To gain maximum concealment, move your soldiers into high grass or swamp and hit the
prone button. Your soldiers will now be completely hidden and will only be detected at
minimum distance. If hiding soldiers open fire, they will give away their position to the
enemy and won’t be hiding anymore; they will have to leave the enemy’s sight before they
can hide again.
6.4 Supporting Units
The JTF FRSV vehicle and the enemy TCS are able to perform the following support operations:
6.4.1 Damage & Repairs
When an FRSV or TCS is deployed in repair mode, a support radius is displayed on the
ground. To repair any vehicle, just bring it within the area, and the FRSV’s engineers will
begin repairing immediately. The engineers will also refill any ammo used up in the fight.
The auto-support of the FRSV can be turned on/off by right-clicking the support icon.
6.4.2 Switching Armament & Equipment
Some vehicles and infantry can change their main armament. Whenever they are within the
support radius of an FRSV, a “$” icon appears on top of the info panel. The cost of refitting
units is displayed as a tooltip when you hold the cursor over the selected piece of equipment.
Press the “$” icon to display a list of available equipment, then select the weapon you’d like
to install. The vehicle or soldier will move to the FRSV and refit as appropriate.
6.4.3 Radar
Some vehicles are equipped with radar, which is used to identify and detect aerial threats.
If any aircraft moves into your unit’s radar range, it’ll show up on the minimap as an enemy
unit, long before it comes into visual range.
6.5 Heroes
6.5.1 Hero Promotion
All of your soldiers gain experience points (XP) and levels during the course of the game. The higher
the level, the more effective the soldier will become in regards to fighting ability and survival. Once
a soldier reaches level 5, he becomes eligible for promotion.
If any of your soldiers reach level 5 during a mission, you’ll be presented with the promotion
screen once you complete the mission. Select the soldier to be promoted to add him to
your permanent hero pool. From now on, you can include your officer in future missions if
you choose. The hero pool has 10 slots overall. Only two heroes from each class can get
promoted, i.e. two commandos, two rangers etc. Some classes are exclusive and can only
have one hero. The slots are distributed as follows:
G 2 Infantry commanders (Ranger class)
G 2 Tank-commanders (Crew class)
G 2 Special Ops (Commando class)
The hero selection screen appears before every mission. Here you can select which
heroes to bring for that particular mission. Some missions support up to 5 heroes, while
most of them have only places for two or three, depending on mission types and difficulty.
The main hero is always selected.
The selected heroes are placed on the level as usual, appearing next to the main hero,
except in the following special cases:
G If there are land vehicles in the starting force, tank commanders will begin
the game mounted in them
G If there are aircraft in the starting force, pilots will begin the game mounted in
them same goes for pilots and aircraft.
G If there are no aircraft in the starting force, the Ace will not be deployed in the
game area. The Ace will arrive with the first helicopter or aircraft ordered, so
deploying Aces can cost funding.
6.5.2 Hero Levels & Skills
Promoted heroes can gain further levels, up to level 10. Once a hero
levels up, a star will appear on the hero’s portrait. At each level, the hero
gains a new skill, which can be chosen by pressing the star icon on the
command panel. You will be presented with the skill tree for that hero,
which represents the skills available for his type. There are no skill levels
– once a skill is selected, it’s active and cannot be improved on further. Hero Skills
Equipment Requisition
Enables the Hero to deploy an equipment crate anywhere within his command
radius. Costs funding.
Vehicle Requisition
Enables the Hero to deploy light vehicles anywhere within his command radius.
Costs funding.
Infantry Requisition
Enables the Hero to deploy infantry anywhere within his command radius. Costs
Gives the Hero a damage bonus with small arms.
Increases the Hero’s hit points.
Tactical Ops
Grants a defensive bonus to all friendly units within the Hero’s command radius.
Assault Leader
Grants a damage bonus to all friendly units within the Hero’s command radius.
G 1 Doctor (Medic class)
G 1 Tech Chief (Engineer class)
G 1 Ace (Pilot class)
G 1 Sharpshooter (Marksman class)
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