product when it is operating or
still connected to the mains supply.
15. Remove the plug from the mains :
- before leaving the product unattended for any period;
- before clearing a blockage;
- before checking, cleaning or working on the appliance;
- if you hit an object. Do not use your product until you are
sure that the entire product is in a safe operating condition.;
- if the product starts to vibrate abnormally. Check imme-
diately. Excessive vibration can cause injury.
Maintenance and storage
1. Caution - Do not touch rotating blade.
2. Keep all nuts, bolts and screws tight to be sure the
lawnmower is in safe working condition.
3. Check the grassbox frequently for wear or deterioration.
4. Replace worn or damaged parts for safety.
5. Only use the replacement blade, and blade bolt speci-
fied for this product.
6. Be careful during adjustment of the product to prevent
entrapment of the fingers between moving blades and
fixed parts of the machine.
7. Store in a cool dry place and out of reach of children.
Do not store outdoors.
8. Allow the product to cool for at least 30 minutes before
If you want to use an extension cable when operating your
product, only the following cable dimensions should be used.
- 1.0 mm
: max length 40 m
- 1.5 mm
: max length 60 m
- 2.5mm
: max length 100 m
Minimum rating :
size cable, 10 amps 250 volts AC.
1. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced
by your local Husqvarna UK Ltd. Approved Service
Centre or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid
a hazard.
2.Flymo Extension Cables are available from your
local Husqvarna UK Ltd. Approved Service Centre.
3.Do not wire an extension cable directly to your product
yourself. Please contact your local Husqvarna UK Ltd. Ap-
proved Service Centre for further information on the con-
nectors and kits available.
4.Only use extension cables specifically designed for out-
door use and which conform to one of the following speci-
fications: Ordinary rubber (60245 IEC 53), Ordinary PVC
(60227 IEC 53) or Ordinary PCP (60245 IEC 57)
Flymo connectors are suitable for use with 2 core cable
only. Under no circumstances should these connectors
be used for earthed products.
All Flymo connectors and cables are of splashproof con-
struction. They are not waterproof and must not be left
outside permanently nor should they be submerged or im-
mersed in water. Do not let cable lay or trail through pools of
water or splashed with water from hose pipes.
If the plug supplied is cut off it sh
ould be destroyed. There
is an electric shock hazard if a cut off plug is inserted into
a 13 amp socket.
1.No earth required. Flymo products are double insulated to
EN60335 and under no circumstances should an earth
be connected to any part of the product.
2.Ensure the mains voltage suits your product
The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance
with the following code:
The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to the
Terminal which is marked with the letter 'N' or coloured BLACK.
The wire which is coloured BROWN must be connected to the
Terminal which is marked with the letter 'L' or coloured RED.
4.It is important that the outer sheath is clamped correctly
into the 3-pin plug.
5.If in doubt consult your local Service Repairer or qualified
electrician before the machine is used.
6.A 13 Amp fuse must be fitted to the Mains Plug.
7.The normal plug fuse and household fuse only protect the
electrical equipment and are not a safeguard against
If your product is hard wired i.e. non-detachable mains
electric cable, a conversion kit and extension cable is
available from all Approved Service Centres which
can be found in your local Yellow Pages.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 2.17 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Flymo
Model Visimo
Categorie Grasmaaiers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 2.17 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Flymo Grasmaaiers
Meer handleidingen voor Grasmaaiers

Veelgestelde vragen over Flymo Visimo Grasmaaier

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Hoe weet ik of de messen van mijn grasmaaier geslepen moeten worden? Geverifieerd

Goed geslepen messen snijden het gras netjes af. Botte messen scheuren het gras en het gras kleurt dan snel bruin. Wanneer het resultaat gescheurd gras is, is het tijd de messen te slijpen of te vervangen.

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Wat is mulchen? Geverifieerd

Sommige grasmaaiers hebben een mulch-functie. Hiermee wordt het gras fijngesnipperd en weer teruggeblazen naar het gazon. Deze snippers fungeren vervolgens als voeding bescherming voor het gras.

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Ik heb per ongeluk diesel in mijn benzinemaaier gedaan, wat moet ik doen? Geverifieerd

De maaier kan NIET gebruikt worden. De enige oplossing is de tank helemaal leeg halen en vullen met de juiste brandstof.

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Wat is de juiste lengte van het gras? Geverifieerd

Om uitdrogen van het gras te voorkomen, moet het gras niet te kort worden gemaaid. Je kunt beter regelmatig maaien, dan te kort. De juiste lengte is 3 tot 4 centimeter.

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Kan ik het gras maaien als het nat is? Geverifieerd

Dat is mogelijk, maar niet aan te raden. Als gras nat is kan het bij het maaien gaan klonteren, waardoor er geen optimaal resultaat meer behaald wordt.

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Wat is het beste moment om het gras te maaien? Geverifieerd

Het gras moet worden gemaaid van maart tot en met oktober. Dit doe je afhankelijk van hoe snel het gras groeit één tot twee keer per week. Als je het gras maait, kun je dit het beste aan het einde van de dag doen en niet in de volle zon om uitdroging na het maaien te voorkomen.

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Bij welke oppervlakken kies ik voor een accumaaier en wanneer voor een benzinemaaier? Geverifieerd

Voor oppervlakken tot ongeveer 300m² kan een accumaaier gebruikt worden. Voor grotere oppervlakken is een benzinemaaier aan te raden.

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Kan ik een robotmaaier in de nacht laten werken? Geverifieerd

Het is beter een robotmaaier niet 's nachts te laten werken. Sommige dieren, zoals egels, zijn vooral in de nacht actief. Zij zijn vaak niet snel genoeg om te vluchten voor een robotmaaier en kunnen hierdoor zwaargewond raken of overlijden.

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Handleiding Flymo Visimo Grasmaaier

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