6. Game Play
6.1 Background
Joint Task Force is a military RTS game set in the near future. In the single-player campaign, you
follow the JTF First Battalion and its commander, Major O’Connell, in a fight for order and stability,
where the war becomes more personal with each battle.
The year is 2008, and the people of the world are in a very precarious situation. In the West,
governments face difficult political problems and are increasingly channelling resources away
from welfare, environmental and aid programs in order to increase investment and strengthen
their economies. The amount of resources assigned to combat ever-increasing poverty, industrial
disasters and erosion is diminishing. The addition of 100 million people each year to an already
overcrowded Earth aggravates the problems of pollution, desertification, underemployment,
epidemics, war and famine. Because of their own internal problems and priorities, the
industrialized countries devote insufficient resources to the poorer areas of the world, which
become further marginalized.
The terrorist attack on the US on September 11, 2001 heightened the risk to global prosperity, as
more and more resources were diverted towards military spending and anti-terrorism. The start
of war in March 2003 between a US-led coalition and Iraq added new uncertainties to the global
situation, and the high cost of establishing order in Iraq became a major global problem. Yet,
throughout history, there have always been powers that benefit from an unstable world – certain
organizations, companies and corrupted men depend on suffering, pain and fear. This is and
has always been their playground, and they stand to reap ever-increasing benefit from ongoing
conflict and instability.
Hand in hand with the rise of unemployment, desperation, anger and inertia came the ascent
of fanaticism, violence and terror. Nationalistic parties, gangs of thugs, eco-terror groups of
increased severity and organized crime prospered in the ever-growing shadow cast by the new
wave of global terrorism represented by the group Matar.
Acting with a previously unheard-of ferocity and using military weapons and tactics, this network
has dramatically changed the realities of life in the western world. Exploiting the freedoms of the
US and the EU, the group built a large network while maintaining a very low profile, with groups
like Al-Qaeda in the spotlight. Their modus operandi mostly involves meticulously planned, brutal
direct attacks without finesse.
The JTF is formed by a total majority vote in the UN on the initiative of the Global Defense
Alliance, a subgroup of the Group of Eight (G8). Designed to function with minimal bureaucratic
involvement, the organizational hierarchy of the JTF is very direct, allowing the unit to be
flexible and independent. JTF high command is considered independent from the UN Military
Council, but consists of three Generals – Cleveland (US), Burkhart (UK) and Gerard (FR) – and
seven brigadier generals, one each from Germany, Canada, Netherlands, Australia, Sweden,
Poland, Israel and Australia. All other EU and NATO countries are represented in specialized
command structures.
6.2 Units & Weapons
6.2.1 Infantry Ranger
The JTF rangers form the backbone of any task force. They are cheap
and versatile troops with training that surpasses most enemy forces.
They can be equipped with any equipment and can operate all land
vehicles. Combat Medic
Perhaps the most vital support units and unsung heroes of
the battlefield. Their healing ability gives the medic increased combat
durability, and they can keep the enemy at bay with their submachine
guns. Medics carry a medi-kit as standard equipment, but cannot
carry any extra equipment. Commando
The crème of JTF soldiers become commandos. Trained in infiltration
and close-combat techniques, these silent killers are able to take on
any enemy opposition. All commandos carry night-vision goggles and
protective masks as standard equipment. They can be fitted with any
equipment and can operate all land vehicles. Marksman
JTF marksmen specialize in killing from afar, picking off targets in
buildings and bunkers with shocking ease. They carry a high-power
sniper rifle and ghillie camouflage suit as standard equipment, but
cannot carry anything else. Engineer
Engineers perform all repairs and maintenance work on JTF gear.
When operating together with the FRSV repair vehicle, they can repair
any damaged land vehicle within minutes. If used separately, they
come in handy for clearing minefields with their mine detectors. They
can operate all land vehicles. Pilot
These specialist troops are hand-picked for duty and are trained in
the operation of almost all aircraft. Pilots are the only units that can
operate air units, enemy or their own.
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