Handleiding PC Dungeon Siege - Legend of Aranna

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Monster Description
Chitterskrag Enormous, imposing cross between a hermit
crab and a cockroach.
Automatons Relentless, sharp-edged, clockwork figures.
Rune Guardian Furry creatures with bleached-white cow-
skull heads.
Droc Crocodilian cave dwellers.
Fleshrender Ghoulish flesh eaters and servants to the
Skitterclaws Colorful, flightless, and deadly ostrich-sized
Scorpiot Giant robot scorpions with magical stingers.
New Monsters
Some of the monsters in Aranna will look familiar to you, but
there are also entirely new creatures to conquer.
In Dungeon Siege®: Legends of Aranna™, you’ll
discover new places, unique spells, and powerful
potions, and you’ll gain new types of weapons
and armor.
New Places
The continent of Aranna includes more than just the Kingdom
of Ehb. Your adventure starts in the garrison town of Arhok in
Surrounded by walls and guard towers, the village is
comprised of shops, a tavern, a few homes, and a barn. The
people are friendly and will be happy to provide information or
trade equipment with you.
After exploring Arhok, your adventure continues when you
to an intriguing island. Just off the coast of Ehb, this island is
purported to be the lost kingdom of the Utraeans and is filled with
things that you’ve never seen before: new weapons, new armor,
new spells, and, of course, new monsters to battle!
New Weapons and Armor
Utraean weapons reflect the magic and brilliance of their inventors,
and now in Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna, you can combine
pieces of armor (treasure sets) to earn magical enhancements.
Find out more in “Equipping Weapons and Armor”
(page 22) in
this manual.
New Spells
You begin your journey acquiring many of the same magic spells
that were found in the Kingdom of Ehb, but there are other spells
as yet unheard of! Some of these new spells are described in
“Equipping Spells” (page 26) in this manual.
A New Way to Fly
On your journey, you will rediscover “displacers.” Invented by the
Utraean wizards, these magical transporters once formed the
backbone of a trade network all across the lands of Aranna.
To work, the displacers require active devices at both ends of each
link; however, in the ages since these wonders were built, many
displacers have deteriorated. You may find some displacers that
don’t work until you trigger a second pad,
and others that don’t work at all.
Glowing orbs around each
pad let you know if the
device is active, and
nearby obelisks show
the pad’s destination.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 2.25 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk PC
Model Dungeon Siege - Legend of Aranna
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 2.25 MB

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