Handleiding Sencor SMR 131 Walkie-talkie

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Battery meter
The battery icon is located in the left comer of the LCD panel. This
battery icon will displayed when low battery status. These indicate that
the battery level reaches its minimum level, at this stage the handset
Battery life
The PMR has a built in power saver feature to make the batteries last
to save the battery power.
3. Operation
3.1 Turning the Unit ON/OFF
To Turn ON;
a. Press and hold the
(Power) button. A special „beep“ sound &
will be heard. The LCD screen will display the current channel.
To switch OFF;
b. Press and hold the
(Power) button. A special „beep“ sound
will be heard and the LCD screen will tum blank.
3.2 Adjusting the speaker volume
There are 8 volume levels, the current speaker volume level
is displayed on the LCD screen. To adjust the speaker volume
level, press the (UP) button to increase, or press (DOWN) button
to decrease. The LCD screen will display the speaker volume icon
bars ascending, or descending respectively.
3.3 Receiving a Call
The unit is continuously in receive mode when the unit is tumed.
ON and not transmitting. When a signal is received on the current
channel, the receive signal icon „RX“ will be displayed on the LCD
3.4 Transmitting (sending)
a. Press and hold the PTT {Push to Talk) button to transmit your
voice. The transmit signal icon TX“ will display on the LCD
b. Hold the unit in a vertical position with the Mic (Microphone)
speak into the microphone in a normal tone of voice.
ln order for other people to receive your transmission, they must
also be on the same channel that you are currently using. Refer to
the „Changing Channel“ section for more information.
When the PTT and/or GALL buttons are continuously pressed, your
PMR cannot receive any transmissions.
3.5 Roger Beep
The Roger Beep is a tone which is automatically transmitted
whenever the PTT button is released. This alerts the receiving
party that you have ended the transmission, and you are now in
receive mode.
3.6 Changing Channels
The PMR has 16 available channels. To change channels, in
normal mode;
a. Press the
(Menu) button, the channel icon „1 „on the LCD
screen will start blinking.
b. While the Channel icon is blinking, press the
or button to
select the desired channel. The channel changes from 1 to 16,
or vice versa.
c. Press the
to the standby mode.
Refer to the :Channel Table“ section of this Owner‘s Manual for
detailed frequency listing.
3.7 Calling (Paging) Tone
You can use the CALL button to send a tone to other users on
the same channel. To activate this feature;
a. With the PMR in normal mode, press and release the
button. The unit will transmit a 2-second page tone to the other
unit/s set with the same channel within transmitting range.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 6.78 MB)
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Merk Sencor
Model SMR 131
Categorie Walkie-talkies
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 6.78 MB

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Handleiding Sencor SMR 131 Walkie-talkie

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