Handleiding MIU 90787 Mandoline

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Page 1
Your MIU France Stainless Steel Mandoline features a selection of blades
with variable thickness adjustments which make it one of the most versa-
tile kitchen tools available for slicing and cutting vegetable and fruits. By
switching blades and adjusting the thickness of each cut, this Mandoline
can produce various cut styles including French fry, julienne, paper-thin,
crinkle, and waffle cuts.
Warning: Blades are extremely sharp. Always use the included safety
holder / pusher and please read all instructions and use with care and
caution. Always hold the rubberized hand grip on top of the mandoline
when processing food. Use extreme caution when handling blades as
they are very sharp. Never store your blades loose in a drawer or on the
countertop. Always use the included plastic storage holder. Do not at-
tempt to use this Mandoline until you have carefully studied and under-
stand these instructions. Failure to do so may result in injury to yourself
or the Mandoline.
All metal parts of the Mandoline are made up of high quality 18/10
stainless steel, making the Mandoline completely dishwasher safe. The
straight carbon blade is for slicing while the serrated blade is mainly used
for crinkle or waffle cuts. The julienne blades can create vegetable or fruit
sticks of various widths. The stainless steel guiding plate located on the
upper section of the Mandoline is for adjusting the thickness of the vege-
table or fruit slices. Finally, the safety holder / pusher protects your hands
from the blade. For use on the kitchen counter, unfold both the upper and
lower legs. When you want to use the Mandoline directly on a container
such as mixing bowl, the Mandoline should lay flat across the container,
but please remember not to fold the upper leg.
Note: For best results, vegetables should be pre-cut into manageable
chunks in order to properly fit within the safety holder.
Page 10
Limited Warranty
This warranty covers all defects in workmanship or materials in the me-
chanical parts, arising under normal usage and care, in this product for a
period of 12 months from the date of purchase provided you are able to
present a valid proof of purchase. A valid proof of purchase is a receipt
specifying item, date purchased, and cost of item. A gift receipt with date
of purchase and item is also an acceptable proof of purchase. Product is
intended for household use only. Any commercial use voids the warranty.
This warranty covers the original retail purchaser or gift recipient. During
the applicable warranty period within normal household use, we will repair
or replace, at our discretion, any mechanical part which proves defective,
or replace unit with a comparable model.
To obtain service under the terms of this warranty, call our customer
service at: (206) 605-0555
Damages from improper installation
Defects other than manufacturing defects
Damages from misuse, abuse, accident, alteration, lack of proper
care and maintenance
Damage from service by other than an authorized dealer or service
This warranty gives you special legal rights and you may also have other
rights to which you are entitled which may vary from state to state.
For parts and accessories
Replacement parts are available for purchase. Please check our website
for up to date parts list and prices. http://www.miufrance.com/parts.htm
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.24 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je MIU 90787 Mandoline. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met MIU. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van MIU 90787 Mandoline in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk MIU
Model 90787
Categorie Mandolines
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.24 MB

Alle handleidingen voor MIU Mandolines
Meer handleidingen voor Mandolines

Veelgestelde vragen over MIU 90787 Mandoline

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Wanneer gebruik ik in mijn mandoline een V-mes en wanneer een recht mes? Geverifieerd

V-messen zijn perfect voor het snijden van groente en fruit met zacht vlees en een hardere schil, zoals bijvoorbeeld tomaten en kiwi's. Het mes voorkomt dat de vrucht geplet wordt. Rechte messen vervullende eenzelfde rol als reguliere keukenmessen en zijn goed voor hardere producten.

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Handleiding MIU 90787 Mandoline

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