Handleiding PC Magic the Gathering - Battlegrounds

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Green Spells
Ancient Silverback 6/5 Creature regeneration
Avatar of Might 8/8 Creature trample Avatar of Might costs if
the enemy duelist controls 4 or
more creatures than the caster.
Defiant Elf 1/1 Creature trample
Elvish Warrior 2/3 Creature
Giant Growth Sorcery Giant Growth gives the caster’s
closest creature a +3/+3 bonus
until it respawns.
Giant Spider 2/4 Creature blocking Giant Spider blocks flying
creatures as well as ground
Gorilla Chieftain 3/3 Creature regeneration
Llanowar Elves 1/1 Creature ability Llanowar Elves generates 1
mana shard every 5 seconds.
Overrun Sorcery blocking change Overrun gives each of the
caster’s creatures a +3/+3
bonus and trample until it
Priest of Titania 1/1 Creature ability Priest of Titania generates 1
mana shard for each Elf in play
every 5 seconds.
Run Wild Sorcery blocking change Run Wild gives the caster’s
closest creature trample and
regeneration until it respawns.
Rushwood Elemental 4/4 Creature trample Rushwood Elemental gains
+1/+1 permanently whenever
it respawns.
Tranquility Sorcery Tranquility destroys all
Untamed Wilds Sorcery Untamed Wilds causes 1 mana
crystal to appear immediately.
It does not affect the genera-
tion of other mana crystals.
Blue Spells
Air Elemental 4/4 Creature flying
Clone Sorcery Clone summons a new instance
of the closest creature.
Counterspell Sorcery Counterspell cancels any spell
the enemy duelist is currently
Cowardice Enchantment Cowardice makes any creature
targeted by a spell respawn
instead of that spell resolving.
Deluge Sorcery Deluge freezes all ground
creatures for 5 seconds.
Fighting Drake 2/4 Creature flying
Horned Turtle 1/4 Creature blocking
Mage’s Guile Sorcery Mage’s Guile makes the caster’s
closest creature unable to be
targeted by spells until it
respawns. Mage’s Guile does
not work against spells that
affect more than one creature.
Mahamoti Djinn 5/6 Creature flying
Mana Short Sorcery Mana Short drains all the
enemy duelist’s mana.
Pendrell Mists Enchantment Pendrell Mists makes each
creature drain 1 mana from its
controller every time it
respawns. If the mana doesn’t
exist, the creature is destroyed.
Spelljack Sorcery Spelljack steals any spell the
enemy duelist is currently
Unsummon Sorcery Unsummon forces the closest
enemy creature to respawn.
Wind Drake 2/2 Creature flying
2713MTG_PC_MBManInt 10/22/03 2:19 PM Page 12
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Merk PC
Model Magic the Gathering - Battlegrounds
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.48 MB

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