Handleiding PC Dungeon Siege - Legend of Aranna

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The devastation unleashed through this conflict consumed the
island, transforming once lush areas of forest and jungle into
blasted, broken wastelands. The Utraean cities fell into disrepair
as the leaders could no longer provide the level of comfort their
citizens once enjoyed. Infighting and rebellion ensued.
Today’s Utraeans no longer dominate Aranna, or even their current
island home, though they still control many powerful and magical
inventions. They remain a proud, if remorseful, people.
The Zaurask
A race of saurians, the
Zaurask were coaxed out of
the jungles and swamps by
the Utraeans thousands of
years ago and subjected to
Utraean magic and devices. The
Zaurask were at first obedient and
docile, agreeing out of innocence or
ignorance to work for the Utraeans.
But eventually they rose up against
their masters, and many managed
to free themselves from Utraean
rule. Those that tried but
failed to escape were quickly rounded up and
enslaved in the mines and factories of the Utraean cities.
Understandably, the Zaurask now possess a deep-rooted hatred
for the Utraeans and, as a result, have plundered and defiled
many ancient Utraean structures.
Zaurask society is tribal, and their shamans are adept at using the
natural forces around them to attack their enemies. Their power
and strength comes through physical combat, and most of their
warrior caste bear scars obtained from skirmishes with Utraean
or Hassat forces or from ritualistic combat training. Hardened
fighters, the Zaurask are not to be trifled with.
You’ve heard stories of great adventures in years gone by, of the
heroes who crusaded across the Kingdom of Ehb, battling the
stubborn Krug, poisonous mucosae, and horrifying zombies.
You’ve longed for adventures yourself, while spending your youth
sharpening your skills in the quiet little garrison town of Arhok.
Now you’ve pieced together a strange story, discovering from
an old tattered journal that your mother and father were also
heroes, known for adventures throughout the continent of Aranna.
The journal sends you on a journey to a mysterious island
brimming with thousands of years of history. Here you’ll encounter
strange primordial creatures, some that have long been at war with
one another.
An Island in Con ict
The Utraeans
The Utraeans are an ancient race of powerful
beings responsible for much of the magic in
Aranna. To the early Utraean elders,
comfort and security were paramount
to everything else. But after millennia
of supremacy, the Utraeans unwittingly
engineered their own decline by falsely
believing that their magic and machines
made them omnipotent and by denying the
destructive effect their power was having on
the other island races. Like many great
civilizations before them, the Utraeans
ignored the dangers that arose from their
suppression of the Zaurask and Hassat.
This led to years of war among the
island’s inhabitants.
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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je PC Dungeon Siege - Legend of Aranna. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met PC. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van PC Dungeon Siege - Legend of Aranna in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk PC
Model Dungeon Siege - Legend of Aranna
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 2.25 MB

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