Handleiding Garmin Dash Cam 35 Actiecamera

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Forward Collision Warning System
The forward collision warning system (FCWS) feature is for
information only and does not replace your responsibility to
observe all road and driving conditions, abide by all traffic
regulations, and use safe driving judgment at all times. The
FCWS relies on the camera to provide a warning of upcoming
vehicles and, as a result, may have limited functionality in low
visibility conditions.
NOTE: This feature is not available in all areas or for all product
The FCWS feature alerts you when the device detects that you
are not maintaining a safe distance between your vehicle and
the vehicle in front of you. The device determines your vehicle
speed using GPS, and it calculates an estimated safe following
distance based on your speed. The FCWS activates
automatically when your vehicle speed exceeds 48 km/hr
(30 mph).
When the device detects that you are too close to the vehicle
ahead of you, the device plays an audible alert, and a warning
appears on the screen.
Forward Collision Warning System
Performance Tips
Several factors affect the performance of the forward collision
warning system (FCWS). Some conditions may prevent the
FCWS feature from detecting a vehicle ahead of you.
The FCWS feature activates only when your vehicle speed
exceeds 48 km/h (30 mph).
The FCWS feature may not detect a vehicle ahead of you
when the camera's view of the vehicle is obscured by rain,
fog, snow, sun or headlight glare, or darkness.
The FCWS feature may not function properly if the camera is
incorrectly aligned.
The FCWS feature may not detect vehicles greater than 40 m
(130 ft.) away or closer than 5 m (16 ft.).
Device Settings
Select > Settings.
Brightness: Adjusts the screen brightness.
Display Timeout: Adjusts the amount of time before the screen
turns off automatically.
Setup: Displays the device setup options.
About: Displays device information, including the unit ID and
software version.
Volume: Adjusts the speaker volume. This feature is not
available in all areas or for all product models.
Device Setup
Deleted or overwritten files cannot be restored.
Select > Settings > Setup.
Date and Time: Sets the time, date, and format for the time
Language: Sets all on-screen text to the selected language.
Format Card: Formats the memory card and deletes all files on
the memory card.
Restore: Restores all settings to the factory default values.
Units: Sets the unit of measure used for distances.
Camera Options
Select > Camera Options.
Forward Collision Warning: Adjust the sensitivity of the FCWS
feature. A higher sensitivity setting calculates a longer
estimated safe following distance. This feature is not
available in all areas or for all product models.
Event Detection: Turns on and off event detection (Event
Detection, page 2).
Data Overlay: Sets the type of data displayed on the video.
Record Audio: Turns on and off audio recording. This feature is
not available in all areas or for all product models.
Record After Power Loss: Sets the amount of time that the
device continues to record video after power is turned off.
Resolution: Adjust the video resolution.
Device Information
Support and Updates
Garmin Express
(garmin.com/express ) provides easy access
to these services for Garmin devices.
Product registration
Product manuals
Software updates
Setting Up Garmin Express
Connect the device to your computer using a USB cable.
Go to www.garmin.com/express.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Resetting the Device
You can reset your device if it stops functioning.
Hold the power key for 12 seconds.
Operating temperature
From -20° to 55°C (from -4° to 131°F)
Charging temperature
From 0° to 45°C (from 32° to 113°F)
Memory card Class 10 or higher microSDHC up to 64 GB
Changing the Fuse in the Vehicle Power
When replacing the fuse, do not lose any of the small pieces
and make sure they are put back in the proper position. The
vehicle power cable does not work unless it is assembled
If your device does not charge in your vehicle, you may need to
replace the fuse located at the tip of the vehicle adapter.
Rotate the end piece
90 degrees counter clockwise to
unlock it.
Forward Collision Warning System 3
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.81 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Garmin
Model Dash Cam 35
Categorie Actiecamera's
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.81 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over Garmin Dash Cam 35 Actiecamera

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Wat is een megapixel? Geverifieerd

Een megapixel (MP) staat gelijk aan een miljoen pixels. Megapixels worden onder andere gebruikt om de resolutie van een digitale camera of camcorder weer te geven. Zo heeft een camera die beeld produceert van 1280x960 pixels een resolutie van ongeveer 1,3MP. Hoewel er heel veel factoren zijn die de kwaliteit van het beeld beïnvloeden kan over het algemeen gezegd worden dat meer megapixels zorgen voor een beter beeld.

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Handleiding Garmin Dash Cam 35 Actiecamera

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