Handleiding Garmin Edge 530 Fietscomputer

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Anaerobic focus: Your training load is mostly intense activity.
This leads to rapid fitness gains, but should be balanced with
low aerobic activities.
Above targets: Your training load is higher than optimal, and
you should consider scaling back the duration and frequency
of your workouts.
About Training Effect
Training Effect measures the impact of an activity on your
aerobic and anaerobic fitness. Training Effect accumulates
during the activity. As the activity progresses, the Training Effect
value increases. Training Effect is determined by your user
profile information and training history, and heart rate, duration,
and intensity of your activity. There are seven different Training
Effect labels to describe the primary benefit of your activity.
Each label is color coded and corresponds to your training load
focus (Training Load Focus, page 7). Each feedback phrase, for
example, "Highly Impacting VO2 Max." has a corresponding
description in your Garmin Connect activity details.
Aerobic Training Effect uses your heart rate to measure how the
accumulated intensity of an exercise affects your aerobic fitness
and indicates if the workout had a maintaining or improving
effect on your fitness level. Your excess post-exercise oxygen
consumption (EPOC) accumulated during exercise is mapped to
a range of values that account for your fitness level and training
habits. Steady workouts at moderate effort or workouts involving
longer intervals (>180 sec) have a positive impact on your
aerobic metabolism and result in an improved aerobic Training
Anaerobic Training Effect uses heart rate and speed (or power)
to determine how a workout affects your ability to perform at
very high intensity. You receive a value based on the anaerobic
contribution to EPOC and the type of activity. Repeated high-
intensity intervals of 10 to 120 seconds have a highly beneficial
impact on your anaerobic capability and result in an improved
anaerobic Training Effect.
You can add Aerobic Training Effect and Anaerobic Training
Effect as data fields to one of your training screens to monitor
your numbers throughout the activity.
Training Effect Aerobic Benefit Anaerobic Benefit
From 0.0 to 0.9 No benefit. No benefit.
From 1.0 to 1.9 Minor benefit. Minor benefit.
From 2.0 to 2.9 Maintains your aerobic
Maintains your anaerobic
From 3.0 to 3.9 Impacts your aerobic
Impacts your anaerobic
From 4.0 to 4.9 Highly impacts your
aerobic fitness.
Highly impacts your
anaerobic fitness.
5.0 Overreaching and
potentially harmful without
enough recovery time.
Overreaching and
potentially harmful without
enough recovery time.
Training Effect technology is provided and supported by
Firstbeat Technologies Ltd. For more information, go to
Recovery Time
You can use your Garmin device with wrist-based heart rate or a
compatible chest heart rate monitor to display how much time
remains before you are fully recovered and ready for the next
hard workout.
NOTE: The recovery time recommendation uses your VO2 max.
estimate and may seem inaccurate at first. The device requires
you to complete a few activities to learn about your
The recovery time appears immediately following an activity.
The time counts down until it is optimal for you to attempt
another hard workout.
Viewing Your Recovery Time
Before you can use the recovery time feature, you must put on
the heart rate monitor, and pair it with your device (Pairing Your
Wireless Sensors, page 15). If your device was packaged with
a heart rate monitor, the device and sensor are already paired.
For the most accurate estimate, complete the user profile setup
(Setting Up Your User Profile, page 18), and set your
maximum heart rate (Setting Your Heart Rate Zones, page 14).
Select Menu > My Stats > Recovery > Enable.
Go for a ride.
After your ride, select Save Ride.
The recovery time appears. The maximum time is 4 days,
and the minimum time is 6 hours.
Getting Your FTP Estimate
The device uses your user profile information from the initial
setup to estimate your functional threshold power (FTP). For a
more accurate FTP value, you can conduct an FTP test using a
paired power meter and heart rate monitor (Conducting an FTP
Test, page 8).
Select Menu > My Stats > FTP.
Your FTP estimate appears as a value measured in watts per
kilogram, your power output in watts, and a position on the
color gauge.
Purple Superior
Blue Excellent
Green Good
Orange Fair
Red Untrained
For more information, see the appendix (FTP Ratings,
page 26).
Conducting an FTP Test
Before you can conduct a test to determine your functional
threshold power (FTP), you must have a paired power meter
and heart rate monitor (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors,
page 15).
Select Menu > My Stats > FTP > FTP Test > Ride.
Select to start the activity timer.
After you begin your ride, the device displays each step of
the test, the target, and current power data. A message
appears when the test is complete.
Select to stop the activity timer.
Select Save Ride.
Your FTP appears as a value measured in watts per
kilogram, your power output in watts, and a position on the
color gauge.
Automatically Calculating FTP
Before the device can calculate your functional threshold power
(FTP), you must have a paired power meter and heart rate
monitor (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page 15).
Select Menu > My Stats > FTP > Enable Auto Calculation.
Ride at a steady, high intensity for at least 20 minutes
After your ride, select Save Ride.
8 My Stats
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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Garmin Edge 530 Fietscomputer. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Garmin. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Garmin Edge 530 Fietscomputer in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Garmin
Model Edge 530
Categorie Fietscomputers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 6.23 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over Garmin Edge 530 Fietscomputer

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Waarom moet ik de maat van mijn fietsband invoeren? Geverifieerd

Om de afgelegde afstand te berekenen gebruikt de fietscomputer het aantal omwentelingen van de band. Door dit te vermenigvuldigen met de bandmaat, kan de afstand worden berekend.

Ik vind dit nuttig (4222) Lees meer

Hoeveel mijl is een kilometer? Geverifieerd

Eén kilometer is gelijk aan 0,621 mijl. Tien kilometer is daarmee 6,21 mijl. Andersom is één mijl 1,609 kilometer. Tien mijl is daarmee 16,09 kilometer.

Ik vind dit nuttig (725) Lees meer

Er is een batterij in mijn apparaat gaan oxideren, kan ik het nog veilig gebruiken? Geverifieerd

Ja, het apparaat kan nog veilig gebruikt worden. Verwijder eerst de geoxideerde batterij. Doet dit niet met blote handen. Reinig daarna het batterijcompartiment met een wattenstaafje gedipt in azijn of citroensap. Laat het drogen en doe nieuwe batterijen in het apparaat.

Ik vind dit nuttig (725) Lees meer


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Niko lai 16-04-2022
hoeveel punten moet mijn fietspad of weg hebben?

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Handleiding Garmin Edge 530 Fietscomputer

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