Handleiding Makita UH4030 Heggenschaar

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- NEVER affix the grip safeties in the down position!
- Operate the hedge trimmer only in the manner prescribed
by the instruction manual.
- Switch off the hedge trimmer immediately if you notice any
change in its behaviour.
- Immediately unplug the mains plug if the power cord should
become damaged or severed.
- Immediately switch off the motor and unplug the mains plug
if the cutter should come into contact with a fence or other
hard object. Check the cutter for damage.
- Before checking the cutter, taking care of faults, or
removing material caught in the cutter, always switch
off the trimmer and unplug the mains plug.
- Before taking breaks and before leaving the hedge trimmer
unattended, always switch it off and unplug the mains plug.
Place the trimmer in such a way that it cannot endanger
Extension power cord
- Use only splash-proof extension cords that are approved
for outdoor use and marked as such.
- When selecting an extension cord, give preference to cords
in fluorescent or eye-catching colours.
- The hedge trimmer is protectively insulated in accordance
with VDE (German Electricians´ Association) Standard
0740 Class II, and can therefore be connected to plug
sockets without ground contact.
- Always work in such a way that the extension power cord
is behind you!
- Always start near the power source and work away from it.
This ensures that the extension cord stays behind the work
- The trimmer power cord must likewise always be behind
the operator. Make sure that it does not get caught, or
comes into contact with sharp objects. Route the cord in
such a way that no persons can be endangered.
Important: Work especially carefully when the extension cord
has to be routed over the hedge!
- Do not use any extension cord with a line cross-section of
less than 3 x 1.5 mm
. When using a reel, make sure that
the cord is completely unrolled. The cord length must not
exceed 30 m / 100 ft!
Transportation and storage
- When moving the hedge trimmer to another
location, including during work, always un-
plug the mains plug.
- Never carry or transport the trimmer with the cutter
- Never grasp the cutter with your hands!
- When transporting the hedge trimmer for more
than short distances, always put on the sheath
supplied with the unit.
- Carry the trimmer
only by the front handle. The
cutter should be pointing backwards.
- When carrying the hedge trimmer in a vehicle, make sure
it is in a secure position. It should be transported only in the
trunk or in a transport area separate from the driver.
- Store the hedge trimmer with the sheath on, in a dry room.
Keep it out of reach of children. Never store the trimmer
- Clean the hedge trimmer and especially the cutter after
use, and before putting the trimmer into storage for extend-
ed periods. Lightly oil the cutter and put on the sheath. The
sheath supplied with the unit can be hung on the wall,
providing a safe and practical way to store the hedge
- Switch off the trimmer and disconnect and
secure the mains plug before doing any
maintenance work.
- Make especially sure the cutter is undamaged and in good
- Regularly inspect the power cord for damage to the insula-
tion. If the power cord is damaged, disconnect the mains
- Regularly clean the trimmer.
- If the plastic housing is damaged, have the unit repaired by
a qualified service technician immediately. Shock hazard!
Danger of injury!
Follow the accident-prevention instructions and recom-
mendations of your trade association or insurer.
Do not make any modifications to the hedge trimmer.
Doing so will only endanger your safety.
Perform only the maintenance and repair works described
in the instruction manual. All other work must be carried out
by MAKITA Service.
Use only original MAKITA spare parts and accessories.
Using other than original MAKITA parts or accessories
brings a high risk of accidents. We cannot accept any
responsibility for accidents and damage resulting from non-
MAKITA parts and accesories which have not been ap-
First aid
For the event of a possible accident, please make sure that a
first aid kit is always immediately available close by. Immedi-
ately replace any items used from the first aid box.
When calling for help, give the following information:
- Place of the accident
- What happened
- Number of injured
- Kind of injuries
- Your name!
Individuals with poor circulation who are exposed to excessive
vibration may experience injury to blood vessels or the nervous
Vibration may cause the following symptoms to occur in the
fingers, hands or wrists: ”Falling asleep” (numbness), tingling,
pain, stabbing sensation, alteration of skin colour or of the skin.
If any of these symptoms occur, see a physician!
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.58 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Makita
Model UH4030
Categorie Heggenscharen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.58 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Makita Heggenscharen
Meer handleidingen voor Heggenscharen

Veelgestelde vragen over Makita UH4030 Heggenschaar

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Hoe weet ik of mijn heggenschaar bot is? Geverifieerd

Als takken worden meegetrokken in plaats van gesneden is de heggenschaar bot en moet deze geslepen worden.

Ik vind dit nuttig (290) Lees meer

Hoe slijp ik de messen van mijn heggenschaar? Geverifieerd

Het slijpen van de messen van uw heggenschaar is belangrijk om de prestaties en efficiëntie van het gereedschap te behouden. Om de messen te slijpen, hebt u een vijl of slijpsteen nodig die speciaal is ontworpen voor het type mes van uw heggenschaar.

Ik vind dit nuttig (197) Lees meer

Hoe smeer ik de messen van mijn heggenschaar? Geverifieerd

Het smeren van de messen van uw heggenschaar helpt wrijving en slijtage te verminderen en verlengt de levensduur van het gereedschap. Gebruik een hoogwaardige smeerolie die speciaal is ontwikkeld voor heggenscharen en breng na elk gebruik een kleine hoeveelheid aan op de messen.

Ik vind dit nuttig (91) Lees meer

Hoe voorkom ik roestvorming op de messen van mijn heggenschaar? Geverifieerd

Roest kan de messen van uw heggenschaar beschadigen, waardoor de prestaties en levensduur afnemen. Om roestvorming te voorkomen, moet u de messen na elk gebruik grondig reinigen en drogen en op een droge, schone plaats bewaren. U kunt ook overwegen om een ​​beschermende laag, zoals olie of een roestwerend middel, op de messen aan te brengen voordat u ze opbergt.

Ik vind dit nuttig (55) Lees meer
Handleiding Makita UH4030 Heggenschaar

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