Handleiding Gardena 5000/5 Tuinpomp

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Special mode: Additional electrical switching devices (e. g. remote control
systems, pressure switches) can be used only in the special mode.
Activating the special mode:
1. When switching on, press the On/Off button
for 8 seconds.
During the first 5 seconds, the green LED is illuminated;
then the LED blinks for 3 seconds.
2. When the green LED illuminates again after 8 seconds,
let go of the On/Off button
Deactivating the special mode:
1. Plug the mains plug into an energised mains socket.
The pump starts of its own accord.
2. Press the On/Off button
. The pump switches off.
3. When switching on, keep the On/Off button
depressed for
8seconds until the green LED no longer flashes.
The safe-pump function uses the LED status display to alert the
user that there is no water flow. In addition, it acts as Dry-Run-
ning Safety, guarding against pump damage if the delivery side
is closed too long (e.g. closed valves) or if the water supply fails
(e. g. empty cistern).
LED flashes green: Normal operation
LED flashes orange: No water flow for at least 20 seconds
LED shines red: No water flow for at least 5 minutes
(pump has switched off automatically)
LED flashes red: Alarm! Pump was started 3 times within
20 min. without water flow. (Pump can
no longer be started for 5 min. to allow
cooling, after which the LED shines red)
5. Putting into Storage
Overwintering / Storage:
Before the start of the frost period the Garden Pump should be
stored protected from frost.
1. Open the water drain screw
The Garden Pump drains.
2. Store your Garden Pump so that it is protected from frost.
(in accordance with
The product must not be added to normal household waste.
It must be disposed of in line with local environmental regulations.
6. Maintenance
DANGER! Electric shock!
Risk of injury due to electric shock.
v Disconnect Garden Pump from the mains before
carrying out maintenance.
Cleaning the filter: If the filter is dirty it has to be cleaned.
1. Close all shut-off valves,
if any, on the suction side.
2. Unscrew and remove cover
of the filter chamber.
3. Draw out filter unit vertically
4. Hold beaker
firmly, turn
anti-clockwise 1 and
draw out 2 (bayonet fitting).
5. Clean beaker
running water and clean the
e. g. with a soft brush.
6. Refit filter again in reverse order.
Flush through Garden Pump: The pump must be flushed through after discharging chlorinated
swimming pool water.
1. Pump through lukewarm water (max. 35 °C), possibly adding
a mild cleaning agent (e.g. detergent) until the pumped water
runs clear.
2. Remove residuals according to the waste disposal laws
applicable in your area.
7. Trouble-Shooting
DANGER! Electric shock!
Risk of injury due to electric shock.
v Disconnect Garden Pump from the mains before
Free the impeller:
An impeller blocked by dirt can be freed again.
v Turn the impeller bolt
using a screwdriver.
This will free the blocked impeller.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 2.32 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Gardena 5000/5 Tuinpomp. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Gardena. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Gardena 5000/5 Tuinpomp in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Gardena
Model 5000/5
Categorie Tuinpompen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 2.32 MB

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Kunnen Gardena producten tegen vorst? Geverifieerd

Producten van Gardena van 2015 of later zijn voorzien van technologie die beschermt tegen de vrieskou. Oudere producten kunnen door grote temperatuurschommelingen te maken krijgen met een verminderde levensduur. Voor waterproducten wordt aangeraden deze op een vorstvrije plek op te slaan.

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Handleiding Gardena 5000/5 Tuinpomp

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