Handleiding Philips AX3300 Discman

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CD player and CD handling
Do not touch the lens A of the CD player.
Do not expose the unit, batteries or CDs to humidity,
rain, sand or excessive heat (caused by heating
equipment or direct sunlight).
•You can clean the CD player with a soft, slightly
dampened, lint-free cloth. Do not use any cleaning
agents as they may have a corrosive effect.
•To clean the CD, wipe it in a straight line from the
center toward the edge using a soft, lint-free cloth. A
cleaning agent may damage the disc! Never write on a CD or attach a sticker
to it.
The lens may cloud over when the unit is moved suddenly from cold to warm
surroundings. Playing a CD is not possible then. Leave the CD player in a warm
environment until the moisture has evaporated.
Active mobile phones in the vicinity of the CD player may cause malfunctions.
•Avoid dropping the unit as this may cause damage.
Headphones HE225/HE270
Connect the supplied headphones to the LINE OUT/p
socket of the player.
Note: LINE OUT/p can also be used for
connecting this set to your HiFi system.To adjust the
sound and volume, use the controls on the connected
audio equipment and on the CD player.
Hearing safety: Do not play your headphones at a high volume. Hearing experts advise
that continuous use at high volume can permanently damage your hearing.
Traffic safety: Do not use headphones while driving a vehicle. It may create a hazard
and it is illegal in many countries. Even if your headphones are an open-air type
designed to let you hear outside sounds, do not turn up the volume so high that you
cannot hear what is going on around you.
Playing a CD
This CD-player can play all kinds of Audio Discs such
as CD-Recordables and CD-Rewritables. Do not try to
play a CD-ROM, CDi, VCD, DVD, MP3-CD or computer
1 Push the OPEN 2 slider to open the player.
2 Insert an audio CD, printed side up, by pressing the
CD onto the hub.
3 Close the player by pressing the lid down.
4 Press 2; to switch the player on and start playback.
yThe current track number and elapsed playing
time are displayed.
•You can pause playback by pressing 2;.
yThe time at which playback was paused starts
•You can continue playback by pressing 2; again.
5 Press 9 to stop playback.
yThe total number of tracks and the total playing
time of the CD are displayed.
6 Press 9 again to switch the player off.
•To remove the CD, hold it by its edge and press the
hub gently while lifting the CD.
Note: If there is no activity, the set will automatically
switch off after a while to save energy.
In-car use (connections supplied or optionally available)
Only use the AY 3545 or AY 3548 car voltage converter (4.5 V DC, positive pole to
the centre pin) and the AY 3501 car cassette adapter. Any other product may dam-
age the set.
1 Put the set on a horizontal, vibration-free and
stable surface. Make sure it is in a safe place,
where the set is neither a danger nor an
obstacle to the driver and the passengers.
2 Plug the voltage converter into the
cigarette lighter socket (only for 12 V car
battery, negative grounding), then connect
the wired end with 4.5V DC input socket on the
3 If necessary, clean the cigarette lighter socket to obtain a good electrical
4 Turn down the volume and connect the cassette adapter plug to LINE OUT/p
on the set.
5 Carefully insert the cassette adapter into the car radio’s cassette compartment.
6 Make sure the cord does not hinder your driving.
7 Decrease the volume on the set if necessary. Start playback on the set and
adjust the sound with the car radio controls.
Always remove the voltage converter from the cigarette lighter socket
when the set is not in use.
Note: If your car radio has a LINE IN socket, it is better to use it for the
car radio connection instead of the adapter cassette. Connect the signal
lead to this LINE IN socket and to LINE OUT/p on the set.
4,5 V DC
12 V DC
repeat all
Playback information
If a CD-Recordable (CD-R) or a CD-Rewritable (CD-
RW) is not recorded properly, NF dISC is
displayed, indicating that the CD has not been
finalized. In that case, use FINALIZE on your CD
recorder to complete the recording.
When playing a CD-Rewritable (CD-RW), please note
that it takes 3–15 seconds after pressing 2; for
sound reproduction to start.
Playback will stop if you open the CD lid.
While the CD is read, 1 -:- flashes in the display.
Volume and bass
Volume adjustment
Adjust the volume by using VOL
on the CD player
or the slider on the headphone cord.
Bass adjustment
•Press DBB to switch the bass enhancement on or
y is shown if the bass enhancement is
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(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Philips AX3300 Discman. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Philips. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Philips AX3300 Discman in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Philips
Model AX3300
Categorie Discmans
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.55 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Philips Discmans
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Veelgestelde vragen over Philips AX3300 Discman

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Kan ik krassen op een CD zelf repareren? Geverifieerd

Krassen zorgen ervoor dat de laser de schijf niet goed meer kan lezen. Als de krassen niet te erg zijn, kunnen deze soms zelf gerepareerd worden door de schijf te poetsen met een licht schurend middel. Idealiter wordt een professioneel schurend poetsmiddel gebruikt, maar het is ook mogelijk om gewone tandpasta te gebruiken. Na het poetsen moet de schijf goed worden afgespoeld en drogen. Er zijn ook gespecialiseerde zaken die dit kunnen doen.

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Handleiding Philips AX3300 Discman

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