Handleiding PC Scrabble Complete

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advantage of the letter values, as well as the values
of the “premium” squares on the board.
Player 1 always goes first.
Each player starts with seven letter tiles in
his or her letter rack. Player 1 combines two or
more letter tiles to form a word and places it on
the board to read either across or down. One of
the letters must be placed on the center <star>
On subsequent turns, each player adds one or
more letters to those already played to form
new words. All letters played in a turn must be
placed in one row — either across or down —
to form one complete word. All words must
have at least two letters. If the letters played
touch other letters in adjacent rows, they must
form complete words, crosswise fashion, with
these letters. The player gets full credit for all
words formed or modified on their turn.
A player completes a turn by adding together
the letter values of all new words formed on
that turn. The player then draws as many new
letter tiles as those played, thereby always keep-
ing seven letter tiles in his/her letter rack.
Either of the two blank tiles may be used as any
letter. Once a player states which letter the
blank tile represents, it remains that letter for
the rest of the game.
A player may use a turn to exchange some or all
of the tiles in his or her tile rack, provided there
are at least seven tiles left to draw. The player
draws as many new letter tiles as are returned to
the pool. This ends the turn.
All words, including those of foreign origin, as
well as obsolete, colloquial, or slang words are
permitted. Words that are not permitted
include those that are always capitalized, abbre-
viations, prefixes and suffixes used alone, and
those requiring a hyphen or an apostrophe.
A player may challenge his/her opponent’s last
word (unless playing against Maven). If the
word challenged is unacceptable, the challenged
player’s tiles are automatically returned to
his/her rack and he/she loses that turn. If the
word challenged is acceptable, the challenger
loses his/her next turn. Note: The Challenge
Penalty option must be enabled in order for a
player to lose his/her turn.
The game ends when all letters have been
drawn and one player uses his or her last letter;
or when all possible plays have been made, or
when each player scores zero points (by passing,
exchanging or losing challenges) on three con-
secutive turns.
Scoring for the SCRABBLE Complete CD-ROM
game is done automatically. Heres how scores are
The score for each turn is the sum of the letter
values in each word formed or modified on that
turn, plus the additional points obtained from
placing letters on premium squares.
Premium letter squares: A light blue square
doubles the score of a letter placed on it; a dark
blue square triples the letter score.
Click on the arrow buttons to scroll up to see
previous chat messages.
The hosting player will start the game.
How to Play SCRABBLE
Complete in GameSpy
You can play SCRABBLE Complete online
through GameSpy Arcade, which comes conve-
niently bundled with the game. If you havent
done so already, insert your SCRABBLE Complete
CD and install Arcade now. Then, to play
SCRABBLE Complete online, just follow these
simple instructions:
Launch GameSpy Arcade and Go to the
SCRABBLE Complete Room: Click on the
GameSpy Arcade link in your Start menu. When
the software starts, youll see a list of games and
more along the left-hand side. Click on the
SCRABBLE Complete button on the left to enter
the SCRABBLE Complete room.
Find or Start a SCRABBLE Complete Server:
Once youre in the SCRABBLE Complete room
you can meet or greet other players, find servers or
create your own server. The top half of the appli-
cation will list all of the available servers, including
the number of people playing and your connec-
tion speed (measured “ping” — the lower your
ping, the better). Dont like any servers? Click on
the “Create Room” button to start your own serv-
er and wait for people to sign up. (A clever server
name usually attracts people.) Otherwise, double-
click on a server of your choice to join in.
Joining and Starting a Game
Once you double-click on a server or start your
own, you’ll be in a staging room, in which you
can talk with your fellow players. When youre
ready to play, click the “Ready” button at the top
of the screen. When everyone in the room has
signaled their readiness, the host can then launch
the game. Arcade will fire up SCRABBLE
Complete and the game will begin!
If you have problems using Arcade, whether
installing the program, registering it, or using it in
conjunction with SCRABBLE Complete, consult our
help pages, located at http://www.gamespy
arcade.com/help or e-mail us by using the form
located at http://www.gamespyarcade.com/
Infogrames Interactive does not control, and disclaims
any responsibility or liability for, the functioning and
performance of third-party web sites and any content on
or available through third-party web sites.
A Summary
Be the player with the highest final score.
The Basic Rules of the SCRABBLE
Players form interlocking words, crossword fashion,
on the board using letter tiles of varying values.
Each player competes for high score by taking
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.51 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je PC Scrabble Complete. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met PC. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van PC Scrabble Complete in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk PC
Model Scrabble Complete
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.51 MB

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