A Info panel
B Behavior panel
C Command panel
D Minimap
E Game speed toggle
F Time & Funding display
G Officer portrait
5.1 The Minimap
You’ll find the minimap on the bottom left
corner of the screen. The minimap shows
the game map’s topography, objectives
and all visible units using color codes and
colored dots.
Red dot................... Enemy unit
Blue dot.................. Empty vehicle
Yellow dot............... Allied non-player unit
Green dot................ Own or allied unit
Yellow dot + circle... Primary objective location
Yellow circle............ Secondary objective location
White dot................ Civilian unit
The minimap also displays alerts if one of your
units is attacked. Clicking on any area of the
minimap will instantly move the camera to
that location.
5.2 The Info Panel
The info panel on the bottom of the screen
displays vital information about the selected
unit, such as the unit’s name, type and
current level. The current health of the unit is
displayed with a colored bar:
The info panel shows the ammo loads and
weapon type for each unit.
Green ........ Undamaged
Yellow ....... Light damage
Red ........... Heavy Damage
If a vehicle is armored, a shield icon appears. If
the shield is filled, it denotes a heavily armored
vehicle. If it is empty, it denotes a lightly
armored vehicle.
The right side of the info panel shows the
available seats in vehicles.
Or, in the case of infantry, it displays any
equipment carried.
Active equipment can be changed at the FRSV;
passive equipment is always carried.
5.3 The Behavior Panel
The behavior panel is used to change how a
unit should react in the game environment.
The following reactions and behaviors can be set:
5.4 The Command Panel
The command panel is displayed on the
lower right part of the screen and displays all
commands that can be given to a unit. These
Some commands can be set to automatic
mode. These are denoted by a red light in the
upper right corner. Set a command to automatic
mode by right-clicking the icon. The light will
turn green, denoting automatic usage.
1. Driver
2. Gunner
3. Passengers
1. Active Equipment
2. Passive Equipment
Hold fire - or- Free fire
Hold move - or - Free move
Stand - or - Go prone
1. Combat commands
2. Movement commands
3. Use commands
4. Deployment commands
(officers only)
3.4 Multiplayer Controls
Chat........................................................................ Enter
Toggle team chat.................................................... Press Tab and select Team Chat checkbox
Toggle status........................................................... Tab
4. Main Menu
Start – Begin a new game
Load Game – Resume a saved game
Tutorial – Start the learning scenario
Campaign – Play the single-player campaign or load a saved campaign game.
Scenario – Play a scenario
Multiplayer – Start an Online, or LAN game.
Options – Customize game settings.
Exit – Leave Joint Task Force
5. Game Interface
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